𝟬𝟬𝟯 Seeking Answers

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Chapter Three

FEIFEI feels exposed, as if all eyes are boring into her.

As she enters the grand hall of the Great Palace alongside her new friends, escorted by Ruyi, a hush falls over the room. The lively chatter and serene music that filled the air moments ago have vanished, replaced by an eerie silence. Every head turns to watch them, their gaze piercing and intense. Feifei can almost hear the sound of her own heartbeat in the stillness, as if even the slightest noise would shatter the tense atmosphere.

Feifei scans the crowd, searching for her mother, but she's nowhere to be found. Perhaps she's busy working at her small restaurant near the mountains, a humble establishment that stands in stark contrast to the luxurious buildings on the island.

"Uh, why is everyone looking at us?" Sokka asks, peering out from behind his sister, Katara. He glances down at his attire, his hair, his shoes, searching for any sign of a fashion faux pas. "Am I wearing the wrong clothes?"

Aang shakes his head. "I think . . . they're all looking at me," he says with an awkward grin. Raising his hand, he waves at the onlookers, eliciting gasps of both horror and awe.

"Just act normal," Katara reminds the two boys, flashing them a strained smile.

"And don't ever mention Avatar Suijin in front of anyone," Feifei adds sternly to Aang, Sokka, and Katara. When they start to ask her questions, she cuts them off abruptly, saying, "It's strictly forbidden. Or there will be consequences. Not from me, but from the king himself!"

The three exchange nervous glances and gulp fearfully at her warning.

The grand hall of the Great Palace is a sight to behold, with its walls adorned with shimmering diamonds and intricate gold detailing. The opulent decor reflects the wealth and power of the ruling family of Ch'uan. At the very front of the hall, on a raised dais, sits the king and queen, flanked by their son and daughter. They exude an air of regal elegance, their presence commanding the attention of all who enter.

In front of the royal family, a group of traditional musicians sits, their instruments poised and ready. The soft strains of music fill the hall after a moment of silence, adding to the atmosphere of grandeur and majesty. Despite the tension in the air, the musicians continue to play with skill and grace.

Feifei and her companions stand at the entrance of the hall, feeling small and insignificant in the presence of such magnificence. But as they step forward, guided by Ruyi, they steel themselves for the audience that awaits them.

"The Avatar and his friends from the Southern Water Tribe!" Ruyi announces loudly, welcoming them in the presence of the royal family and the people of Ch'uan, all seated at their respective tables.

There's an empty seat next to Ming-Yue's older twin sister, Princess Pangfua, the second heir to the throne. The seat is reserved for the eldest sibling, Prince Yichen, the first heir to the throne and the king's older son. Even though the king didn't want the seat to be there, his wife, the queen, insisted. It serves as a reminder of her son who ran away and died a hero.

Feifei finds the people of the sea, the residents of Ch'uan, to be peculiar. They have a habit of declaring those who leave to fight in the war died as heroes, even though they may not know their fate or circumstances. It's as if they instantly consider them dead as soon as they depart from Ch'uan. Perhaps it's a coping mechanism, a way to avoid dwelling on the fact that some choose to seek hell rather than remain in heaven.

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