Chapter 8 - The Aftermath

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Axels POV

         This was the most peaceful day i've had in a long time . I wasn't the King , i wasn't Spider , i wasn't a Billionaire or a Mafia Don ...i just was a man with a beautiful women.

           I knew she wasn't used to talking about herself so i let her ask me questions first so that she can let her guard down to me. A similar tactic i've used before i slaughtered someone but i had no il-intentions when it came to her . I Would never hurt her and as much as it pisses me off, i would never let anyone hurt her either.

"let's start with this: Earlier i asked you a question- you never answered me. Id like you to answer now"
Her smile drops and a cold and unwavering face emerges .
A smirk falls on my face as i know she realizes my trick.


"Can you repeat the question" her voice is cold and unfeeling and i watch her in amazement as she inhales the weed and sucks the thick smoke in through her nose.

damn that was sexy ...
"I asked you How you were feeling - and just so we're clear i mean physically, mentally and spiritually" i say smugly

she chokes out a laugh in disbelief

"Why don't i just tell you my whole fucking life story" 
that mouth of hers was something else . She's going to get herself into a lot of trouble ...with me

(a/n he's on 😈 time )

"i'm waiting ..."
she sucks her teeth
"Fine you asked for it" she said while throwing  her hands up in frustration

" I don't even know where to fucking start ...I'm literally spiraling out of control. Physically?!? i almost got raped last night and it triggered all of my Fucking childhood trauma. So now i'm having nightmares about my dead parents and shit and you want to talk about how i'm feeling?!? I AM BREAKING AT THE SEAMS !!! MENTALLY ?? please, i have anxiety flare ups causing my wrists to bruise from pinching it so hard , i have to somehow pay $100,000 in student loans that i HAD to get because...because i want this dream so bad...I want to work with children. I have to help them because...because nobody helped me-"

Tears stream down her face and my heart clenches . I wish i could take  away all of her pain ,all of her suffering and show her what it's like to love life ...even if it isn't with me. She deserves that much .
"..i-i have no one dad died from cancer a week before my 9th birthday and that anniversary is coming up mom killed herself..My dad was the love of her life and i guess she couldn't handle it ...she left me a note 'i'm sorry honey" . i'm the one who found her"

Jesus i was NOT expecting that .

she surprised me and started giggling

is this girl insane ?
"damn that's crazy she really said 'till death do us part motherfucker'" she bursts out laughing

Yup. Insane but who am i to judge.

"Anywaysssss... i can't really talk to Aniyah about it even though she already knows because I don't wanna bother her . She so close to her dream and i'm happy for her.  plus i'm not the most social person so....yeah that's my life ."

She's such a strong woman. The fact that she's handling it so well and pushing through despite her obvious trauma is as impressive as it is heart breaking . She needed someone to be there for her . And no, i'm not insinuating that it has to be me although i did want to be that person . She needs a family . Maybe as bad as i do/did when i was a kid .

The Light to his Darkness  (Mafia Romance) {18+}Where stories live. Discover now