Love's Touch

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Avi's POV
I walked down the streets of Tulsa with Kevin by my side. He was chatting about a redhead that he met, but I wasn't listening. All I could think about was Soda. I was appalled when I saw him KISSING Lizzie. He's dating my crush and cheating too.

I remember the day I met her. We were in the third grade, she dropped her backpack and I leaned over to pick it up. Kirstie looked over at me and smiled and I remember the warmth that traveled through me at her touch. She pulled the backpack towards her and sat down. From that day forward, I knew I was in love.

Unfortunately, Mr. Sodapop Curtis had to walk into our lives. He was all cute with those dimples and he and Kirstie clicked. Here we are now, and I still have yet to get over the girl who ran off with my heart.

After we reached Scott's house Kevin stopped me from knocking on the door. "Dude, are you alright? You've been zoned out the whole time we were walking." He waited for an answer.

I opened my mouth and stuttered. "Just tired is all. Let's go inside."

Kevin stopped me from ringing the doorbell again. "You only have that distant look when you're thinking about Kirstie."

I groaned. "Soda's cheating."

Kevin's eyes widened at the news. "Oh my gosh with who?"

"Lizzie, Mary, Jennifer, countless others. Kirstie will never believe me if I tell her and I don't know what to do. I saw Soda kissing Lizzie and he admitted to everything. He didn't even care about their feelings Kev what do I do?"

Kevin shrugged. "They've been together for two years. She won't believe it unless she sees it. Soda would never let her know and he would skin us if she confronted him. I think I have a plan."

Scott's POV

I caught myself staring at Mitch again. He looked so perfect in his outfit today and I just wanted him to be mine. Kevin and Avi were taking forever to get here so I started a conversation about songs in the trio.

"Kirstie do you have any ideas for the school talent show?" She hesitated after I asked.

"Well, ever since Mitch sang Piece of My Heart it's been stuck in my head. Maybe we should arrange that. Mitch?" Kirstie turned in his direction.

Mitch stopped looking around my basement. It was small and unfinished but all of my records were down there and I had a piano. Sheet music littered the floors, tables, and shelves. "Oh ok. By the way, your basement is heaven."

I laughed and the door flung open. Kevin and a stressed Avi were behind it. As Kevin walked in, he clapped his hands. "What song will we be arranging today Mr. Hoying?" Kevin asked in a fake British accent.

I cleared my throat. "Well Mr. Olusola it seems as though Piece of My Heart is on the agenda for today." I responded in the same exaggerated voice. Everyone laughed except for Avi, he just stared in Kirstie's direction.

After two hours the song was arranged, but it definitely needed more work. "Alright guys, Wednesday, same time and place. We are going to kill it at the talent show." Everyone except for Mitch walked home, his mother was expecting him later.

Mitch and I sat next to each other on my couch and turned on Mickey Mouse. When the show got boring, I decided to start a conversation. "How was your day? I didn't see you until lunch at school today."

Mitch tensed up and took a breath in. "Nothing happened. I mean, i-it was good. I went-t to uh Math, Science..."

I sensed that something was wrong, I could see it in his face. "Mitch, what happened today?"

Mitch started to tear up. I brought him into a hug and his warm body was pressed against mine. It felt like he belonged there, he fit perfectly. After he cried for a few minutes he took a deep breath in. "My entire English class found out that I was gay. I wanted to hide it at this school, after my last one. I'm sorry."

I stroked his hair. "Mitch."

He sniffled. "Yeah?"

"I'm gay too. Only Kirstie, my mom, and probably Soda know. If that makes you feel any better." I reassured him.

Mitch looked up at me with his big, brown, stunning eyes. He opened his mouth as if he were about to say something, but at that moment the phone rang. When I went to answer it, I found out it was his mother, wondering if Mitch could come home.

As Mitch walked down the street, I yelled. "Wait."

He turned around and jogged towards me. "Thank you."

"What?" Mitch asked, confused.

"For coming." I handed him my sweater. "It's cold out, I don't want you getting sick."

Mitch pulled his arms into the sweater and looked at the ground. "See you, tomorrow I guess."

I waved to him and watched him walk until he was out of sight. I stood there at the door for a while and eventually jumped into bed to think.

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