Chapter 5 - Handling Business

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Spider's Pov

I could listen to this women talk all day and even though our conversation wasn't long i wanted to know more about her . Her dreams , her accomplishments- she was already smart i could tell , i wanted to know what kept her up at night , what motivates her..i wanted to know her past ,
i wanted to be in her future

       I think the first time i saw her , i reacted purely from sexual attraction and lust . I mean she was breath takingly beautiful , her body was insane and that feisty attitude drove me crazy but i think i want more than a quick lay with her . A woman like her deserved to be cherished and although i couldn't give her a normal lifestyle , if i fell for her hard enough: i would give her the world .

Now i know you all are probably like , you met this girl twice how are you falling so fast? To that I would tell you 'thank you captain obvious ,  i wasn't aware of that fact'

      Like i said, i don't have time for relationships but if she wanted... i guess i would be open to seeing where this goes . I would always move at her pace though allowing her to decide how far she wants to go with me .

          Regardless of how my second head feels , i want to get to know her before anything happens. I 've secretly always wanted to connect with someone on a deeper level-
to be understood and held ; to understand and hold someone
- but that doesn't happen in my world .

I Kill people and sell drugs and guns for a living - i mean i have the legal business too but the Mafia takes up most of my time .

   If she knew who i was she would run away and never speak to me again, so of course i couldn't tell her if something were to happen between us.

but i didn't want to hide anything from someone with that kind of connection

If this really was the movie romances that my sister won't shut up about, i shouldn't have to hide who i am . Hypothetically, if Lauren were to somehow end up by my side as Mia Regina (my Queen) she should know everything about me .

Can she handle that ?

Call me naive but i think especially with her being a psychologist, she may be more understanding than i'm giving her credit for .
I mean it was her job to listen and not judge just as much as it was my job to kill and protect La Familia .

fuck i can't think straight with her arms around me like this . I breathe in her scent pulling her closer to me .

" know if you keep moving like that . You're going to start something you can't finish. Non tentarmi Princessa " she froze in my arms before looking up to challenge me
(don't tempt me princess)

"Who said i couldn't finish it?" she whispered in a sultry and teasing voice. Jesus this girl drive me crazy and she makes me want to-

"Spider, we need you downstairs"


What could Lisa possibly need from me right now at the worst time ever.
"The Fbi is here" she whispered in my ear causing my anger to rise . What the Fuck were they doing here ?!
i took a deep breath inhaling the sweet scent of Lauren and i see the confusion in her eyes .

"I have to go . Until next time Princess"
As much as i wanted to stay, i couldn't . I had to deal with these fucking pigs . I told Gio to keep watch and gave security a look - silently telling them not to let anyone else in the VIP section.
They nodded and i walked out with lisa behind me .

"Where are they" i say in a cold tone . I was definitely aggravated from being interrupted and i was in no mood to play games .
"Your office. It's only 2 of  them and they came in asking about the bar license"
Bar license ? No, the FBI would never send agents to bitch about the dates of a bar license.  This is definitely about the case they were plotting against me . They're probably trying to find probable cause to get a search warrant . Why else would they be here?

The Light to his Darkness  (Mafia Romance) {18+}Where stories live. Discover now