Family Matters

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"This escalated quickly." Natasha lounged with her arms folded behind her head as she lay on my bed in Bradley's guest room while I packed. I had just finished giving her about my meet-up with Jake.

While folding clothes, I sighed and looked at her. "Am I a dumbass for trusting him?"

Natasha pursed her lips while she thought about it. "Jake is a lot of things but a liar is not one." She paused. "I would trust him with my life—he proved as much during our last detachment." I thought back to the story of him coming through for Pete and Bradley. "I'm actually astounded about the pseudo-fiancé. It explains a lot." She was staring off, shaking her head.

Natasha rolled so she was on her stomach, resting her chin on her stacked forearms. "Jake really cares about you," she said. I side-eyed her. "I'm serious. The only photos I've ever seen Jake display are of his niece and nephew. That photo of you two has been added to his collection," Nat explained.

A chuckle vibrated through me. "That photo really did catch wildfire."

My things packed, I headed back to my house. Meanwhile, Jake was in Lemoore negotiating additional time off for his Texas trip. Given his rank and abilities, it wasn't difficult.

A week later, we were in a plane headed to Texas. There was something hilarious to me about being on a commercial flight, sitting beside one of the world's best pilots. Scenarios of Jake having to fly the plane played through my mind as I watched the wings cut through the clouds.

As our plane taxied and the air bridge connected, my heart rate began to increase. Normally, I wasn't a nervous person, but I was concerned Sylvie might be waiting for us rather than Jake's sister and kids.

Jake put a hand on my knee—I realized I had been zoned out. "Are you ok?"

A smile lifted the corners of my mouth. "Yeah, just tired. Might have to make my first stop in Texas a coffee shop."

"That can be arranged." He laced his fingers with mine and kissed the back of my hand.

Pilots might be the only people not in a hurry to get off a plane. We sat and waited for the rest of the plane to empty before alighting.

At baggage claim, we were surveying the belt when excited squeals cut through the low hum of the airport. "Uncle Jake!" We turned to find two blond streaks racing toward us. They wrapped their tiny limbs around Jake's legs and nearly took him down.

After patting their little backs and managing to keep his balance, he untangled himself to squat to their level. Jake finally got them to corral their excitement and stand side-by-side. "Maddie, Asher, this is Kyle." He turned them to face me.

I squatted and held out my hand. "It's wonderful to meet you!" Jake coaxed them each to shake my hand. He whispered something to them that made them light up.

"You got a plane ride!" Maddie stated.

"Of course—that's how we get here." I nodded.

"From Uncle Jake!" Asher added. Undoubtedly, they had seen the photo of Jake and me.

"I hope you had a calmer flight than the one provided by Jake." I stood up to come face-to-face with the female version of Jake, his sister Lindsey. "Lindsey, it's wonderful to meet you." She introduced herself. She was a business woman with a firm handshake.

"Likewise." I smiled at her as we dropped hands.

She moved onto Jake, and they ribbed each other as siblings do and embraced. It was cut short by two little lightning bolts zapping each other. Jake scooped up one in each arm, while Lindsey scolded them about their behavior in public. I trailed behind with our bags.

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