Time to Forget You

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(A/N I am aware that these songs were not around in the 1960s. I just really like these Pentatonix covers! Enjoy!)

Kirstie's POV
I browsed through the unorganized sheet music in Scott's basement and grabbed a few that I thought we might use. Problem by Adriana Grande, Telephone by Lady Gaga, and a few Daft Punk songs.

Scott called me over. "Come on Kirst we need to practice Piece of my Heart." I put the papers down and made a mental note of where they were in the basement's clutter of comfort.

While singing Piece of my Heart, I couldn't help but think about Sodapop. He was just so handsome and so good to me, I could see him being my husband. Our date the other night was so peaceful and happy. We had a picnic in the moonlight and no Socs showed up! When the song was over we all cheered and high fived each other.

Kevin laughed happily. "That was perfect! Yes! Any thoughts on some other songs we could do?"

I grinned and turned to grab the dusty music. "A few of Scott's favorites."

We began rehearsing the Daft Punk songs when Mitch finally said something for the first time in the entire meeting. "I think that maybe having a majority of Daft Punk songs would be too repetitive. Maybe we could do just one?"

Everyone pondered this and I had an epiphany. "Guys! We could do a mashup of all the songs! Like, a medley!"

Avi's face lit up. "That's a great idea!"

For the rest of the rehearsal, we split up. Kevin and Avi were writing the medley while Scott, Mitch, and I were listening to Mitch's originals.

After he played Love Again on the piano I was in awe. "That was amazing! I can only picture you singing that." Scott and I agreed on this for See Through as well, but Mitch insisted on having Scott solo for On My Way Home.

We all went our separate ways after the rehearsal, Kevin and I were neighbors, so we walked home while Avi and Mitch went in the opposite direction. I caught Scott staring in Mitch's direction and he realized I was watching. He held his fingers to his lips with his face saying 'Don't you dare tell him.' I laughed and locked my lips, throwing away the key.

As we walked, Kevin asked me about Soda. "How have you guys been lately?"

I frowned, wondering what he actually was thinking. "Well, I guess he has been kind of... distant. But I love him and he loves me."

A wave of sadness washed over Kevin and he sighed at the ground. "Mhmmmm."

I didn't like this conversation. "Avi tells me that you met a girl at the movies."

Kevin immediately smiled and I was relieved. "Yes actually."

I clapped and jumped. "OMG tell me everything! Don't leave out the details."

He went on about how the girl had red hair and was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. I smiled and felt so happy for him. I screeched and patted him on the back when he said they cuddled for the whole movie.

"... and then she gave me her number!" He was ecstatic.

"Soooo, did you call her yet?" I nudged his arm.

"Not yet." He stammered. "I'm just nervous."

I playfully hit him on the shoulder. "Come on Kev! It's obvious she's into you!"

He blushed while smiling and shaking his head. "You are impossible Kirst..." We both walked in a laughing fit.

"Maybe we could go on a double date. You know, Soda and I, you and Cherry." I adored just the thought of it. Kevin just grimanced at the mention of Soda. He's not jealous... Why is he so weird about Soda and I?

When we reached my house I held onto both of his shoulders. "Promise me you'll call her as soon as you get home."

He nodded and looked kind of sad. I hugged him and he hugged back with... Sympathy? What's that supposed to mean? I was tired so I decided that it was probably just me imagining it.

I walked into my house and Sodapop was sitting on my couch. He smiled when he saw me and went in for a hug.

"Listen Kirstie, I'm sorry about the other day, my cousin was so excited to see me." Soda handed me a bouquet of red and white roses and my heart skipped a beat.

I kissed him and found a vase for the flowers. "I forgive you Soda. I love you."

His smile warmed me and I couldn't help but smile back. "I'm taking you to a party tonight." He announced. "I'm going to go home and get changed into better clothes."

"Where are you taking me?" I asked playfully.

Soda winked. "It's a surprise."

I headed upstairs after Soda left and looked through my closet. My mother came into the room and I quickly informed her on the occasion. We spent thirty minutes picking out a dress. It was a ballerina pink flowly dress that reached my ankles. It was sleeveless with a sweetheart neckline and a bow tied around the waist in the back. My mother insisted on a pair of tall, glossy, white heels that used to be her favorite. I curled my hair and did a bold eye shadow look with eyeliner and mascara. I went with a nude lip and I admired myself in the mirror, I'm not going to lie, I looked drop dead gorgeous.

I sat down stairs and waited, waited some more, and soon it had been a few hours. 'The party's probably late at night.' I reassured myself. 'Nothing to be worried about.'

I opened a book and began to read. Unable to focus, I set the book down and read the clock; 12:30. 'Damn it.' I thought. 'He's not coming.'

I felt hot tears running down my face and I couldn't stop. I heard the doorbell ring and I opened it. Dallas Winston stood at the door, a sad, sympathetic look on his face. He knew. His eyes widened at my appearance, my face was probably covered in black right then.

Wordlessly, he pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. It felt good to have someone to cry into.

We sat on the couch and he surprised me. "Kirstie, I can't believe Soda would stoop so low. I mean, I saw him at the party with Lizzie, and I thought he was dating you. I asked Ponyboy and he cracked and told me everything. I'm sorry, he's dating Lizzie, Mary, Jennifer, and you." That was all it took for my heart to shatter. He said he loved me, he told me I was his everything, but I was just number 4. The whole damn time, I. was. number. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. How could I be so oblivious, Kevin knew. That's what he was sad about! "I told Lizzie and confronted Soda. He was pathetic, he admitted the whole thing and told me he invited the wrong girl. I called Jennifer and Mary but only Jen picked up. I'll talk to Mary later. Don't cry Kirst, he's an asshole."

I stood up and Dallas followed me. When I reached the bathroom I washed off my melting panda face and took off my heels. While I changed into sweatpants, Dallas stood outside and waited. I dragged him down to the basement, I wasn't sure why, but I wanted him there. Looking through my own sheet music, I found the songs I was looking for.

"BUT SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE, I CAN BREATH FOR THE FIRST TIME. I'M SO MOVING ON YEAH YEAH." I sang that song at the top of my lungs until I grew bored of it. I grabbed the other song and screech/sang. "I SEE YOU'RE DRIVING DOWNTOWN WITH THE BOY I LOVE."

It went on for hours and Dallas was cheering me on. When my voice was weak I sat on the couch and laughed. Dallas joined in out of fear and I fell asleep in his arms.

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