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Mitch's POV
I was lying down on my bed with absolutely no desire to sleep. All I could think about was what happened earlier today, at Scott's house. He likes boys too. I'm not alone.

My English class sat down to start the day when a polite greasier girl named Tori Kelly came up to me. She asked me out, I said no, obviously. Ryan, one of my family friends, he knew. He watched this go down and of course he had to laugh and yell that I was gay. The entire class erupted with laughter and Tori began to cry slowly and quietly, I felt bad for her. There's nothing I can do about it now, she hates me.

Anyway, to be honest I was terrified when Scott admitted that he was gay too. It means that my heart won't stop until I at least tell him how I feel. Just like Dan, only that didn't go very well. Eventually, I feel asleep to the rhythmic sound of rain hitting the window.

I woke up and it was dark. Loud talking and slamming was happening outside my door.

Dan burst in and pulled me out of bed by my shirt. "Well well, look who it is. Tell me Mitch, where is he?"

I gulped. "Who?" I squeaked.

Dan scowled and slapped me hard across the face. "You know exactly, who I'm talking about." He growled as I shivered. "Mr. Scott Hoying, your little crush. You know what? It doesn't matter, because you're mine."

Dan kissed me and I pulled away. I sat up and realized it was only a dream, a messed up, sleepless dream. My hair was messed up and I was in a cold sweat. After I calmed down I went into the shower and sat on my bed. I have to go to school now. Going to school means facing all of them, Tori, Ryan, Scott, everyone. While biting the inside of my mouth I headed down the steps and drank the oatmeal on the table.

My mother emerged in her blouse and pencil skirt, ready to go to work. "After school, I have a meeting and I was wondering if you could go to your boyfriend's house. Oh what's his name, Scott?"

My cheeks reddened and I groaned. "Mom, he's not my..."

"Dang it, you guys need to make it official. You guys are cute." She looked over at me with a smile. "I mean, the boy practically begged you to go to lunch with him."

I laughed and remembered his desperate phone call. "I know, I'm just worried."

My mother sighed. "This one's different, I can tell."

After arriving at school, I felt like I would lose my oatmeal. Ponyboy was flirting shamelessly with Scott. Ewwwwww. They were sitting so close to each other. I can't look.

I stared at the floor as I was speed walking past them but sure enough... "Mitch! How are you?" Scott turned me towards him. "I've been worried sick. Damn it I should have never let you walk home by yourself."

That reminds me, I scooped my hand into my backpack and handed him the warm sweater he gave me yesterday. "It's alright I didn't get into any trouble."

Ponyboy sneered. "What kind of trouble?" I looked down and my face warmed up. Looking down, I tried my best to ignore him.

He took it, stared at it, then nervously thrust it back to me. "Y-you keep it. I-it looks amaz-n-nice on you." He looked down at the floor as I awkwardly pulled the sweater onto my arms. It smelled like cinnamon.

Ponyboy looked like he was about to throw up. "It's not cold out." He commented sharply.

The bell rang and we all departed. I pushed myself through English class with Tori staring from across the room. Whenever I returned her gaze she would snap her head into her paper.

Finally lunch came and I sat with the gang again. I picked at my sandwich and Ponyboy cackled. "You gonna eat that, It's lunch for crying out loud." That was exactly what I felt like doing. I responded with a shrug and I took a small bite.

I was lost in my own world when I heard Avi saying my name. "Mitch? Are you listening? Anyway, we have a gig at Junior prom this year, we have a month. We need more than just Piece of my Heart." I crumbled just a little from the eyes that were on me.

I swallowed and stuttered. "I've been working on a few songs... Maybe we could, I don't know." I turned away.

Scott smiled widely. "What are they called? I can't wait to hear it!" He leaned in waiting and I could feel his breath and I tensed up, frozen for a moment.

"Uh um, Love Again, I uh finished." Scott waited and gestured for me to carry on. "See Through, On my way home... That's it."

Ponyboy snorted, glaring at me. "Sounds dumb."

I felt like the whole gang could hear my heart beating out of my chest. Ponyboy's ridicule didn't seem to phase Scott as he continued babbling about cover ideas.

Ponyboy approached me when lunch ended, my stomach dropped. "Stay away from Scott, you have no chance with him." Ponyboy whispered in my ear. "He'll always prefer me."

Scott jogged up to us and Ponyboy pulled away. "What are you guys doing?" He asked suspiciously.

Ponyboy smiled devilishly and leaned up against Scott. "Nothing important. I just wanted to tell you that you look VERY. GOOD. Today."

I sprinted into the bathroom and vomited into the toilet bowl and groaned. This was definitely a problem.

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