Take another Little Piece of My Heart

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Kirstie's POV
I woke up from my deep sleep to a bright Saturday morning and immediately stood up to get ready. After showering and quickly doing my simple weekend hair and makeup I decided to assemble the gang.

I called the Curtis house since they were all probably there. "Hello. Kirst speaking."

"Hey babe." Sodapop Curtis picked up the phone and his warm voice filled my ears.

"Wanna head to the Dingo with the gang?" I asked my boyfriend.

"Damn I was gonna call you and say the same thing. I have plans with you later." I could practically hear him winking through the phone. "Everyone is here already so we'll meet you. Scott will probably want to take the new kid he's crushing on."

I giggled. "His name is Mitch, and they are so cute, you should have been there at lunch the other day. They were both blushing like crazy."

Soda laughed and it was a beautiful sound. "See you at one gorgeous."

At the Dingo later we were all drinking cokes and eating either pizza or burgers. Mitch sat nervously next to Scott. He stared at his pizza and ate slowly not even trying to start a conversation.

"Mitch, how have you been liking Tulsa? Anything you want to do?" I asked for his sake.

Mitch seemed surprised and began to speak quietly. "Other than the guy that tried to tackle me I like it here. I used to be part of a band before I got here though and I miss them."

Johnny smiled excitedly. "They're trying to make an Acapella group but they need more singers." Johnny gestured to Kevin, Avi, Scott, and I. "I mean if you sang in the band."

Mitch's face brightened. "Yeah I sing a little."

"Come to the Curtis house after with us so we can hear you," Kevin begged. "Pleeeeeeaaassseeee."

Mitch hesitated, then nodded. "Ok."

We all finished our food and who but Dallas Winston was staring at me the whole time. He's always had a crush on me but I've always loved Soda. We've been together for two years now and three soon. I can't wait for our anniversary!

Mitch's POV

I'm so nervous to sing for them. What if I'm no good and I do terrible. My old band, we were friends before band members, what if they lied to me the whole time.

I've also had another problem. Scott. I have officially fallen for him. He insisted on taking me to the Dingo and came to pick me by himself because the rest of the gang wouldn't go. I can't love him, it can't be like last time. It happened the same way.

When I met Dan, he seemed like a sweet person, but then it happened. I don't want to think about it. My whole world came crashing down and it can't happen again I won't allow it.

When they forced me to sing, I went for my favorite song the band used to perform, Piece of my Heart.

I almost forgot they were sitting there and I just imagined that I wasn't here. No, I was on stage with the band, singing for the talent show.

When I was done, Scott was grinning widely. "Rehearsals are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4, my house." Avi, Kevin, and Kirstie nodded in agreement.

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