Don't be suspicious

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This was a bad idea. He knew it was, and yet he was still ducking under a window. Loyally following behind Nina. She was confident and loud, as soon as she suggested that they ditch he knew it was going to happen. He crouched, duck walking through the dirt. 
"Why couldn't we just go through the front?" Jesper groaned "My legs hurtt." Kaz shushed him quickly, "we couldn't just waltz through the front door. We have to go out the back, where the big trash cans are" Kaz was talking in a hushed tone. We turned out into a court yard it was fenced in, three big dumpsters pushed against the fence. Inej climbed on top of one easily, Kaz following her lead. "I am not climbing on a trash can" Nina lifted an eyebrow, "you will if you want to leave school without getting caught." Kaz gripped the top of fence and lifted himself up, his bad leg looked tight. He'd probably regret doing all this later. "It'll be fine my love, we'll get extra waffles" Matthias helped her onto the can. She smiled and batted her eyelashes "I have no idea what I'd do without you Helvar" he smiled dumbly and followed her up. Once they were all on the other side, I climbed op and looked over the fence. It was high, nothing I couldn't manage. I felt my chest tighten, what would Dad say if he knew I was doing this? He quickly pushed all thoughts to the back of his mind and took a deep breath. Jesper jumped up onto the dumpster top, the metal rattling with the sudden force. "You look sick" he stopped moving for a second then quickly started messing with his hands again. "Lovely" I muttered as I jumped over the wall. 
Nina squealed, "omg we're doing it!" She grabbed Matthias's hand and started skipping down the pavement. "Now what?" I asked, falling in step with Jesper. "We do whatever we want" she turned and smiled at us all, Inej and Kaz stayed in the back. Inej quietly laughed at something Kaz said, knowing him it was probably something depressing. Jesper poked my in the side "what's wrong?" I looked over at him, those stupid pink sunglasses glinted in the sun bathing his skin in a pink and purple haze. I shook my head "I'm fine" he poked me again. "No, you're creasing your eyebrows" he gently touched a finger between my eyes "you only do that when you're stressed or working on something really hard in chem." I thought for a second, I really didn't want to skip school. I hated the thought of my dad finding out, I just didn't want him to be disappointed in me. Every since my mom died last fall and my dad married Alys everything has changed. My dad's always been distant from me, eating dinner in his office, never talking to me unless its about school or chores. Lately he's been even more so, it doesn't matter in the long run. I only had a few more years in the house then I'd be free to be who I am and do what I want to do. "You're going crazy Jesper, I'm fine" I managed a smile. He pulled his sunglass to the bridge of his nose "you're lying to me, I can tell. It's fine though, I'm not gonna push you to talk."  Thank god. "thank you-" I mutter. Nina stopped suddenly, "I know what we're doing" she turned around. "Spit it out" Kaz rolled his eyes, Nina narrowed her eyes but soon switched back to a huge smile. "Mall tripp, we can get Kaz a new haircut. Cause yeesh, and we can get clothes and waffles and it'll be so much fun!" Jesper nodded wildly "Nina Zenik you're a queen, we're totally doing that" Kaz shook his head. "No. We are not."
 Inej smiled, "lighten up, it'll be fun!" She walked ahead of him and looped an arm in Nina's. 
Wylan felt a smile tug at his lips. No matter how much sucked at his house, he felt more at home with this group.



Fragile. That was the first thing that came to mind when he met Wylan Van Eck. He didn't mean fragile in a bad way, his skin was so perfect it looked like it might bruise if you touched it. His golden red curls framed his face perfectly, he was leaned over a bottle of red smudge in third period chemistry. Fragile, the word that also came to mind now. He watched Wylan squint as the sun shined in his face, his brow creased. I knew he wasn't himself, was it me? Maybe I shouldn't have pushed him to ditch. I knew Wylan had it rough at his house lately and it sucked knowing that I couldn't do anything but be there for him. Listen to him talk about his dad ignoring him again, comfort him at three am when he missed his mom. I was there for him, I just wished I could help more. The walk to the mall wasn't long, ten minutes tops. Nina and Matthias holding hands ahead of us, giggling about something. Kaz and Inej stayed behind me and Wylan, who knows what they were doing. Kaz never talked to me like he did Inej. I knew that Kaz and Inej had been through a lot together but I've known him longer, I didn't like the word jealous. I wasn't jealous of Inej's bond with Kaz, I just wish Kaz would open up more. Tell me that he needs me around, explain stocks to him, but I knew that wouldn't happen. As we walked into the parking lot of the mall Wylan turned to me. "I don't feel great, I'm gonna go find a bathroom-"  Before I could say anything he was walking away, Nina looked after him but didn't say anything. Just a glance at me and a raised eyebrow. I shrugged, hoping he was okay. 


Hi again,
 sorry for the sorta short chapters, I'm gonna try and keep them pretty short bc why not? This was a pretty fun chapter to write and I bet you can tell what my fav ship is ;)

I'll start writing more action/story meat? (idk what to call it) soon, until then, enjoy

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