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Dally's POV
I woke up in a strange place with a killer headache. Kirstie sat over me with a troubled look on her face. While I sat up I scanned the place. It was a nightclub that was empty and silent. Garbage littered the floor and I sat in the middle of the dance floor.

Kirstie yanked me to my feet. "Come on Dally let's go back to the Curtis house."

I groaned from my throbbing forehead. "What happened?"

"You started hitting Soda when he was insulting me and then you ran off with me and we went to this... dump of a place. You got so drunk that we couldn't leave yesterday." Kirstie threw me into the passenger seat of my car.

I closed my eyes for just a moment, only to be shaken awake by Kirstie. She dragged me into the Curtis house and sat me on the couch. I fell asleep again and woke up to see a bowl of hot soup in front of me. Next to it was a note written in Kirstie's cute handwriting. "Hi Dal, the gang went to the Dingo to hang out. I made you soup at the hottest temperature possible so it wouldn't be cold. See you soon. -Kirst :)"

I set the note down and the soup was at the perfect temperature. After I finished I turned on Mickey Mouse. I wondered what happened that night. Suddenly it all came back to me...

-----Last Night-----

"Dally!" Kirstie screeched as I dragged her out of the house. I took her to a nightclub, since Buck was out of town. To be honest the place was kinda cheesy, but it was enough for us to have a good time. I had a few more drinks than I should have, though Kirstie was completely sober. While I was on the dance floor, I saw Kirstie watching me and I walked over to her.

"Kirstie come here girl. I wanna dance with you." I held my hand out and she took it while laughing.

"You're such a diva when you're drunk Dallas." She led me to the dance floor.

"Yeah sure Kirst." She laughed again as I slurred.

We danced on the floor for hours while yelling the words. They started playing a slow song and we slow danced. I couldn't help it, I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed me back and we spent the rest of the night dancing.

-----The Morning-----

I sighed and slammed my finger on the off button of the TV as the gang piled in. We all crammed ourselves on the couch, but it didn't seem right. It was almost dull.

"Guys," I looked around. "Where are Pony and Johnny?"

Darry took a sharp breath in. "Briarcliff asylum."

I stood abruptly. "We gotta go save them what are we waiting for?"

Darry blocked the door. "I sent Pony there and Johnny's mom sent him. They're healing there."

Kirstie stood and sped walked to us. "Heal from what?"

Darry closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. "He kissed Johnny Kirstie."

I pushed Darry away from the door but he stayed put. "I'm not letting you save him. He's being saved already."

"But why Darry? Why?" I grabbed his shirt but he pushed me to the floor. I sighed and went to the couch to watch Mickey with the gang.

Soda's POV
"Mary, I-I'm sorry." I stammered as Mary pushed me out of her house.

"Drop off the face of the Earth." Mary slammed the door and I ran home. Darry opened the door and I ran to the bathroom.

I searched through the cabinet until I found what I was looking for. Slashing the razor across my arm as I sobbed, I realized the whole gang was crying at the door. They wordlessly split into teams. Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, and Dally cleaned the bathroom. Darry, Kevin, Two-Bit, and Steve bandaged me up.

Darry put me into bed and shut the door. The bed was only mine now since Pony left. I was the only one he told. Yet when Darry looked me in the eye that night and asked me if I knew, I said no. I knew nothing at all.

The Wrong Side Of Town (Pentatonix and Outsiders Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now