Ain't Worried

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During the two weeks I stayed with Bradley and Natasha, my visitors were kept to Penny, Pete and Amelia. Primarily because no one knew about Natasha and Bradley except our little blended family, but also so I could slowly re-acclimate to socializing.

For the most part, I felt like I was on vacation. During Week 2, I spent mornings learning to surf with Bradley. I begged him to teach me, and we knew Natasha wouldn't allow me on a surfboard. So when Nat went to the gym or ran errands, we'd get in the water.

Both of us were terrified of Nurse Natasha. She was a stupendous caregiver—maybe a little overbearing, but I wasn't going to tell her. Neither was Bradley.

Jake and I kept minimal contact. We decided that I would tell him when I felt ready to talk. He kept me updated on the state of my house and let me know if any urgent mail came.

Then, toward the end of my tenure at Bradley's, Jake called. His face flashed across my screen. I stared at him in my palm while my phone vibrated. Finally, I picked up. "Hey."

"Hey, Kyle," he replied.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked.

"I figured it was best to call, but I wanted to tell you I have to head back to Lemoore, but I still want us to talk." He paused. "When you're ready, of course. I wanted to let you know it doesn't matter where I am, I'll meet you in person."

"Ok," I replied. "Thanks for the call." I could sense disappointment through the phone. Jake was itching to talk.

"I miss you, Kyle." He finally broke.

"I miss you, too, Jake." My response was truthful—borderline downplayed. I really missed Jake.

Although I did my best, my mind still spent time pondering Jake's alternate life. His comments that night also left me with many questions—like who gave Sylvie her engagement ring, if not Jake? They've been over for how long? Five minutes? Five years? My brain was compiling all these questions into a list for later.

Jake and I didn't talk about my choice to press charges against Sylvie. Although, I'm sure it would come up when we met to talk about the situation in its entirety.

The un-vacation like part of my recovery was pressing charges against Sylvie. The thought of her having a rap sheet was short lived, because she, I learned, was an oil heiress. This was merely a slap on the wrist and just another mark on her likely expunged and sealed record.

Nonetheless, I made her and her family go through the motions, which was definitely annoying for them and satisfying for me. The least I could do was be a thorn in their side.

The huge splotch of road rash on my face was healing. Right now, the scab was flaking off to reveal a purple scar that would fade over time. Bradley assured me with pictures from when he first got his facial scars. Mine was pretty shallow, so it'd likely fade much faster. Plus, the salt water from our surfing excursions was a soft exfoliant.

Tonight was the night Penny decided to host us for dinner. I was freshly showered, while Natasha and Bradley were taking their turns—or showering together. I would bet the latter.

I had just hiked up my jeans, when the doorbell rang. The water was still running, so I threw on a shirt and headed to the front door to investigate. Peeking through the sidelight, I was shocked to see Jake. Immediately, I opened the door and slipped out.

"Hi?" I questioned.

"Hey." His eyes lit up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He sighed. "I couldn't bring myself to drive back to Lemoore without seeing you." He wanted to touch me but was restraining himself.

We stared at each other. "How did you find me?"

"I knew you were staying with Bradley. He and Natasha assured me you were in good hands," he explained. "We all have to keep our frenemies closest, so of course I know where Bradshaw shacks up." He smirked. My eyes nearly got stuck in the back of my head.

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning—I'm expected back by 1700."

My gaze dragged over him. He looked good. Really good. "I'm headed to dinner, but I can text you later. We can meet up late tonight or early tomorrow."

Jake drug himself off the porch and into his vehicle. I watched as he drove away. Suddenly, the front door flung open. "What are you doing?" Natasha asked with wet hair clinging to her face.

"Jake just dropped by," I explained. Her eyebrows crept up her forehead. "He has to report back tomorrow and didn't want to leave without seeing me." I paused. "I might meet him after dinner."

She slowly nodded, processing what I shared. "Only go if you want to—don't let him pressure you." 

I shrugged still undecided. "Let's get to Penny's."

Dinner with my favorite people was just what I needed. It was great to see Penny and Pete finally together. Amelia was over the moon to see her mom so happy. And Natasha and Bradley were free to be Natasha and Bradley.

The evening was winding down. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pete squeeze Penny's hand and they exchanged looks. "We have an announcement." Everyone looked in Pete and Penny's direction.

I knew it before it came out of Penny's mouth. "We're getting married." Natasha and I jumped up and screeched.

"And," Pete added. We sat back down. He looked at Bradley. "I'd like for you to be my best man." Natasha nearly went through the roof. Bradley got up and hugged Pete as a yes.

Penny turned to me. "Amelia and I agreed that we'd love for you to be my maid of honor." I was speechless, and Amelia was already hugging me. I nodded in response.

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