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Daniel realised his back pack was in the car and went to go and get it, grabbing his head phones and putting them on to block out the noise of other people talking. Max poked him when the food was here and he took the head phones off.

"Uhm, grazie!" Daniel blurted out, grabbing the food and digging in. Max took his food and played around with it for a bit before eating it.

"Who's paying?" Was the first question Lando asked.

"I will, don't worry about it." Kevin spoke up.

"Thanks Kevin." Carlos grinned and patted Lando's back quite aggressively. The Brit hit Carlos.

"Please don't fight here!" Max begged.

"Okay Mr. Responsible!" Lando rolled his eyes and saw the notification on Max's phone, "Sebastian texted you. And Lewis." The Brit told him.

"Oh, I'll look." Max said, acting as if he hadn't noticed they had texted him.



Where are you?


None of your business, Seb.


Please Max


No. Leave us alone!


Lando tried to peer over Max's shoulder, glancing at the messages. He couldn't get a close enough look but he would ask the Dutchman.

"What did he say?"

"He asked where we were, I said none of your business. He said please then I told him to leave us alone." Max explained, knowing Lando would be nosy about it.

"Oh, okay." Lando mumbled.

Once they finished eating, Kevin payed the bill and they left. Unsure where they should go, the group sat in the car. Max tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Should we go home?" Daniel asked.

"I mean... we made our point." Max mumbled.

"I guess we could." Carlos murmured. Lando didn't really like the idea but Kevin told him he didn't have to talk to the other drivers if he didn't want to.

Meanwhile, in the house, Sebastian continued to pace. He mumbled incoherent words under his breath.

"They'll be home soon, right?" Mick worriedly asked Charles. The Monegasque pulled the German into a hug.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon Mick! Don't worry about it!" Charles offered a smile. Mick smiled back. Alex and George were playing on the PlayStation. Soon enough, there was a knock on the door. Lewis kept Seb in the kitchen since he was sure the group wouldn't want to talk to them yet. Kevin entered the house first with the four others behind him. Mick and Charles ran towards the group. Mick pulled Max and Daniel into a little group chat and Charles warmly greeted his team mate. Alex and George dropped their controllers and rushed to Lando, rugby tackling him to the floor in a hug. The three former rookies laughed at each other.

"You scared us!" Alex huffed, a small smile on his face.

Max and Daniel embraced Mick before the Aussie patted him on the back.

"You alright?" Daniel laughed.

"Yeah, you?" Mick grinned.

"Yup! Where's Seb?"

"He's pacing around the kitchen. He's worried sick!" Mick murmured. Daniel frowned and looked to Max.

"I'm going to go give him a hug. I'll be back!" Daniel said quietly, walking away into the kitchen and hugging Sebastian.

"I'm so so so sorry Daniel!" Sebastian apologised, hugging the Australian back.

"It's OK, really. I forgive you." He smirked. Sebastian let go of Daniel eventually. Max and Carlos forgave Seb too. But Lando refused, not even making eye contact with the Aston Martin driver. Carlos tried to persuade him but he just pulled. The Spaniard just said to leave him alone for a bit and he'd get over it eventually. Seb reluctantly agreed.

In the evening, Daniel was listening to his music in the corner of the living room whilst the others all watched a film together except from Alex, George and Lando who were playing on Charles' Nintendo. Daniel came in at one point and begged them to play Just Dance with him. Lando hated playing with Daniel because he was way too good at Just Dance. It was ridiculous. He danced like a stripper most of the time. The Australian got bored after a few songs and left to listen to his music again. He sat in the corner of the living room. Usually when he was at his old apartment this was his alone time but he didn't get that anymore considering he lived with 19 other people now so this was the next best thing. Daniel hummed along, Valtteri politely told him that he was interrupting the film and to go elsewhere. Danny agreed and went outside to sit in the garden but Max told him to just go to their bedroom. He sighed and went upstairs, now singing along to his music. The song Bones, by Imagine Dragons was what he was listening to. He didn't know why but it was really soothing and it hyped him up.

A little later in the night, Max entered the room to see a sleeping Daniel on the floor. Max managed to lift the slightly shorter driver up and put him in bed. Max got in his own bed and started to scroll through Instagram. To no surprise, Sebastian didn't check on them or Carlos and Lando'a room that night. As he looked towards Daniel, he noticed the headphones were still on. He took the headphones off of Danny and put them on. They were quite depressing lyrics with hyped up music. Though one song really reminded him of Daniel, the song Drag Me Down, by Twenty One Two. He smiled and put the headphones to the side and went to sleep. Today was a chaotic day.

(I kind of want to do Danny angst, any ideas?)

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