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Unfortunately, they couldn't stay much longer as everyone had just got noticed there was a race on Sunday and their personal trainers wanted to meet up with them in Belgium on Wednesday. And currently it was Tuesday, which meant theh only had until Thursday to get to Spa. (DOING THIS FROM SUMMER BREAK) Carlos wouldn't be able to take part after his head injury. Despite feeling fine, his personal doctor had refused to clear him to race so he was staying at the house whilst everyone else left to Belgium.

"Are you sure you will be okay on your own?" Seb murmured protectively.

"Yes Seb." The Spaniard chuckled to himself. Lando ruffled Carlos' hair with a laugh and high fived him. Everyone was leaving already, though Pierre was having a fit because he wasn't ready.

"Don't answer the door to any strange people." Sebastian reminded him.

"Seb, I'm 28 years old. I will be fine." Carlos grinned, waking them goodbye before ushering everyone out of the house so they didn't miss their flight.

"Ciao Carlos!" Charles yelled before being shoved out of the house.

"Ciao Charles, good luck!" Carlos laughed softly before closing the door and going to the simulator room for a bit.

Daniel had bought everyone McDonald's at the airport as a little treat. Lewis only had some chips though. As they were about to board the plane, Seb stopped them and told everyone to get into pairs. Lando looked for Carlos before remembering he wasn't there and letting out a sigh of sadness.

The pairs were, Alex and George, Daniel and Max, Seb and Lewis, Kevin and Valtteri, Mick and Esteban, Fernando and Checo, Nicky and Zhou, Pierre and Yuki, Charles and Lance -which was a strange pairing but they got along- and poor Lando on his own. Lando looked at his sadly and walked onto the plane, getting a seat behind George and Alex. He was dreading this weekend. He loved Spa as it was in Belgium, he was half Flemish so it meant something to him. However, he missed Carlos because they usually went together when they had the chance.

"You gonna be alright Lando?" Alex giggled, turning around to check. Lando glared at the Thai driver and pouted before pulling his phone out and spamming Carlos but he didn't respond. Seb and Lewis were behind Lando, the older British driver being nosy and looking through the gap. Seb elbowed Lewis and he stopped looking.

"Hey Lando," Seb began, Lando flinched then looked behind him. "Are you okay mate?" He continued with a soft tone of voice.

"Yeah." Lando mumbled, watching YouTube on his phone as the plane took off. He hated planes sometimes. As he looked infront of him, he saw George and Alex holding hands. Stifling a laugh, he took a photo and sent it to the F1 group chat. George glanced at his phone then spun around.

"Lando you prick!" George snapped but Alex just chuckled.

Lando fell asleep after the plane took off, his head in a very uncomfortable position. George took a picture and sent it in the group chat. The sound of Daniel's laugh could be heard as he screenshotted the image. Good blackmail after all.

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