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"Kyle! Get up! We're going to miss our reservation! Linds and I are leaving in 15 minutes with or without you!" Emma's fist battered the door the entire time she yelled.

"I'm sure the neighbors love her." Jake grumbled as he pulled me closer to him under the blankets. "Why did you agree to brunch?" He mumbled into the crook of my neck.

"I didn't know we were going to have after hours activities when I agreed!" Begrudgingly, I wiggled free of his grasp to get ready. "Don't forget you're supposed to entertain Todd." I disappeared into the bathroom.

A smile crept across my face as my Irish coffee arrived. "That coffee isn't the only reason she's smiling." Emma immediately hid behind her mimosa.

I smirked as I swallowed the first sip of my drink. "Oh, good! I can talk about my sexcapades with the girls!"

"No, no, no!" Lindsey wagged her finger at each of us. "Absolutely not." Emma and I both giggled. "Just because you and Jake talk about your sex lives, Emma, doesn't mean I want to hear about his sex life." She paused. "Although from Kyle it seems more acceptable." She pondered the thought while sipping her mimosa.

"Enough alcohol, and you won't care," Emma said. The three of us laughed.

Of course, Emma picked a brunch spot with an amazing chef and menu. Turns out, the chef was a friend of Emma's, so she came to personally check on us. Going places with the Seresins was still surreal. The attention, the service, it was all at a level I was unfamiliar with.

Once the chef left, I watched as Lindsey threw back the rest of her drink. Emma and I exchanged glances, and she took that as a sign to order another pitcher of mimosas. She also ordered me another coffee.

"What's on your mind?" I looked at Lindsey. She stared at me, and then shifted her gaze to Emma, who was already peering at her.

"Wow, it's scary how in tune we all are," Lindsey commented. Just then, the server arrived and poured freshed drinks for her and Emma. Once everyone was served, she dove back in. "We need to talk."

Emma cocked her head slightly, curious to what her sister had to say. My mind immediately rewound to last night when I saw Lindsey with Joseph. Emma and I patiently waited for Lindsey to continue.

"Before it hits the news, I wanted you to hear it from me..."she trailed off.

A deep sigh escaped Emma, who had been holding her breath. "Dammit, Linds, I'm going to need you to get to the point a little quicker."

Lindsey took a deep breath. "In a few days, the board of governors is going to vote to unseat Dad as the Chairman and CEO of Seresin Oil, and I will take his place." My mouth dropped open, and Emma audibly gasped. "Once I am named, Seresin Oil will acquire ConocoPhillips. Joseph Phillips has agreed to sell his shares, which is an 85 percent majority." She took a moment, and then continued. "With the acquisition, Joseph will become chief of operations, and Sylvie's position will be eliminated."

"Is this the end?!" Emma's voice went up an octave. "Are we finally rid of her?!" She was practically bouncing her seat.

"What about Thomas?" I was curious why Lindsey had no qualms about unseating her father. I had a hunch but wanted to hear her version of events.

We exchanged a look that told me we knew the same information. She turned to Emma and took her hand. "This is going to be upsetting." Emma froze. "Mom knows, but made me promise not to say anything until we had a game plan." Emma's eyes were the size of saucers with anticipation. "Dad's been unfaithful to Mom for a while..."

"I know." Emma didn't let Lindsey finish.

"You know?!" Lindsey was genuinely surprised. She looked at me. I shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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