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(A/N: Shoutout to chloethefansie for helping me with the idea for this chapter. She does imagines on her account, you should go follow her 😉)

Johnny's POV
I thought about Scott and Mitch during the ride in the fuzz car. Being so happy for them made me pretend to be the one kissing Ponyboy. Not Scott and Mitch. They were made for each other, how could I let them go to this asylum when they had true love?

I was worried about Joannie, my girl. She's gorgeous, her straight and naturally blond hair reached her waist and she had the most perfect dimples. She was the kind of person that can make anyone smile just by existing, she was my everything.

What would she think when she heard that I went to an asylum because I'm supposedly gay? I should have thought this through. All I could do then was complete the therapy and pretend I'm was cured.

The car stopped at a dark building and it gave me shivers. Opening the door the police man chuckled. "Welcome to Briarcliff asylum. People come here for all types of reasons, even murderers."

I shivered and Ponyboy flinched. The room I was supposed to stay in was already inhabited by a man with brown hair and dark circles under his eyes.

He waved and walked over. "How'd you get yourself here?"

I shook my head. "It's a long story."

The boy took me to his bed and patted the spot next to him. "My name's Kit, and I got time."

Ponyboy's POV

I woke up in a cold and strange place and immediately closed my eyes again. Briarcliff asylum was where I was, and I was aware of it. I groaned as they led me to eat breakfast. They separated Johnny and I so we could "get over each other." I'd never know why he saved Scott and Mitch.

I sat next to a girl named Lana, she introduced herself in between bites. "Why are you here?"

I set my fork down, I wasn't that hungry. "I'm gay."

She smiled at me. "Same."

We were going to start therapy immediately. Lana whispered to me. "The therapy is really hard. Just wanted to give you a heads up."

I wondered what that was supposed to mean. A blond nun started towards me and smiled sincerely. "Welcome to Briarcliff!" She said it like 'Hey guys! There's free cake for lunch today!' "I hope you are reformed here. My name is Sister Mary Eunice. We will start the therapy immediately." Lana looked at me with sympathy as I walked off with Sister Mary Eunice.

She led me to a dark room with a screen. That morning was one of the hardest in my life.

The man's name was Dr. Thredson. He looked sketchy. The screen projected pictures of men, and I puked my guts out. When it was over I was pale faced and never wanted to eat again.

I looked around the common room for Lana. She was sitting with a girl and a boy that were playing cards. Lana gestured me to the seat next to her.

I sat down and Lana sighed. "How are you feeling Pony?"

I cleared my throat. "Dizzy, nauseous, long story short I'm not eating lunch."

The other girl grinned. "I'm Grace, this is Kit."

The boy tiredly shook my hand. "Hope you feel better man. Where are you from?"

"Tulsa. I'm in a gang with my brothers. Darry, Sodapop, and also my friends Tow-bit, Steve, Dally, Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin. I really messed up, I miss them." I closed my eyes. Someone shook me, awakening me from my sleep.

It was Lana. "Quick, Kit's not here. I know a way out, if there's ever a good time, we'll get the others and run as fast as we can."

Grace hit Lana on the shoulder. "Kit can be trusted, he's not an actual bloody face."

"Come on Grace. You like him so you would trust him." Lana turned to me. "So here's the way out."

The Wrong Side Of Town (Pentatonix and Outsiders Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now