Part 36

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It's about my past shehnaaz when I was in UK for my higher studies on that time I was head over heels in a love with a girl. She was my classmate her name is Sheena... We were together for merely more than a year. It was love from my side it's my point of view on that time but I felt she never loved me she was with me just for the sake of money and fame. I was famous because of my sports skills as I was volleyball player during my college and I was captain and owing to this everyone knows about me. She spent my money on various things and I always thought she has right on my everything but I never knew about her evil intentions. One random day I visited her apartment to meet her , I unlocked door with spare keys and the scene in front of my eyes broke my heart.. I was shattered on that time ... Almost I lost my trust on love but mom supported me she makes me understand that we were not made for each other. She always said when I fall in love with someone my perspective will automatically change and you are like Sunshine in my life when I saw you for the first time my breath hitched and I was mesmerized by your beauty. you know what shehnaaz you are not only gorgeous by your look you have a pure heart and it Captivate other towards you. You really taught me another definition of love. Some people changed their attitude towards Life but my behaviour never changed because of her I always thought that my parents give me amazing life and they love me to the moon and back and one mere girl can't change me nobody had audacity to affect me.

Her eyes brimmed with tears .. sid immediately cupped her face and said let me complete first don't cry. you know na I hate your tears. Like a obedient child she nodded

I told you I went to her flat and k found her naked with another guy and I left from there without creating any scene but later I confronted her and she told me she didn't love me. She was with me for money as she wants to live luxurious life and now she found new murga (guy) who will took responsibility of her expenses. She said all these things to me very calmly. I didn't saw any guilty or regret in her eyes and voice she was confident.

From that day I always behave maturely in front of mom dad. I don't want them to worry about me they tried their best to give me perfect life. They took care of desires otherwise some children could not live better life and are unable to fulfill their basic needs but in my case I am an apple of my parent's eyes. But I always want someone with whom I can share everything. I know I should shared all these things with you before but I was so selfish because I don't want to lose you at any cost. I am extremely sorry for this baby. You can scold me , get angry on me but plxxxx don't leave me. I can't afford to lose you ...I cannot imagine my life without you.

He has tears in his eyes and he is vulnerable and it's clearly visible on his face.

She nodded in no and hugged him tightly. He immediately hold her in his embrace he pulled her close to him. She dugged her face in his neck and both cried. Sid was crying because he thought she will leave him and shehnaaz has mixed feelings she felt delighted that she found a husband like sidharth and she thought he suffered alot she has idea that he still hide something from her but she want him to share everything willingly. How many things this man hide inside his heart....anger rushed through her veins when she think about Sheena but she know it's not right time to get angry. It's time to console sidharth ...

She softly cupped his face in her small palms and kissed his forehead.
You know sidharth sometime our problems give us best lesson of our life. You were carefree you trust any random person before you meet her.. now you think twice before taking any decision and it's quite beneficial for you in business and personal life also isn't it? You came to know how crucial our family is in our life.
Don't think negative bebu everything happened for a reason and if you are worried about me then trust me I will never leave you can share anything with me I will never judge you are my life sidharth. .and you know what I am so proud of you instead of indulging yourself in any illegal activity or taking any drastic step which will harm your near ones , you choose to invest your emotions for your parents and you give ur time to business. I saw many people who become arrogant, and some try to harm themselves... however you are different and because of your these traits I'm falling more and more for u ..

Sid smiled and took her lips in a searing... The kiss was full of love they convey their unsaid words to each other through that kiss... Sidharth reluctantly broke the kiss when he feel she is running out of breath and joined their forehead nd said I love you shehnaaz you are like Sunshine in my life... ❤️

I am feeling lite after sharing everything with you. I was so worried about your reaction and now I'm happy you understand me. Thankyou so much for coming in my life.

Without saying anything she opened her arms for him and he happily placed his face on her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around him .

She ruffled his hair with her soft finger...
After sometime he slept when she look towards his sleeping figure and she kissed his hair. She promised herself she will always trust him no matter whatever the situation is....

Enjoy ❤️

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