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Tomorrow is Asaals birthday and I just came back from guards polo with my friends, they followed me back home cause they wanted to meet Asaal, surprisingly they have never met her, when I got back home, I asked amina where she was and she said she went out with Fati and my sisters
"Let me call her, she's not at home" i said to my friends
I pulled out my phone from my pocket and called her, she picked up after 2 rings, surprised she did cause we've been fighting for a week
"Hello" i said
"Yes?" She answered
"Amina said you went you out, where did you go to?" I asked
"I'm already at the gate" she said
"Oh" i said
Then she hissed and ended the call
"They're already here, probably they went for a party or something, I sat down with them and we were all talking, just then they all came inside, Asaal, fati, Hani, Nafisa, Ruqaya and Ihsaan their normal group
"Salam!" Ihsaan said
"Wa Alaykumusalam" we all said back
"Oh, your friends are here" Fati said
Amina and the other helps came to carry the bags they were holding from dunes, I saw Fati whispering something to Asaal then she looked at me, they all left her there and she came to us
"Sannun ku" she said while smiling
"So you're the famous Asaal?" My friend ayuba asked
Then she smiled
"No I'm actually not, I'm her cousin Fati, Asaal just went upstairs" she said
Then I looked at her, is this girl mad? She left us and went upstairs too
"Let me go and get her" i said
I quickly went upstairs, she's actually staring to make me angry, I went to her room and all of them were laughing
"Excuse us, I want to speak to her" i said standing in front of the door
They looked at her and she nodded, they all left and I closed the door, she sat down on her bed and looked at me
"Yes?" She said
"What's wrong with you? You've been giving me an attitude for the past week, did I do anything wrong? If it's about the window frames I chose for the house that you don't like, I'll have it changed, what did I do for crying out loud?! Every single week it's a new attitude" i said
She looked at me like all I said was nonsense
"Ask Zarah, maybe she'll tell you why she's calling you up to 14 times in the night" she said
I looked at her in disbelief
"Why do you act like a child, I thought we were way past this?" I said now I was starting to get angry
"Maybe if you could block her number, I would move past this, and yes maybe I'm actually a child for getting angry that another woman is calling you in the night 14 freaking times!" She shouted
"And the stunt you pulled downstairs, what were you trying to do? Saying you weren't Asaal and all?" I asked
"For now consider me as a girl that lives in your house, but until you block your stupid ex that keeps on trying to destroy our peace, then you can consider me your wife and I can consider you my husband" she said
"Oh my God" I sighed now she stood up and stood close to her bed and i was close to her dressing table
"Yes, cause I don't think you've ever seen my own ex calling me since when we got married, your ex was in your office, she was in Spain with us, you freaking invited her, and even stayed in the same room with her cause I was acting "childish", I let every single thing you did slide, and you still haven't blocked her, as a married man what do you still want from her?! Am I not good enough for you—
"Why are you so bothered with Zarah, why are you so Jealous?! Why?!" I shouted
"Because I care for you! I feel something for you in this little heart of mine, I've always felt something since the day I first met you in my dads office,do you think I really don't care about every single thing that happens?! I'm angry with you cause you refused to block Zarah meanwhile she emotionally blackmails you, do you think I'm not affected by that? I only want what's best for the both of us Nurain and our future, sometimes you just make me sad by your actions" she said
Then I kept quiet, she hasn't said what I wanted to hear, I was moving closer to her towards the bed, now she was looking at me straight in the eye
"Just say those words I want to hear, and I promise you, I'll be all yours alone, I'll block anyone you want me to, I'll be your slave and everything you want me to be" I said
"I'm in love with you, I always have, and I always will, I've been too scared to say it cause I thought i wasn't a loveable person with all my character" she said, I was already shaking my head and smiling
"I love you too, I always have and I always will" i said too, then I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead
"Am I allowed to kiss you now?" I asked
She was already red
"You have your friends downstairs, let's go and meet them and chase all of them home" she said
"Good idea" I said
We both went downstairs, I'm just so happy this day has come, I never believed she would have confessed this way, when we got downstairs I saw my friends and them fati sitting and talking to each other
"Hi guys" i said
They all looked at us but fati was looking at asaal mainly with a concerned look on her face
"Fati don't worry she's fine" I said
Then everyone started laughing but Fati wasn't, asaal had to say it her self
"I'm fine fati" she said calmly
"Are you sure?" She asked
Then Asaal nodded
"So let me properly introduce myself to you guys, I was just trying to mess with your heads earlier" Asaal said to my friends
Then they all laughed
"I'm Asaal, your friends wife, the famous Asaal he's always talking about" she said then she held my arm
"Toh kun gan ta ko? All of you can stand up and go home" I said
"We want to go out, and it'll be rude of us to leave you guys at home" Asaal said
"Rude? No it's also our house too, we can keep them company" ihsaan said
Then Asaal looked at me
"Let's just leave them, let's go out" I said
We both walked out of the house, and entered the car
"Where are going to?" I asked
"Let's just drive around" she said
I started the car and started driving out
"Your phone" she said
I handed it over to her, and she started playing music, the first song that played was "for certain by party Nextdoor"
"So I put your phone on Do not disturb, you aren't allowed to answer any call unless you feel like it's important and that's only home calls" she said
"Yes ma'am" I said
I took of one hand from the wheel and held her hand and kissed it, it was just six o'clock so we just stopped at nosta cafe to get milkshakes, then I parked somewhere on the road cause Asaal said we should, just then "For tonight by giveon" started playing
"So why did we stop?" I said fully focusing on her
"I'm tired of us pretending" she said
"Pretending?" I said
"Yes" she said
"How?" I asked
She rolled her eyes
"Just forget it" she said
Then I kept quiet for a minute, I was still looking at her
"I really want to kiss you" I said kissing her hand again
She closed her eyes and took a breath in
"Then do it" she said her eyes were still closed, I turned her head to me so that she could face me
"Open your eyes" I said
She opened it and looked at me
"If you're scared..
"I'm not" she quickly said
Then I leaned in forward and so did she, my lips were on hers and we started kissing each other, we did it for about a minute, then she pulled back, I looked at her, and she removed her seatbelt
"If we're going to do this, then we can't be acting like high school teenagers" she said
She climbed on top of me, I had to move my seat back a bit, I chuckled when she accidentally pressed the horn with her back, my hands were round her lower back, holding her properly, then she leaned in to kiss me again, it was deep, passionate and everything I wanted to our first kiss to be like, I removed her ribbon so that my hand could go through her hair, I started kissing her on neck to her collarbone
"Can I go further than this?" I asked in between the kisses
"Car sex isn't really the best" she said
Then I kissed her on her neck again, I gave her a hickey, then back to her lips again, then someone just randomly knocked on our window, thank God our window was very tinted, Asaal rolled her eyes, and went back to her seat, she looked at her self in the mirror
"I can't pack my hair" she said looking at me
"Yay" I said
Then she smacked me, who is outside for crying out loud?
I put down Asaals window and it was Salma and Naeem
"Hello" Salma said
"Hii" Asaal said
"Why are you guys parked here?" Salma asked
"Um I was having a- um mental breakdown, so Nurain parked to calm me down" Asaal said
"And why are you guys out?" I asked
"Something happened to the car they're checking it, could you please take us back home?" Salma asked
"Sure, we were about to head back home" Asaal said putting her hand on my arm
"We'll go get our stuff from the car!" Salma said
They left and I put up the window
"God, now they're going to talk my ears off" I said
"It's better thank them taking an Uber this late, or some random man offering them a ride and kidnapping them" Asaal said
"Yeah baby lawyer and her scenarios, but I wanted this to be alone time, just me and you" i said
"We always have time okay?" Asaal said
God she's so perfect, I gave her a kiss on the forehead then salma and Naeem entered inside
"Your seat Nurain" Na'eem said
"What about it?" I asked
"It's too back, adjust it please" Na'eem said
"Oh"i said
Then I moved my seat forward and started driving, they started talking about the  daurin aure and Asaals birthday which was tomorrow, we finally got back home and to my surprise, my friends were still there
"Oh they're back" Fati said
"And you guys are still here?" I asked my friends
"We were waiting for you so that we could tell you good bye" Ayuba said
I shook my head and I already saw Asaal with Fati they were going upstairs already
"Sai da safe, I have school tomorrow" she said to all of us
"Sai da safe" they all said back
She went upstairs fully with fati, probably to her room.

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