Lightning Bolt

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Sodapop's POV
"Baby, I love you so much." I gave her my smile that melted every girl I've ever met.

She smiled back and leaned in for a kiss. "I love you too."

"Bye Jennifer!" I waved to her as she hopped into her car and drove away.

When I went back inside the phone rang and I answered it. "Sodapop Curtis."

"Hey darling."

Only one of my girlfriends calls me darling. "Mary how are you?" I smiled.

"I was wondering of you wanted to go to the drive in tonight. For a date." Mary asked.

After I checked my plans I remembered Lizzie and I are going to lunch. "I'll pick you up at eight Mary."

I hung up the phone and changed for my lunch date. Lizzie was by far my hottest girl, with her long blond hair and cute face. I changed into my best outfit and saw Ponyboy standing at our door.

Ponyboy looked me up and down and thought for a moment. "Mary... No wait Lizzie. Yep definitely Lizzie."

I high fived him and patted him on the shoulder. "You know me so well Pony."

I opened the front door and my smile immediately disappeared. Kirstie stood there with her hand in the position of knocking the door. Lizzie was in her car staring.

Kirstie beamed and began talking. "I was wondering if you wanted to do something today, like go get lunch and a movie. You know, a date?" Kirstie waited for my response.

I pointed to Lizzie who sat in her car giving me a questioning look. "My cousin and her family are spending the whole day with me, maybe next weekend." I grinned at her apologetically.

Kirstie shrugged and waved. "Bye."

I approached Lizzie car and sat in the front seat. "Who was that?" Lizzie gestured in Kirsten's direction and I laughed.

"Oh her? Just my cousin, nothing to worry about." I made sure Kirstie was out of sight before I made my next move. "So where were we?"

Lizzie winked. "Here." She pressed her lips against mine and we made out in her bright red car. "The Dingo?"

I nodded. "Drive me girl."

Lizzie blushed and surged the car forward.

Cherry's POV

Marcia and I sipped our cokes at the drive in. The movie was trash, but we wanted to go do something on the cold October weekend.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and scowled. "Bob, leave us alone."

Bob laughed and grabbed my arm. "You're coming with me."

I pulled his arms off of me and slapped him. "I said leave us alone. Now." I turned back to the movie.

Bob grunted and stood, revealing a boy that sat behind him and we made eye contact.

He had dark skin and a little beard. His big brown eyes mesmerized me and I couldn't look away. He was the most handsome boy I had ever laid eyes on. He started to move closer to Marcia and I and my stomach filled with flapping butterflies.

He sat next to me and blushed. "My name is Kevin Olusola."

I closed my mouth, had it been open the whole time? "Sherry. Sherry Valance. But call me Cherry."

We sat next each other for the rest of the movie. When it was over I scrawled my number onto a piece of paper and ran after him. "Kevin!"

He turned around and I sprinted towards him and handed him the paper. "You might be needing this."

Kevin took the piece of paper, glanced at it and put it in his pocket gently. "See you around Cherry."

I grinned like an idiot and waved awkwardly. He walked away. I felt as though I'd just been struck by lightning.

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