Missing You

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Elena picked me up at the apartment on the way to the airport. She had been more quiet than usual during the first half of the drive, it was driving me crazy.

"Okay! Ask your questions!" I shouted, making her laugh.

"Okay, alright. Did you and Andy get a little freaky? I can't help but stare at that golfball size of a hickey you've been rocking."

We both burst out in laughter. I missed being around her, she's perfect company no matter the situation. "We had sex, but just once, I swear!"

"Up top!" I gave her a high five. "I'm a little jealous, not gonna lie. You banged the hottest guy from high school."

"And our close friend." I added. "You can't tell Zack by the way, he'll tell the others and it'll just complicate everything further."

"Oh you do not have to worry about me, but you're gonna need some heavy foundation to cover that one. Like what is he, a vampire?" She joked.

I brushed my hair forward to cover my neck. "Yeah I was gonna grab something while we're out today."

"Also what is with this random last minute trip? Beck usually gives you a month in advance." She asked and I sighed. "Oh no, what's wrong?"

"I told Jack about the miscarriage and I spiralled, so Andy called Beck and bought her ticket." I stated.

Elena put her free hand over mine, "I'm sorry hun, how did he react when you told him?"

"He was kind... it was a little reminder of why I loved him in the first place." I stated.

"You know, your relationship wasn't always bad. Sure there were hiccups but you were happy." She said and parked the car.

I sent a text to Beck letting her know that we were just outside. "Yeah I guess with all that happened I pushed away a lot of the good memories."

We both got out of the car and stood, waiting for Beck's arrival. "At least he took it well."

"So how have you been?" I asked and she smiled. It was a type of smile that said a lot and not enough.

"Well... work has been great, but that's mainly because I spend all day with high schoolers. And as you know, Zack and I have been looking for a house and that's been going well. And also I found a ring last night." She said as she smiled ear to ear.

"Wait, what?!" I squealed.

"I was doing laundry while he was sleeping and I found it in his jacket pocket. Wait, I have a picture!" She said as she took out her phone.

"Aww that's literally the perfect ring for you too."

She nods and I engulf her into a hug. "And I know it's too soon to ask because well he's taking so long to ask the damn question, but will you be my maid of honour?"

"Of course! Was there any question?" I asked.

"What are we hugging about ladies?" We turned around to see Beck, and immediately pulled her into our hug.

"Zack's gonna propose soon!" Elena squealed.

"That's amazing kid, I'm so happy for you." She says putting an arm around Elena.

"Where's Elijah?" I asked and Beck sighed.

"He wanted to stay at the house with Will. I even told him that we could go to Disneyland but he wasn't interested."

I haven't seen Elijah since Thanksgiving, and our relationship has always been strange. I'm sixteen years older than him, a 12 year old boy wouldn't want to hangout with his 28 year old sister. Things were easier when he was a baby, I was his favourite person in the world, but that changed when I moved to California with Jack. After my mom had Elijah, she began exhibiting signs of postpartum depression... Beck ended up adopting Elijah. We see our mom during the holidays but that's it.

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