It would still be a few weeks before I found the courage to ask Chris about his... dinner date, with that girl. Everyone could tell we were having some type of disagreement and so after Sunday lunch at his mom's, Lisa all but demanded we leave the kids with her and go talk about whatever the hell was going on between the two of us. I didn't have the heart to tell her what I had seen a few weeks ago. I hadn't had the heart to tell anyone. I had been living in a kind of fugue state about it all. Chris still was coming home late and not really giving any explanation and I was living in somewhat ignorance. I knew what I saw but if I didn't confront him about it, then it still didn't exist. But I guess that was no longer a choice now. "Go! Leave the kids and don't come back until you're talking. This has gone on long enough."
We both sigh before heading outside. Chris still opens my car door for me and I thank him quietly as I slide in. We head out to the lookout behind our old high school. "We haven't been here in years." I say quietly as I head over to the park bench that sits at the edge of the mountainside. "We haven't done a lot of things we used to do."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means we barely talk anymore Chris. It means me and the kids barely see you anymore. When was the last time you were at one of Brady's football games? When was the last time you went to watch Indie at her dance lessons? When was the last time you read to Samara? They're growing up so fast and you're not here, taking it in. You're out with leggy blondes, having dinners." I add that last part quietly.
"I saw you and your little friend going into that bistro on fifth two weeks ago." He's silent for a bit, and I can tell he's thinking back to that night before he starts laughing. "I don't see how this is funny."
"I didn't want to tell you until I knew I was any good at it." He says before running and grabbing a backpack from the back of his car. "I've been going to night school, for drawing." He hands me over a sketch book and I flip through it, amazed by the drawings inside.
"Why didn't you say anything? I'm over here assuming the worse... But who was that girl you were with then?"
"A group of us from my class went out for dinner, talking over some of the lectures."
"Ok, that doesn't explain why she hugged you like that?" I didn't like how jealous I sounded but I also couldn't do anything to stop it.
"I had helped her out, figuring out a piece to mock up for this one assignment, and we had just gotten the grade back. She had passed with flying colors, no pun intended."
"So you're not cheating?"
"No! I love you Presley. I mean gosh, we have three kids together. We've been together since junior high."
"Well I haven't felt much love lately."
He grabs my hand and kisses it. "I'm sorry." He replies quietly.
"Promise you'll tell me the next time you make a life altering decision. I've supported you every step of the way, with all of the sacrifices you made for our family. I know it wasn't easy to give up Hollywood and I don't want you to ever think I take what you did for us for granted."
"I know Pres." He smiles and leans over, kissing me. We would be ok, we had to be. We owed it to ourselves and the family we created.

Plan B ✓
Fanfiction~Complete~ When life throws you a curveball, what do you do? You go with Plan B. When his high school girlfriend Presley comes to him after play practice one day with news that'll change both of their lives forever, Chris isn't sure he's ready for...