I move about the house slowly, trying to dull the ache in my abdomen. I had been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions for the better part of 2 days as we got closer to my due date. It was the night and Chris was dead to the world, something I was truly envious of in this moment. A particularly powerful one ripped through me and I doubled over in pain, crying out in a soundwave that shook the whole apartment. I heard a muffled scream followed by a thud from our bedroom before the door burst open and Chris comes running out. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah." I wince as another contraction hits. "I'm fine."
"No you're clearly not. How long has this been going on?"
"Umm... 2-ish days."
"2 days! Presley, you're in labor."
"No I'm not. I'm not due for another 2 weeks." I cry out and I feel a gush of water let loose from between my legs. "Ok, maybe I am in labor."
"You think?"
"Ok, sarcastic comments can wait until after I've pushed out the kid you knocked me up with. We can call our parents from the car. We need to go now."
*26 Hours Later*
"She's beautiful Pres." Chris says as he holds our daughter.
"She is." I say sleepily. I was exhausted. There's a soft knock on the door before our moms stick their heads in.
"Hi. Can we come in?" I nod and place a finger to my lips.
"She's sleeping and I'd like to keep it that way."
"Of course." My mom says as she takes the baby from Chris.
"Have you settled on a name?" Lisa asks.
Chris and I smile at each other. "Go get the rest of the family. We'll announce it when everyone's here."
Our family filled the room and everyone was murmuring. "Everyone, we'd like to introduce you to Indiana Christine Evans." I say softly.
"Welcome to the family Indie."

Plan B ✓
Fanfiction~Complete~ When life throws you a curveball, what do you do? You go with Plan B. When his high school girlfriend Presley comes to him after play practice one day with news that'll change both of their lives forever, Chris isn't sure he's ready for...