Bathroom Stalls

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Jesper pulled a shirt of the rack "I would look good in this wouldn't I?" Nina glanced over and barked a laugh "that looks like my granddad's carpet." He put it back up, "fine, just know that I lied when I said that dress looked good on you. Makes you look frumpy" he smiled. She didn't find it as funny as Jesper did, "it did not!" Matthias looked up from the bench he was sitting on. "Figures you would say that, your a total simp for her" Jesper sighed.
 "I am not." Matthias grumbled. Nina smiled proudly, "yes you are, but lucky for you I like it" she planted a kiss on Matthias's cheek.
 Jesper fake gagged, "oh hush, you just wish this was you and Wylan" Nina grabbed a shirt and held it up in front of Jesper.
He wasn't going to deny it. On one level he did wish that was him and Wylan, he wished that he could hold Wylan's soft hand in his, he wanted to brush away Wylan's curls and leave small marks on his neck. Jesper also knew that would never happen, he knew that Wylan didn't feel that way about him. Besides Wylan had a lot of family stuff going on and Jesper wasn't going to try and add a relationship on top of Wylan's stress. 
"That's not true." Jesper swatted her hand away, she just shrugged and went back to looking at the clothes. Jesper thumbed through a couple more shirts then got bored, he felt the need to do something, to go somewhere. He walked over to Inej who was trying on sunglasses, Kaz stood next to her, he looked like he was constipated. 
"You okay Jes?" Inej put back a bright blue pair of shades, Jesper nodded. "I'm going to go find Wylan though- He's been gone for a little bit." Jesper played with the bottom of shirt.
 "He's a big boy, he can fend for himself. Besides, he's probably in the bathroom." Kaz added, Jesper shook his head. "I'm still worried, he's been stressed lately and I think I haven't been helping lately" Jesper's leg started to bounce. Inej put a pair of glasses back and placed a hand on Jesper's shoulder. "Ignore Kaz, he's just in a mood. Go find Wylan if you think you should" she smiled, Jesper knew why Kaz was so infatuated with her. 
Jesper walked into the bathroom. "Wy?" he called out softly, everything was silent. Jesper was about to walk out and go find Nina when he heard a small sniffle and someone call out "go away Jesper." Jesper smiled to himself "I'm going to have to pass on that, now what stall are you in?" Wylan hesitated for a second "the third one. Ya'know the really big one."
 Jesper walked over and knocked gently.
 Wylan unlocked the stall and sat back on the floor, his back to the wall. Jesper walked in and closed the door behind him, he sat down beside Wylan.
Jesper looked over at Wylan.
 "So, wanna talk about why we're in here and not out having fun?" Wylan cringed, "I never asked you to come find me." His tone was icy, Jesper just nodded.
"Yeah but I kinda care about you and wanted to make sure you were okay." Wylan looked over at him, his face was red but Jesper knew it was because he had been crying. 
"Yeah okay" Wylan muttered, he put his hand on the floor and sighed.
Jesper hated seeing him like this. "Do you maybe want to talk about it?" Jesper tried to press but not to much. 
Wylan just shook his head, "not  particularly."
Jesper just nodded, "all right then." 
Jesper sat his hand by Wylans, moving it slightly so that they were almost touching. Wylan looked down and moved his hand closer. Wylan quickly looked back up but he didn't move his hand. Jesper smiled slightly, he knew it didn't mean anything though. 
"It's my dad." Wylan blurted out.
"I figured" 
"He only talks to me about school, he talks more to the dog then he does his own son."
"Frick him, just come live with me"
Wylan laughed, Jesper loved making him laugh. 
"If only it'd be that easy" Wylan smiled at Jesper. 
"Why couldn't you? You could sleep in my room." Jesper wanted to move closer, he wanted to pull Wylan into him. "I've been in your room, there's no space for me" Wylan laughed a little more, pushing his curls out of his face.
"I'll make room, you can sleep in my bed" Jesper turned to face Wylan.
Wylan's cheeks flushed, "and where will you sleep? The floor?" 
"I figured I'd sleep in my bed" Jesper wanted to move closer but he couldn't.
Wylan turned a bright shade of pink and shifted away from Jesper, "you are a special kind of weird Jesper Fahey" 
"and you're a special kind of cute Wylan Van Eck."
Wylan stood up and grabbed his satchel, Jesper followed him out the stall. 
"Sorry I kinda forced you into ditching" Jesper leaned down and whispered to Wylan
"I'm glad I came" Wylan looked up at Jesper. 
They walked back over to the group.
"Where did you two go?" Nina smirked. 
"Ew, bad dog. Not everything is dirty" Jesper laughed. 
Wylan nodded in agreement. 
"Fine whatever you say" She shrugged and went back to picking shoes for Matthias. 
Jesper and Wylan took turns choosing clothes for the other one. Jesper loved every second of it. He loved Wylan's laugh and the way he stuck his tongue out just a little bit when he was focusing. Jesper knew he was crazy for thinking about Wylan so much but he also just let himself soak in any moment with Wylan he could get. 

hi again, wooo I needed to write some Wesper stuff after Kaz's chapter. Sorry again for the short chapter, its currently 2am here and I'm actively falling asleep 

Anywho, how you guys like the story so far? Anything I can change?

alr, I'm off to bed. Hopefully I'll get to writing Matthias next! 
Thank you for reading <3 

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