Learning the Talk... And Walk

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*Ten Months Later*

"Come on Indie. Come to Daddy." Chris begs as he sits in the living room at his mom's house one Sunday afternoon. Sundays were for his family and we were just waiting for his siblings to get back from their other activities before having dinner. Indie had been trying since we got here to toddle over to her dad but so far she hadn't worked up the courage to do so.

"She looks like you." Lisa says, coming over to stand beside me in the doorway.

"You're kidding, right? She's practically Chris's mini-me."

"That may be true. But that determined look on her face? That's all you, down to the scrunched-up nose." I smile at that and turn back to my daughter just as she takes her first steps to her dad, right into his waiting arms.

"Yay Indie!" I cheer and she turns to me, a huge toothy smile on her little face as she claps her hands. I come and sit across from Chris and she toddles over to me, laying her head into the crook of my neck when she reaches me. I hold her tightly in my arms and kiss her head, smiling as I feel her little hand come up and rest next to her head.

"Enjoy these moments you two. They're gone before you know it." Lisa says before heading back to the kitchen, leaving the three of us to have this moment.

"I can't believe how big she's gotten."

"I know. It doesn't seem real that in two months she'll be one."

"Shh! She's not allowed to do that. Right Indie? You want to stay Mama's baby girl forever, right?"

"No." she squeals and then laughs at the face I make.

"Sorry babe. Judge has ruled. It's binding."

I laugh a little. "I'm glad the only word she says with any sort of certainty is no."

"She gets it from you."

"Ha ha. You're so funny." I say with a roll of my eyes before I smile as he kisses me cheek. "Time needs to stop going so fast." I whisper as I look down at our daughter.

"I know." And we just sit there in silence, watching as Indie's eyelids start drooping until she's out. That is until her aunts and uncle come home and she's bouncing and rearing to perform for the rest of her family. I just sit back, taking it all in, willing time to slow down just a bit.

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