Free Falling

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Inej was falling, and fast. Which was weird, because Inej never falls. Her body hit the ground, the air rushing out of her lungs. She had fallen on her hand and sprained it. The second weird thing of the day. But surely enough she had sprained it and she knew that Kaz wasn't going to be happy about it. She also knew that she didn't really care in the moment, she might later but not right now. The things he said to her cut deep, she wasn't just his pet. Waiting for him to do something so she could follow him around.

"Inej I'm going to need you to not move around a lot during this part, m'kay?" The stocky nurse asked sweetly, Inej really didn't like docters.

"Yes ma'am sorry." She snapped out of her thoughts and tried to hold still as the nurse put her arm in a sling.
The short lady smiled at her and patted Inej's forearm before leaving the room to talk to Inej's parents. Probably about the bill, or how long until Inej could take off the stupid sling.

Inej sighed, she felt useless. She hated falling.


The next day went by fast, Inej had convinced her mom to let her stay home from school. So instead of sitting in a stuffy desk, Inej sat on her couch. Watching a very dramatic show about some cowboys fighting over their farm, but eventually she fell asleep. Her arm resting on a pillow situated on the coffee table next to her.

Later that evening Inej sat up, her phone was buzzing on the floor, texts from her mom told her that her parents had a business meeting and they wouldn't be home until late that night.
Inej sat up, and turned the tv off.

"Looks like pizza for dinner Murphy." Inej told her cat as she started dialing the pizza place nearby.
The fat black cat meowed like he understood what she said.

After ordering the pizza, Inej laid back down. Her hand was throbbing, and her thoughts kept wandering back to Kaz. She wasn't going to deny that she had feelings for him. That wasn't it, it was that Kaz could never like someone. Inej knew that something had made him mean and bitter, but he never told her what. No matter how hard she poked or how relentlessly she asked. He never budged. So she gave up asking, and she also gave up the hope that he would open up to her.

Inej had fallen asleep on the couch again, but was rudely woken up by the doorbell. She blinked a few times, trying to get the sleep out of her eyes before she got up and answered the door.

"Pizza for Inej, Inej? Oh hey." Matthias was stood in her doorway holding a pizza and a large receipt.

"Hey Matthias, I didn't know you delivered pizza." Inej grabbed the pizza and waved him inside, he gladly stepped into the foyer of the house and shut the door.

"It's a new job, I figured it's time for me to start working a bit more"

Inej nodded, she put the pizza on the dining room table and grabbed a slice.
"Brekker is mad at me huh?" she took a bite, the cheese burned the roof of her mouth.

"Not happy but not mad. I don't think he'll every get seriously mad at you to be frank" Matthias said carefully, he looked around the room and ruefully took a few steps toward the dining room table.
"He's mad at me though, I told him this whole thing was stupid and I didn't want to do it. He threatened me a good bit after that."

Inej felt a smile tug at the corner of her face. "He's got a lot on his mind lately."

"He's a prick that's what he is." Matthias walked back to the door and opened it. "I hope you feel better Inej, it was good seeing you. We all missed you today" Matthias waved bye and walked down the stairs.


"Inej my best friend!" Jesper was running full speed to her as she walked into the hallway of their school.
"I've missed you so much, and you've missed so much. Oh wow there's a lot to tell you." Jes continued, "but how are you? Nice sling by the way"

Inej laughed "I missed you too, and I can't wait to hear all about what happened."

"It'll have to wait." Kaz pushed past Jesper, Inej noticed a small strand of dark hair that framed his face.
"Hello Kazzle Dazzle" Inej smiled, she had determined in the car ride there that she was going to forgive and forget.
He flinched a little, she knew he hated that nickname.

"We're doing the thing today." He put his book bag down and unzipped it.

"The hell I am, we're not ready." Jesper crossed his arms.

"They upped the price to 2k. They really want this file."

"All that for some girl?" Jesper uncrossed his arms and looked around, Inej could tell he was on edge today. He was even more unfocused then usual.

"Must be one hell of a girl" Nina walked over, and put a hand on Inej's shoulder. She offered the other girl a small smile. Matthias was soon with them, he was never far behind Nina.

Kaz looked at Nina and didn't say anything. He just kept digging through his backpack.

" Nina you get the key to Rollins office and Matthias you're on lookout. Jesper you and Wylan will be doing what Inej can't" Kaz finally looked up. "Where the fuck is Wylan?"

"He's probably not to happy with me" Jesper said quietly.

"Saint's Jesper. You had to pull some shit right before a job?" Kaz ran a hand through his hair and walked off into the crowd of kids going into the school.

"He's in a great mood." Nina groaned, Inej tried to laugh but she felt like this was her fault.


Inej didn't mind school. Sure it was loud, but she always kind of drifted. She wasn't popular, and the only reason people knew who she was is because she hung out with Kaz. She was fine with that, popularity wasn't something she strived for.

Somehow Kaz always ended up in her thoughts. She knew that Kaz didn't think about her in any other way then just a friend, and she didn't care for him in that way either. But his words hurt, she thought they were at least a little more close then that.

She was walking to her next class when she saw Wylan getting books out of his locker. Inej really liked Wylan, there was a certain comfort in the way that he was always scribbling a new idea on a piece of paper, or how you could always count on the red haired boy.

Inej put a hand on Wylan's shoulder, "boo" she smiled as he turned around fast enough to almost drop his books.

"Saints Inej, you scared the crap out of me" He smiled back though. "We all missed you yesterday, how's your arm feel?"

She sighed "better, but it itches for some reason"

He grimaced "ew."

Inej laughed. "Yeah not to fun, how's stuff for you?"

Wylan looked around quickly and his smile dropped a little bit. "Just tired, busy with homework as always."

She could tell he wasn't comfortable, his eyes darted up the hallway. "He wants to do the job today."

He looked taken aback, but quickly wiped the look off his face. "He's also crazy. I'll find him later at lunch to protest this, but I have English next" he put a hand on Inejs arm. "Sorry."
She smiled at him and nodded as he turned around and hurriedly walked down the hallway.



Sorry for kind of jumping around in this chapter, believe me the next one is gonna be good >:)


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