Chapter 4 - Fortress

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Lauren's Pov

As we get to Fortress, the line  wrapped around the block overwhelms me .
Of course it's going to be full lauren , it's a Saturday night.

Every one and their grandmother is trying to get in!  I cringe inside . I do NOT want to wait in this line the whole time .
"Please tell me we aren't sneaking in through the back"

Aniyah cackles and smirks knowingly

" Of course not we're walking right through the front door"

"How Aniyah ? The line is around the block. It's going to be Monday by the time we get in and I have heels on" i sigh
she pretends to wipe a tear from her eyes
"After all these years you still don't trust my skills" she fishes in her clutch bag and pulls out a silver card.

——VIP MEMBER: Aniyah Roselind Dominguez ——

was written in bold blue ink . How the hell did she get this ?
"Who's rich uncle did you rob to get this ?" i taunt amused at her love for partys
"No one's,  one of my patients with Diverticulitis has a mom who happens to be the manager here . She loves me so much she gave me one as a thank you" she squeals happily as if she just won the lottery

oh boy that means she's going to drag me here frequently *mental facepalm*

"oh wow ! that's nice of her-"
"i know right let's go!" she grabs my arm and pulls me to the front door .
          We see Ana , Josh and Aniyah's brother Micheal standing off to the side . They see us and immediately wave us over .
"Girl, the boys in there are going to eat you guys up . Y'all look hot !" Josh wolf whistles . Josh is gay but he's never afraid to give people compliments:  one thing i liked about him .

"Thank you" i reply nervously, i feel very anxious having to be so social
"Thank you!! Voy a vivir mi mejor vida esta noche! and nothing is going to stop me" she screams loudly and pulls everyone in for air kisses . (i am going to live my best life tonight )

"Alright Mis Amores LETS GO !" she starts walking to the building . (my loves )
      Everyone's eyes snap at us with envy as we walk to the front of the line to the door.
"Um excuse me , Back of the line." a really strong looking man moves in front of the door blocking our entrance . Aniyah says nothing and hands him the silver card and ID.
       His eyes widen and he immediately looks nervous.
"My apologies Ms.Dominguez , please go right in . The VIP lounge is on the second floor"

        As we walk in i try to keep my mouth from falling on the floor . It was Beautiful with a soft purple glow and high class ambiance.
It screamed taste and class
Keep your head up Lauren . You will not let the rich snobby people here intimidate you i tell myself .
I decide to let my anxiety take a back seat and i walk in like i am the baddest bitch in this place . If i portray confidence , i'm more likely to feel confident

"WOW this place is amazing" Ana breaks the silence and turns to us already starting to move to the music .

"Right?! My patient's mom told me about it but what she told me is nothing compared to this" Aniyah Replys
I need a shot
"Alright guys let's head to the bar" they agree and we all move to one of the bars .
"5 tequila shots please" Josh orders and gives the bartender his card .
"here you go" the man lines up 5 shot glasses and gives us a small smile before turning away to help someone else .
we take the shots to the head and order another 2 rounds .

       After a few drinks we all were pretty loose and all that anxiety i had earlier was gone as i focused on my friends . I needed a night to let loose like this .
We made our way to the dance floor and immediately Ana starts grinding on Micheal .

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