Chapter 6 - Gio & Aniyah 😈

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(a/n . So i've never written sex scenes before so I'm going to try it with Aniyah and Gio as a test subject. If you arnt into reading sex i don't why you're here i mea- skip to the next chapter please ...but the gist is ...Aniyah and Gio do the *devil's tango*

sex playlist on apple music :


Aniyah's Pov

I would've never in my life thought i would hook up with a person like Gio. I had sex for the first time at 21 with a guy i had been dating for 3 years. Now, i wasn't the wait-until-marriage kind of girl but i did used to want a connection- i still do .

However, i'm also at a point in my life where i feel like i deserve to have fun and explore the same way guys do . To find what i like and don't like in sex and all of my last encounters have been plain and lasted all of 10 minutes . Things i only fantasied about in my mind excited me and something about Gio told me he would test those fantasies.

As we shamelessly flirted and danced together, i could feel how hard he was through his pants and the thought of him thrusting deep inside me made my legs clench in anguish. Normally i would never have a one night stand like this and i knew Gio was the type of guy who wouldn't call me again after . But tonight, i let go of my overly emotional side and decided to live a little . Not that i would make this a frequent thing, it's just that something about Gio was just too good to pass up .

"What are you thinking about La Mia Rosa" he says glancing over at me in the passenger side of his car . (My rose)

"what does that even mean Gio" i replied giggling . The liquid courage was definitely working now

"it means 'My rose' in italian ...because your middle name is Rosalind" he said flatly . Wait how did he know that ??

"What are you- a stalker ?" i taunt playfully, i know normal me would've been alarmed at the fact that he knew my full name but again ...liquid courage . I was too horny to think straight .

he grins widely
"...maybe- when i saw your sexy ass from across the room in that fucking dress, I had to figure out who you were i mayyyy or may not have taken a peek at the VIP member records when i saw you go upstairs ." he bites his lip

wow ..a lot to unpack here but ignoring the obvious red flags, i focus on the throbbing between my legs

" you think i look sexy ?" i glance over at him looking up through my eyelashes innocently

My heart slams inside my chest as he stomps on the gas and starts recklessly swerving through the empty streets . This man was going to kill us !

I look over in panic and he calmly reaches over and grabs my thigh tracing circles in it .

My body is on fire right now

he darkly chuckles in a way that made me truly afraid and somehow excited .

"..Oh la mia rosa , tonight i'm going to show you what i think about you ."

surprisingly, he drives faster making my heart drop and my body tense up

"..relax" he firmly says smiling at me reassuringly and his hands creep under my dress. My legs flinch against his cold rings .

His voice is like a command to my body as i instantly unclenched . His smile widens as he notices his affect on my body just as much as i did . His long fingers rub against my slit teasing me . I know he's not about to do what i think he's about to do ....WHILE driving 110 miles per hour .
"-Gio you're driv-" i moan out almost unable to form complete sentences as his forefinger slowly circles my bundle of nerves .

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