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Kevin's POV
I sat up in bed and smiled. Today was the day that I was taking Cherry on a date. Taking Kirstie's advice, I called her yesterday and asked her to go to the Dingo for lunch today. She said yes, I can't believe that I might actually be dating a Soc.

I dressed in a white T-shirt and a leather jacket. The whole time all I could think about was Cherry. Did she like me back? Is this a date? Will she not want to be seen with me because I'm a greaser? So many questions.

She was standing outside the Dingo, anxiously waiting for me. Looking up, she saw me and waved as I jogged over to give her a hug.

"H-hi Kevin." Cherry blushed and looked down, She wore a light pink skater skirt with a white blouse and a matching bow tied around her bright red ponytail.

"Let's go inside." I said with a sudden surge of confidence.

We sat down and ordered cokes and cheeseburgers. We talked and talked about everything and I didn't have a care in the world. She made me feel so safe and comfortable, with her loving and warm smile.

"Hey Sherri, who's the lucky fellow?" Bob sauntered over to our table and his friends cheered him on. "You know Cherry, you'll always be my girl, and no dim witted punk is gonna get in the way."

It was apparent he had been drinking something a little stronger than coke. "Bob, can you leave us alone?"

Bob turned his gaze to me and let go of Cherry's shoulder, who was relieved. "You talking to me greaser? Cuz I'll skin you if you open your mouth again."

I cleared my throat. "I said, leave us alone."

Bob laughed. "You wanna go right now, or should I let you stretch first?" He was about to punch me but I grabbed his fist and flipped him to the floor. He slid away from me with a wild look in his eye.

"Stay away from Cherry, or you'll regret it Bob." I walked back to Cherry and the whole diner clapped. Had they been watching the whole time?

The manager yelled from the kitchen. "Food's on the house for the party of two at the door!"

Bob stood up and whined. "Come on guys let's get outta here."

The door slammed and Cherry ran up and hugged me. Surprised, I hugged her back. "Cherry, what's going on?"

She squealed in pure joy. "No one has ever stood up to Bob that way! Except for me a few times... Non physical, he's just a clingy ex."

So that's what this was about. "I'm glad he's gone now." I added with a pang of jealousy.

She leaned up against me. "Let's go."

We held hands and walked the streets, telling our life stories. "I have always played the cello, and beat boxed. I've always wanted to be in an acapella group, and now I'm in one! We have our first gig at Junior prom, I just don't know what our band should be called."

Cherry scrunched her face together. "Something like the number five..."

Epiphany washed over me. "PENTATONIX."

Cherry laughed and jumped up ad down with me. "It's perfect!" She shrieked and hugged me.

"I have to tell the others!" I ran dragging a laughing Cherry behind me. When we reached my house I picked up the phone and dialed Scott's number.

Scott's POV

I invited Mitch over that weekend, mostly to flirt with him but I told him I needed help with schoolwork. He was looking into my eyes, and we had a perfect moment. His brown eyes looked into my blue ones. I closed my eyes and leaned in...

Ring Ring! That damn phone. Pulling away from Mitch, who was blushing heavily, I ran to the phone and picked it up. "Scott Hoying speaking."

I heard Kevin's voice, along with a girl giggling on the other end. "PENTATONIX!" Was all he yelled. I immediately caught on and a yell went through me.

"Mitch!" Still embarrassed from earlier, Mitch looked up, eyes wide. "PENTATONIX!" He smiled as wide as possible and started going into a laughing fit.

After Kevin was off the phone, we decided to watch Mickey Mouse. Two-bit would be proud. I found myself closing my eyes again.

We were only inches away when... "Scott, I'm sorry I-I c-can't."

Tears began pouring off of his face and I pulled him into me. "What's wrong Mitch? I-I lo-ove you. Ever since I first pulled you up from the floor I've known that. You were so perfect sitting there, and all I wanted was for you to be mine."

Silence followed until Mitch took a deep breath in. "That's what Dan used to say. Until..."

I was longing to know more. "What Mitch? Tell me."

"He started to become more and more abusive after a while." He paused to catch his breath. "It started just verbally, and he would slap me a few times. At the end, he used a blade..."

I gasped and pulled Mitch in tighter. "I would never do that to you Mitch. You're an angel that landed on Earth. Please..."

Mitch cut me off by pulling away and moving inches from my face. I could feel his hot breath on my face. He pressed his lips against mine and we were kissing.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Flying off of each other we saw Kirstie with a giant grin on her face. "Finally! It's official." She sat down on the arm chair next to the couch. "I've been watching you flirt ever since Mitch moved here! You're a perfect couple!"

I smiled, holding Mitch's hand. "So are you and Soda!"

Kirstie growled and crossed her arms. "The idiot was cheating on me the whole time." She was fighting back tears. I ran to the chair and hugged her.

"I'll get the chocolate cake and romantic comedies!" Mitch yelled, halfway to my kitchen.

The Wrong Side Of Town (Pentatonix and Outsiders Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now