Scott's POV

This was it, the moment of life or death. Kevin sat next to me in the driver's seat of my car and Dally sat in the back. Kevin was wearing his dad's police uniform. The uniform Avi was wearing was Kevin's dad's old uniform, all of is were terrified.

We parked out of sight of the front doors to Briarcliff and Dally turned to us. "Listen guys, remember what you're supposed to say when they open the doors. Also, if Scott and I are caught, I'm going to yell as loud as possible and you guys are going to drive away, got it?"

Avi hesitated. "Are you sure?"

Dally and I made eye contact and I nodded. "You have to."

The four of us slowly walked out of the car in silence. When Kevin was about to knock, he froze, his hand stuck in the position. Avi then knocked for him and we waited.

The door creaked open and was answered by a blond nun. She narrowed her eyes at us suspiciously. "What brings you here today?"

Kevin stood straight. "We have these two delinquents that need to be put in here. That's Bob, this is Joe."

The nun turned to me and stared for a while. "Joe... Is that right?"

I nodded. "Hmmm, why are you here?"

"I killed a man." The lie slipped off my lips and my heart was beating a hundred miles per hour.

The nun moved on to Dally. "Bob, what have you done?"

Dally looked right into her eyes and said. "I helped him."

Dally was so much better at lying than I was and I started having second second thoughts about this mission. There was no turning back now.

The nun thought for a moment then brought us into the creepy building. It was official, we were in.

Dally's POV

I looked around the crowd to see Johnny, Pony, and Soda all around a table playing cards. Johnny saw us and his jaw dropped.

We walked over to them and I gave Johnny a hug. "Johnny don't you ever pull something like that ever again. You had me worried sick."

Johnny laughed softly. "Thanks Dal."

Scott was talking to a brunette girl and he gestured for us to come over. "Lana knows the way out."

The girl who was maybe Lana nodded. "Scott we've been here for a few seconds and you're already on a first name basis with them."

Scott rolled his eyes. "That's Grace and that's Kit."

After Lana told us where to find the exit, we all quietly escaped from the movie that was playing. We crept through a passageway that was frustratingly sweaty, and a fight broke out at the exit.

Lana whisper yelled to Grace. "He can't go with us he can't be trusted."

Grace rolled her eyes. "If you don't trust him then you can stay here."

We had only taken a few steps when my fear exploded at Lana's yell. "Help! The murderer is escaping!"

I grabbed Pony and Johnny while Scott clutched Soda's hand. A man ran at full speed after me and I pushed Johnny and Pony forward. "Follow Scott to the car!"

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I fell to the ground. My legs shook and kicked the man. I was desperate to escape with them. Punching the man I stood and took off the fastest I'd ever ran in my entire life.

The man wasn't done with me yet. He jumped on my back and I yelled in pain. His creepy blue eyes stared into mine as he breathed fast and deep. "Come back with me."

I looked over his shoulder to see Kit and Grace be dragged back into the asylum and I punched the man in the gut. He howled and held his stomach as I ran away with my heart beating at a terrifying rate.

When I reached the car I threw myself into the backseat and shouted. "DRIVE!!!"

Kevin got the message. He slammed his foot on the pedal and the car surged forward. I heard a slam behind me and saw the man from earlier on the back windshield. His nails were about to crack the glass when I leaned forward and turned on the windshield wipers. He jumped onto the roof and began banging on the ceiling.

Johnny by now was whimpering and I was all out of ideas. Kevin jumped on the brakes and the man flew onto the lawn of Briarcliff asylum.

Kevin drove forward onto the highway as the man shouted. "We'll get you someday!"

The car ride consisted of rapid breathing and silence. Rain began to pelt on the windows and I was getting tired.

My eyes began to close and soon I was asleep.

The Wrong Side Of Town (Pentatonix and Outsiders Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now