Welcome to Tulsa

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Mitch's POV

I opened my eyes and immediately shut them again. I imagined my old room, the light blue walls and white curtains. A yell from my mother awoke me from my daydream.

"Mitch, it's almost time for school! Come on you don't want to be late on your first day!" My mother sighed.

I groaned and hopped out of bed and changed into a black shirt with pants to match. I quickly styled my hair and ran downstairs.

My mother practically threw a granola bar at me and we sat in the car. "Are you excited for school today?"

I grunted. "No, not really."

My mother stopped the car in front of the school and turned to me. "I'm sorry for this, I know that moving to Tulsa is hard but I'm sure you'll have fun here. At least try, for me."

I nodded and gave her a fake smile as I exited the car. Walking into the school was like trying to pass through an angry mob. I walked to my first period class, but was slammed into a locker before I got there.

The boy looked about my age and was wearing sharp and shiny rings that wrapped around his fingers like knives. "You new here?" he growled in a deep and threatening voice.

I froze and waited for him to punch me again.

"I said..." I heard a voice from behind him but I couldn't tell what he was saying. Bob backed away from me.

A blonde boy who was my age was revealed. He was tall and his eyes, they were so blue that I could just swim in them...

He had a worried expression on his face. "Are you ok?" I realized I was still on the floor and my face began to feel red.

I tried my best to smile. "Yes, thank you."

I continued to sit there and my embarrassment grew with the minutes. "Here I'll help you up." The mysterious boy held out his hand and my heart started beating fast as he pulled me off of the floor.

"I'm Scott." The blonde boy smiled "Are you new here?"

It's funny how different those words can be used. Something once threatening can turn into a phrase used in a friendly conversation.

"My name is Mitch and yes I am new here." I began to relax.

"Welcome to Tulsa." Scott led me to my first class and I spent the morning thinking about him and I had trouble paying attention.

At lunch I sat down next to Scott and he introduced me to his friends. "This is Kirstie." Scott pointed to a blond girl who smiled warmly at me while revealing her bright pink gum. "Nice to meet you Mitch!"

"This is Avi." A boy with long slicked back brunette hair waved at me. "Hey there." He had a voice that was so low that I had to do a double take.

"That's Kevin." Scott pointed to Kevin, who had short black hair who responded with "Oh so I'm a that now!" Everyone giggled.

Scott continued to introduce everyone at the table. He introduced Dally, who had short light blonde hair and looked like he was the group's bad boy. Ponyboy was a quiet thoughtful boy that nodded at me. Johnny just looked nervous and shook my hand with such a squeeze that made me almost think he was afraid of me. Two-bit introduced himself and started talking about Mickey Mouse.

The gang talked on and I wasn't really listening. I found myself staring at Scott. I was admiring his face when... "Mitch helllloooo anyone home? What is there something on my face?" Scott laughed.

My cheeks burned and I saw that he had a little piece of food in the corner of his mouth. "Yeah." I picked up my napkin and rested my other on his shoulder. My other hand wiped off the food slowly and I held my breath.

Kirstie raised an eyebrow at me and winked. I laughed awkwardly and everyone joined in. The laughter never seemed to stop and soon we were laughing for no reason.

Later that night I feel asleep while listening to the sound of the wind.

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