Bad Decisions

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Nina leaned heavily on Matthias's arm. "I think I'm a little drunk" she giggled, he scowled and stumbled down the stairs with her. They stepped over a boy laying in puddle of vomit and several red solo cups. "I think you are too" Matthias hissed, Nina cringed. She didn't want him to be angry at her. 
Matthias helped her into the back seat of the car. Wylan and Jesper sat in the front already. Jesper turned in his seat. "Dang Nina, you had fun" he smirked and Wylan slapped him on the leg. "You can't talk Mr. 'I can totally do five shots and not throw up.'"
 Nina laughed, "you threw up?" "A bunch" Jesper laughed too, sending the both of them into a frenzy of snorts and giggles.
Wylan and Matthias both looked at each other and shook their heads. Wylan pulled out of the driveway and started going to Nina's house. 
Nina nudged Matthias, "sorry I ruined our night" she said quietly. Matthias's face softened as he looked at her. "You didn't. I just hate seeing you like this"
 Nina nodded and mumbled another 'sorry' before falling asleep.

Next thing she knew, Matthias was carrying her up the steps to his house, waving bye to Wylan and Jesper. 
Nina bounced in the blonde boys arms. "Why are we at your house?" She asked sleepily.
"Because if your parents see you like this they'll kill you." He answered as he opened the door and walked to his bedroom.
"What about your parents?"
"Not here right now, they're both on a work conference." 
"Oh" Nina said meekly as she laid down on his bed. 
Matthias pulled of his shirt and put a different one on. He looked at her and motioned for her to close her eyes. Nina sighed and put an arm over her face, she heard the rustling of him putting on sleep shorts. 
"Do you want one of my shirts? Since yours kind of has puke on it" Matthias pulled another shirt out of his closet. Nina uncovered her eyes and stood up, she wobbled a bit but found balence.
"Is that even a question Helvar? I steal all your shirts now give" 
Matthias sighed but smiled nonetheless, handing her his favorite t-shirt.
 He should know by now that he was never getting that back.
Matthias closed his eyes and Nina slipped out of her blouse. Putting the oversized tee on instead. 
She walked over to the tall boy, his eyes still covered. Nina kissed him on the cheek and corner of the mouth. He opened his eyes slightly, "your breath smells like beer." 
Nina crinkled her nose and laughed. "I hate you." She crawled back onto his bed and under the covers.
He shook his head, "I love you too" he lied down next to her. His body pressed against hers. 
Nina smiled and drifted off to sleep, Matthias said something else but Nina didn't hear.

Nina woke up to a cold bed and the smell of waffles. Bright light shined through Matthias's window. Nina scowled and closed her eyes, all the memories of last night came flooding in. 
Nina had lost a bet with Zoya which resulted in a very long game of standing on a bar chair on one leg with a drink in hand.
Nina had lost, which also resulted in a very large bruise on her lower back.
Zoya had laughed and jumped off her chair.
Nina drowned her loss with a good bit more beer. 

She forced herself out of bed, a headache pounding in her brain. Nina walked into the kitchen to find Jesper, Inej, Wylan, and Matthias sitting in at the table. Each of them had a big stack of fluffy waffles.
"Morning sunshine" Jesper beamed, if Nina was hungover he had to be.
"Wasn't expecting everyone to be here" Nina grumbled as she sat down, pulling Jesper's plate of waffles to her.
 "Me neither" Matthias remarked as he pushed another plate towards a pouting Jesper. 
Wylan took a sip of his water, "how do you feel?"
Nina looked up, "like shit" she took another bite of waffles. Matthias always made the best waffles.
Inej smiled softly "Oh just wait, it gets better." Inej pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Nina.
Nina glanced at her and opened it up. 

-Get password

-learn security guard routes 

-get keys for office and desk

-get key-card


was sprawled in tight, neat handwriting. It was unmistakably Kaz's.
Nina just stared at the paper. "What does all this mean?" she finally asked.
Inej just shrugged "he said that he had a new job for us, that it was going to be the hardest one yet and that this is what we needed to do." 
"That's it? That's all he said" Wylan asked. 
"Harder then when we switched Fjerda's wolf mascot with the crow costume?" Jesper inquired with a mouth full of waffles.
"That was you guys??" Matthias basically screeched.  Nina and Jesper smiled.
"Maybe" Nina said sweetly.
Matthias frowned, "that was very irresponsible" 
"and hella hard, so if this job is harder then that. I want out" Jesper leaned back in his chair.
Wylan nodded slowly. "He's not wrong" 
Jesper smiled at Wylan. "of coarse I'm not wrong."
Inej shook her head. "We're getting off track. Kaz said to meet him at The Slat tomorrow at nine." They all nodded, not saying anything for a few moments. The smell of burnt butter and sickly sweet syrup wafted in the air. 
"This might be one of the dumbest things we've ever done" Nina finally said, breaking the silence.
"We don't even know what the job is yet" Matthias pointed out.
"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about trusting Kaz to not get us in major trouble." 
Inej laughed a little, "we can still say no if we don't want to do it." 
"Let's be honest here, whenever Kaz. Or anyone here for that matter, says we should do something, we all follow them blindly. Even if it means serious trouble." Wylan huffed, Nina knew he was speaking from experience.
"We're just a rag-tag group of friends, we're quirky like that" Jesper poked Wylan in the side.
Wylan's face softened, "I'm just saying."
"It just means we trust each other" Nina tried to help. 
Everyone kind of nodded and agreed quietly.
The five of them sat there in silence, enjoying the quiet before the storm. 

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