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(maxiel chapter 🥰)

*Albono POV*

I woke up from my nap; a bright white light greeted me. I was surrounded by plain white walls and Kevin was to my left in a chair. A small groan escaped my lips as I sat up a little. My appendix area hurt really badly but less than before.

"Good morning Alex. Well, good evening." Kevin laughed.

"Good evening?" I said tiredly.

"Yeah, we can go home now. I've been waiting for you to wake up. It is 10:30PM." Kevin smiled and helped Alex out of the bed. He was limping and holding where his appendix was meant to be. They got in the car and made their way back home. Kevin unlocked the door and let Alex come in.

"Welcome home Alex!" Sebastian smiled before going to tell the others to be gentle. George rushed over and hugged Alex.

"Hey Georgie." Alex laughed, patting the Brit on the back, "You tired?" He chuckled.

"A bit, I've been waiting for you!" The Mercedes driver smiled.

"That's kind of you." The Thai grinned. Lando and Charles came over with big smiles on their faces.

"Happy you're back!" Charles smiled.

"Yeah, me too. I guess you'll be resting for a bit though?" Lando inquired.

"I suppose." Alex grumbled, rubbing the sore part of his body.

"I'll help you upstairs." George promised and they made their way to their bedroom.

Meanwhile, Daniel was sitting beside Max in the living room, they were watching a film with some of the others. The Aussie was starting to get tired but only just kept his eyes open. That was until Max noticed and asked if he was tired. His reply was just a small mumble of approval. Max laughed and pulled the Australian closer to him. Around thirty minutes after the action, Daniel had fallen asleep with his head on Max's shoulder. A cheeky smirk sat on the Dutchman's face as he took a quick photo. He couldn't post it on his Instagram because of the media so just sent it on their private group chat. Kevin peered into the room to see and grinned sheepishly.

"That's cute." Esteban chuckled, coming from behind Kevin. Max hadn't expected them to be that fast honestly. He could only imagine how hard his Dad would slap him if he saw this.

At around midnight, Daniel was still asleep and the film had finished. Max was forced to wake him up and tell him it was time to go to bed. The sleepy Daniel grumbled and went upstairs, immediately jumping into bed and falling asleep again. The Red Bull driver laughed softly and brushed his teeth before going to bed too.

Sebastian had promised that everyone would be going to a place full of drop slides tomorrow so Max was pretty excited for that. Thinking about it made it difficult to sleep but he was super exhilarated. But eventually, he drifted off to sleep.

*Sorry it is short, I've got writer's block for his story rn 😭😭*

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