False Identity

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Dally's POV

I started into the Curtis's kitchen to get some chocolate cake for the gang. When I reached the fridge, I opened it to see it chocolate cake - less. Grabbing the plate that was covered in crumbs from the cake, I yelled to the gang. "Two, I know that you were the one who finished the cake!"

I heard him laugh from the living room. "That reminds me, you should really get started on the new cake you're going to bake us."

Rolling my eyes, I turned around to see Kirstie standing behind me. "Relax! I'm gonna help you make it. Alright, first we need..."

We baked the cake for hours. Well, I guess you could say that she baked the cake while I made a mess of flour and made her laugh. I loved hearing her laugh, it was adorable and it made me smile. Soda and Kirstie haven't been on good terms though, she dumped a milkshake on him in the Dingo, which was so cute might I add. They aren't talking and Soda's still allowed to hang out with us, I'm against it but he's loyal to the gang, but will stomp on every girl's heart.

Cake was everywhere, Kirstie made so much of it. At least four cakes were on the counter. "Who's gonna eat all this cake?!" My question came out as a statement.

Kirstie shook her head. "You guys eat at least one everyday, I just thought I'd make a bunch."

The gang practically devoured the cake, it was the best I'd ever eaten. Soda spit it out in disgust. "Who put you in charge of the kitchen? This cake takes like toilet water."

Kirstie calmly grinned. "There's only one reason why you would know that."

Soda held his heart in sarcastic pain. "Ouch! you hurt me so bad with your third grade burn."

I couldn't take it anymore. Standing up from the arm chair I was sitting on I pushed the cake into his face. The whole gang was backing away from us but Kirstie looked like she was holding in laughter. That was enough for me to slap him in the face and pour my glass of water on his head.

Johnny and Ponyboy whispered and left the house suddenly, I didn't think much of it.

Soda stood and smiled evilly. "Does Dallas Winston wanna go? Cuz I will."

I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. Darry stood in between us. "That's enough boys, no fighting between gang members."

I wiped my hands on my jacket and grabbed Kirstie. "We're out of here!"

Ponyboy's POV

I saw the fight that was going to happen between Soda and Dally and I immediately whispered to Johnny. "Do you want to leave?"

Johnny nodded and I led him out the door. "Wanna go to the party that Tim Shepard's gang is having?" He nodded and we walked down to the party.

After we reached the party, we decided to head to the bar and grab a few drinks. It didn't take long for me to get drunk. Johnny was right next to me the whole night as I danced like an idiot on the dance floor.

I swerved around to see the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen in my whole life. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties and had dirty blond hair that reached to his shoulders. He was even better-looking than Scott, my lifetime crush.

He walked over to me, he had been drinking as well. "What are you staring at me for?" I just pulled him in and kissed him. Kissing back, he and I ditched the party. Johnny was headed in the direction of the Curtis's house.

The mysterious man and I went to the lot and kissed there. Suddenly a siren rang from behind me. The man jumped out of my arms and ran into the nearby forest. The fuzz came up to me and started to handcuff me.

I broke free of his grasp only to be grabbed by another officer. "Why are you handcuffing me? I did nothing wrong! There's a party on main street with under-aged people drinking booze an I have nothing to do with it! Let me go!"

The fuzz man laughed and only pulled the cuffs tighter. "People who do homosexual acts have to be sent into a holding cell until a guardian comes and decides if they want to place the little angel into the asylum for therapy, I'm gonna have to ask you to cooperate son."

Ripping my handcuffed arms from the fuzz man I ran at full speed to my house. When I reached there the gang almost directed me to my room but the fuzz were to quick. They grabbed me and the guy from earlier started talking. "So who's the adult of this place?"

Darry nodded. "Sir that would be me. Why are you taking my brother Ponyboy?"

The man laughed, probably at my name. I cringed, here it comes, Darry is going to find out now. "Ponyboy has done a homosexual act and he can do a few days in the cooler, or you can send him to the asylum, where he'll be cured of this," The officer looked for a word to say. "Condition. The police department will sponsor his stay."

Darry stared at me for a long time without saying anything. "Also, there have been reports of two boys kissing in this house and I'm almost sure one of them is Ponyboy. I'd like the person who is also involved to please step forward."

Scott and Mitch made eye contact and Scott was about to say something when Johnny jumped in front of him. "Officer, it was me sir. Ponyboy and I."

Johnny has a girlfriend! He is most certainly not gay, why is he doing this? The police man handcuffed him too and Darry cleared his throat. "I would like Ponyboy to go to the asylum and be healed. Johnny lives down the street you can find his guardian there."

The rest seemed to go in sow motion. I was in shock, and so were Scott and Mitch. As the fuzz dragged Johnny and I out I yelled in anger. "Why Darry why?"

Darry didn't show any emotion in his face. "It's for the best Ponyboy. No brother of mine is gonna go around kissing Johnny."

I went limp and I let them drag me to Johnny's house. His mother slapped him, and knowing he was not gay, sent him to the asylum anyway. The ride to the asylum was long and rain was shooting down on us in the dark night. I sent Johnny a look that said 'Why?' He just looked away and was suddenly very interested in the zipper of his jacket.

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