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I've finished my exams to Allhamdullilah and I'm so happy cause I know I wrote well, Lily and Aisha are coming today and I'm happy! Nurain is waiting for me at the gate and I'm walking already towards the gate to get to him and still I'm just so happy, when I got to him I opened the door and sat inside and closed back the door
"How was it?" He asked
"It was so Good! I'm so happy" I said
"That's good! I like that" He said while driving out of the parking lot
He opened his phone while driving and put his playlist, and I was so surprised to hear one of my Favourite songs playing 'Eastside'
When I was young, I fell in love
We used to hold hands man that was enough
I heard Nurain singing it with me and I was surprised, this boy was a Lover boy

Then we grew up, started to touch
Used to kiss underneath the light on the back of the bus (yeah)
Oh no, your daddy didn't like me much
And he didn't believe me when I said you were the one
Oh, every day she found a way out of the window to sneak out late
She used to meet me on the Eastside
In the city where the sun don't set
And every day you know that we ride
Through the backstreets of a blue Corvette
Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight
We can go anywhere we want
Drive down to the coast, jump in the seat
Just take my hand and come with me, yeah
We can do anything if we put our minds to it
Take your whole life then you put a line through it
My love is yours if you're willing to take it
Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it
So come away, starting today
Start a new life, together in a different place
We know that love is how these ideas came to be
So baby, run away, away with me
Seventeen and we got a dream to have a family
A house and everything in between
And then, oh, suddenly we turned twenty-three
Now we got pressure for taking our life more seriously
We got our dead-end jobs and got bills to pay
Have old friends and know our enemies
Now I, I'm thinking back to when I was young
Back to the day when I was falling in love
He used to meet me on the Eastside
In the city where the sun don't set
And every day you know where we ride
Through the backstreets in a blue Corvette
And baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight
We can go anywhere we want
Drive down to the coast, jump in the seat
Just take my hand and come with me
We can do anything if we put our minds to it
Take your whole life then you put a line through it
My love is yours if you're willing to take it
Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it
So come away, starting today
Start a new life, together in a different place
We know that love is how these ideas came to be
So baby, run away with me
Run away, now
Run away, now
Run away, now
Run away, now
Run away, now
Run away, now
He used to meet me on the Eastside
She used to meet me on the Eastside
He used to meet me on the Eastside
She used to meet me on the Eastside
In the city where the sun don't set.
I felt so happy today, I even asked Nurain a question I thought i would never ask anyone
"Can you teach me how to drive?" I asked
"You don't know how to drive?!" Nurain asked in shock
"Yup!" I smiled
"I'm definitely going to teach you this summer" He said
"Well thank you" i said
I just kept on vibing to his music till we got back home, I came down from the car and Amina came out of the house to help us with our bags, I walked into the house with Nurain and Lily and Aisha were sitting in the open sitting room with mama, Salma, Sultan, Ruqaya and Faruk
"Hello everyone" I said announcing I and Nurains arrival cause everyone was interested in what lily was saying, they all turned around and Lily and Aisha jumped down from the couch and ran towards me and hugged me
"Ya Asaal!" Lily shouted
"Lily!" I said back in excitement
"Ya Asaal!" Aisha also shouted in excitement
Then I bent down to their level and Hugged them
"Oh, I missed the both of you so much! Are you guys staying here or you're going back to France?" I asked
"We are going back unfortunately, but mummy is staying here" Lily said
"Oh, when are you guys going to Yola?" I asked
"What's that? Where is that?" Aisha asked
"Yola is where you your daddy's mommy is from, it's here in Nigeria, didn't your dad tell you?" I asked
They both shook their heads, I looked at them and smiled, they don't even look Nigerian, they are pure white, I thought to myself
"Okay, this is your Uncle, Uncle Nurain, say hello to him" I said
"Hello" They both said
But Nurain was distracted by his phone I turned around and looked at him
"Nurain they are telling you hello" i said
"Oh, hi kids, how are you guys?" He asked
"We are good" They both said
"And those are you other aunties and uncles and your grandma" I said
"Yeah we already spoke to them, they are all fun" Lily whispered
"Ouu, thats cool, anyways are you guys hungry?" I asked
"Na, I had Doritos for lunch" Lily said
"That's not food, Aisha what about you?" I asked
"Uh, I just had a carrot" She said
"Amina!" I called
But I didn't get any response
"Amina!!!" I called again
"Na'am!" She responded
She rushed out of the kitchen and came to my service
"What was for lunch today?" I asked
"Danwake" She said
"Toh just warm my mine and keep it, Nurain are you also eating?" I asked
"What?" He asked
"Danwake" i said
"Na, I'll pass" He said
"Okay just warm for me, and then is there chicken?" I asked
"Yes ma" she said
"What about basmati rice?" I asked
"Yes ma" She said
"Okay I'll soon come to the kitchen" I said
She left my presence and went back to the kitchen
"Will you guys eat white rice and Chinese sauce for lunch, then we can order pizza for dinner?" I asked Lily and Aisha
"Yes please" They both said
"Okay let's go upstairs" I said
"Asaal sorry, we forgot to ask you how were your exams?" Mama asked
"Mama it was amazing, I'll tell you all about it later" I said
She just smiled at me and I continued my journey upstairs, when I entered Lily and Aishas boxes were already inside
"Let me change out of this and I'll start making lunch, okay" i said
"Can we watch tv?" They asked
"Sure, but make sure not to enter my profile, kids profile only" i said
"Okay" Lily said
I entered my walking wardrobe and removed my current clothes and changed into a pair of light pink sweatpants and a green baggy shirt, I tied a silk scarf on my head and I came out of the wardrobe, I looked at the Tv and they where watching a movie, looked like a Disney one though, I left the room for them and I went back downstairs and entered the kitchen, I washed my Basmati rice and started boiling it, then I started chopping all of my vegetables for the sauce, I heard the kitchen door opening but i didn't bother to look at who it was, I then noticed that everyone around me started leaving, the cooks, the nannies and the rest, how strange, I looked up and I saw Nurain looked at me
"What do you want?" I asked
"Food" He said
"And what do you want me to do?" I asked
Then he looked at the pot that the rice was in and then he looked at the vegetables I was cutting
"No" i said
"I didn't say anything!" He said in surrender
Then I dropped the knife and folded my arms
"So then what do you want?" I asked
"Rice and Chinese sauce" he said
"There's danwake, eat that" I said
"I'm not a fan" He said
"Then eat something else, I'm not cooking for you" I said
I went back to cutting the bell peppers and he still stood there
"I'll buy the pizza instead for all of us" He said
"I have money" I said
"Remember I'm meant to teach you how to drive" he said
I stopped cutting again and looked at him
"Are you trying to blackmail me?" I asked
"No, i just want to eat your food that's all" He said
I just kept on staring at him
"Please" he added
"Fine" i said
"Yes! Thank you!" He jumped then he hugged me and carried me, my heart started beating fast when he carried me
"Drop me!" I shouted
As soon as i said that Mama and Salma came into the kitchen, I was still in Nurains arms and I didn't know what to even say, I looked at him and looked at Mama and Salmaa, he turned around with me in that same position and he quickly dropped me
"Erm, I was just here to get food" Nurain said
"You're not a Fan of Danwake, and from what we saw it didn't look like you came here for danwake" Mama said
"Mama I just wanted food" Nurain said
Then Salmaa looked at me and grinned, then she signalled me to come out of the kitchen, I quickly came out and stood opposite her
"Are you in love with him yet?" She asked
"No! Not yet" i said
"Then what was all that?" She asked
"This guy literally wanted the food I was cooking and then when I agreed to give him some of it he hugged me and carried me" i explained
She kept on looking at me with a mischievous smile on her face
"I'm serious, we are just friends, that's all no chemistry" i said trying to clear her doubts
"Well it's one sided" she said
"What?" I asked
"Nothing, go back to the kitchen before your rice burns" she said, she smiled before I left and went back to the kitchen, mama told Nurain to stay with me in the kitchen and help me, but instead he was just misbehaving, the rice finished boiling and I let it to cool down and then I started making the sauce
"Do you have plans for Spain?" Nurain asked
"Yes" i said
"Tell me" he said
"I'm going to look for dean, I want to recreate moments with him" i said
Nurain went quiet all of a sudden
"You want recreate moments with a Spanish boy?" He asked
"Any problem? Spanish boys are cute, believe me" i said
"Then I'll find a Spanish girl for my self" He said
I just started laughing, I dropped the spoon and turned around to look at him, then I kept on laughing
"You'll never find anyone better than Asaal, trust me" I said to him
"And if I do?" He says
"You won't" i said as i folded my arms
"Your sauce is burning darling, focus on it, instead of thinking about dean" He says, emphasising on the Dean
He left the kitchen and I continued doing the sauce, this nigga is jealous, when the sauce was done I let it cool down a little before putting it in the cooler, I took it to the dining room and went upstairs to carry Lily and Aisha, I came back downstairs with them and served them, I went back to the kitchen and took out my Danwake from the microwave and I sat down to eat it on the dining table, Nurain sat down and served him self and we ate in silence, when Lily and Aisha were done I called Amina to take their plates to the kitchen and to also take them to wash their hands, I took I and Nurains plate to the kitchen and I washed them and went back upstairs, I saw Lily and Aisha already sleeping on my Bed, I covered them and I switched off the lights, I took my Phone and IPad to Nurains room and I sat down there to order new Handbags and read this interesting book my friend told me about, Nurain came in saw me using my IPad and he sat on his side of the bed, we were quiet in the room until he got a phone call
I kept on reading and I tried my best not to listen to his conversation
"We are coming now, send me the address" he said again
He ended the call and cleared his throat
"We are going to visit my sister, get ready, she just gave birth" Nurain said
"Your sister?" I asked
"Step. Get ready I'll be waiting downstairs" He said
I switched of my iPad and I went to my room, I entered the walk-in wardrobe and I changed into a green and golden lace fitted gown I tied my scarf, and I took my Golden veil and I put on a golden bracelet, and i took my green Kate spade hand bag and put in My ID card, ATM card and AirPods into the bank, I went back to Nurains room and took my phone, I went downstairs and i saw Nurain sitting down on the chair close to the door of house, i stood infront of him and I cleared my throat, he looked at me carefully from head to toe and he just kept a straight face
"Let's go" he said
"Amina!" I shouted
"Ma!" She shouted back, she quickly ran out of the kitchen and came to my service
"The kids are sleeping upstairs, as soon as they wake up, take them for a stroll round the house and I'll call you when I order pizza for them, if they ask were I went to, tell them I went to the hospital, I won't be back till eight, and give them a bath" I instructed her
She gave me a nod and I left the house with Nurain, and we entered his Black BMW, I loved this car so much cause it had tinted windows, when I saw Nurain hadn't started the car, I looked at him
"Baba is coming with us" He said
Then some knocked on the window and Nurain out the window down
"Baba said you should go to the black GMC, we are going with escort" he said
"Great" Nurain sighed
We got down from the car and entered the black GMC as we were told to enter, Usman was infront and Nurain and I were at the back seat together, we waited for like 5 minutes before baba came out, he entered the other black GMC in front of us with Salma and Mama, we started moving and our car was dead ass silent
"Erm, so tell me about this sister of yours" i said to Nurain
"She's my sister not his" Usman said
Nurain looked up from his phone and looked at me who was looking at him to
"She asked me not you, her name is Ummaimah, she got married last year" Nurain answered me
Then he continued using his phone
"Oh, Girl or boy?" I asked
Nurain didn't answer me and he continued using his phone, is he angry at me?
"I'm talking to you" i said trying to make him look at me
He didn't even raise his head up from his phone
"Are you angry at me?" I asked
He looked at me and continued using his phone
"Ah, the attitude though" i said
He looked at me then he eyed me
"Come what did I do to you? Did I say something offensive?" I asked cause I don't understand how someone will be eyeing me for no good reason, then I remembered our Dean conversation, i chuckled and I looked at him
"Is it because of-
His hand literally slapped my mouth, he looked at Usman and then signalled me to shut up, I'm not oo, I must clear this misunderstanding, I went very close to him making body contact with him
"Is it because of dean?" I whispered in his ear
I looked at him and he ignored me, I pinched him
"Don't be annoying" i said
Then he looked at me and went close to my ears
"I know you were just trying to make me jealous, and I'm tired of seeing you in fitted gowns, you're married" he whispered, damn. That really sent butterflies to my belly, I love overprotective guys, but sorry this boy isn't going to tell me what to wear
"Don't ever boss me around" i whispered back
He let out a deep chuckle and looked at me with a serious face
"I'm not bossing you, I'm telling you as your husband, what I don't like, besides, if you want people to keep on staring at you continue wearing it" he said
He looked at Usman who i caught looking at me through the mirror, Nurain looked at me and my face went red, Usman is a pervert
"I'll take care of it don't worry" Nurain said
I nodded and I shifted away from him and kept on looking outside, what a life.

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