👋 ONE 👋

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Sebastian heaved a sigh, carrying his suitcase in one hand as he dragged himself to the car and sat in the passenger seat. Lewis was driving and they went to go pick up Lance and George. Seb was honestly way to tired to do anything today, he was super jet lagged and just began to fall asleep immediately. By the time they got to where Lance and George were waiting at, the German was already fast asleep but jolted awake when the two younger drivers jumped into the back seat and started talking. He let out a groan and tried to stay awake but just fell asleep right after.

Meanwhile, in a more exciting car trip was Max driving, Daniel, Charles and Carlos. Daniel was meant to be with Lando but said he would rather be in this car so he replaced Checo. Sitting in the back seat, Daniel began humming along to the song on the radio. Nobody sat in the passenger seat as it was used for luggage so the Ferrari boys and him were at the back of the car. Carlos leaned over Charles whenever he wanted to look at something. He had no idea of what personal space was.

"CARLOS, PERSONAL SPACE" Charles yelled as the guy moved back. The Australian wondered how many times the Monegasque had to say that. It must be a little bit irritating surely.

"I love this song! Turn it up Max!" Daniel grinned as 'Baby I Love Your Way' began to play and he began singing at the loudest. Max drove like a drunk person so the car was practically swaying and vibrating. 

"OOO BABY I LOVE YOUR WAY, EVERYDAY, YEAAAH!"  The Aussie sang at the top of his lungs whilst Charles sang more quietly. Carlos just laughed hysterically.

In a separate car was Pierre, Yuki, Alonso (driving) and Esteban. It was pretty chaotic in there as there was nobody to shut them up.

"ESTEBAN GET OFF OF MY SUITCASE!" Pierre screeched, lunging for his fellow Frenchman. The two didn't get on very well so Fernando and Yuki were left confused about why they had been put together. Yuki tried to stop Esteban and Pierre from fighting but they were just trying to choke each other and he was too short to do anything. Eventually Fernando pulled over and began to yell at them both in Spanish.

"CÁLLATE ANTES DE QUE TE CORTE LAS DOS CABEZAS Y LAS PONGA EN LA CHIMENEA! ¡LOS MATARÉ A LOS DOS!" Alonso yelled. (Translation: SHUT UP BEFORE I CUT OFF BOTH YOUR HEADS AND PUT THEM IN THE FIREPLACE! I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!) Pierre and Esteban left each other alone and were silent for the rest of the way there, meanwhile Yuki was trying so hard not to laugh

"ALEX GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Lando screamed as the Thai jumped on his lap in the middle of the car journey. 

"I DON'T LIKE MY SEAT!" Albono protested, crossing his arms whilst crushing the smaller Brit he was sitting on.

"Alex, get off." Nicholas tried to speak but was interrupted by everyone yelling over him. He just shut up and sunk into his seat. 

"ALEX I WILL DRAG YOU OFF! DON'T WORRY LANDO!" Mick grinned and began to pull Alex off before accidentally shoving him to the ground. The German began to laugh, usually he was quite shy amongst the other drivers but he was bored so he let them see the more chaotic side of him. Lando chuckled and high fived Mick as the Thai struggled to get up and sit back in the middle seat. All whilst Valtteri calmly drove with Nicholas beside him.

This trip was way too long to entertain everybody, in Checo, Kevin and Zhou's car, which was quite calm despite Checo singing along to Mexican music whilst driving, the Chinese driver had began to entertain himself by playing noughts and crosses with himself. He was very content and their car was probably the most peaceful out of them all.

When most of the cars were around half an hour away, pretty much everyone was asleep.

Daniel had dozed off and now had his head hanging low with a few snores escaping him every moment or so. Charles had fallen asleep and was leaning on the car window, Carlos and Max were awake but both very quiet as they didn't feel like talking after all the incoherent yelling that had been going on. Max slowly drove along so he wouldn't wake them up, being careful for once in his life.

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