Hometown Heroes; National Nobodies

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I didn't think that I'd feel this bad reading her notebook, but I have to know the truth, which just so happens to lie within these pages. I decided to take a break from her words and go upstairs to grab a class of water.

"You don't have to do this to yourself kid, it's not like it's gonna make her come back." Beck said, but I refused to listen. "Suit yourself." She walked back up to her bedroom and I took the water back down to the basement with me. I took a deep breath before carrying on with the next entry.

It's the next day and I feel nervous, but happy. I just acted like the biggest slut on my first day in Baltimore... but I also have three boys after me, which never happens. I mean, back in Cincinnati I only had one admirer, and I'm not really into Andy, he's like two years younger than me. I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom because of how much I poisoned my body last night. Then I took a shower and dressed myself. I put on my grey peace sign tank top with a pair of light blue ripped jeans. I went upstairs to follow the wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen. I sat down at the island as Beck served me eggs over easy with a side of bacon and two pieces of whole wheat toast. I mouthed 'thank you' to her and began to inhale everything on my plate.

"So how was it last night? Did you have fun with the boys?" She asked and I took a gulp of orange juice.

"You could say that." I said putting on a fake smile.

"Good, they're very misunderstood around here and it's good to see that there's still hope for them."

"They're a bit strange, aunt Beck." I said as she took the seat next to me.

"I could say the same for you. You've got blue hair and you're wearing a pair of jeans in the summer. Trust me when I say that you are more likely to fit in with them than anybody else in this town."

"Even you?"

"Kid, I fit in with everyone... so what are your plans for the day?" She asked.

"I'm not really sure, what is there to do here?" I asked.

"Well you could drive over to the beach or go shopping or I don't know ride your skateboard around. Just don't do anything illegal and get caught. But this is allowed on one condition, you take one of the boys with you... I don't want you getting lost."

"Okay." I sighed. "So where can I find them?" I asked.

"I'll drop you off at one of their houses." I nodded.

After we finished breakfast, I cleaned the dishes as Beck got dressed. We finished what we were doing at relatively the same time and met up in the car.

"Let's say I had the choice between these boys; who should I choose?" I asked, I was never that good at being nonchalant.

"You do have the pick of the litter. But if it were me, I'd pick... oh you wouldn't want to know." She said and turned into a driveway.

"No, I do wanna know. You've got to tell me before I go!" I said in a panic.

She chuckled, "Jack." My eyebrows furrowed.

"Why Jack?" I asked.

"You'll see. Now go on, have fun."

I sighed as I got out of the car, and moped on my way to the front door. Beck drove out of the driveway and waved goodbye. I rang the doorbell and waited to see who's door I was in front of. Then I saw a blonde streak through the window and knew right away.

"Hey Blue, what brings you to my humble abode?" He asked as he leaned on the doorway.

"I don't have any friends here, and I'm kind of stuck here for the rest of the summer. So I was wondering if I could hangout with you and the others, and if you'd possibly show me around?" I asked. If he replies with some demeaning comment, I swear I will slap the smile off of that boys face; I thought as I waited for an answer.

"Sure, let me get my wallet and we'll go." He said which seemed strange at the time. He quickly grabbed his wallet and joined me out on the porch.

"So, where are you taking me first?" I asked.

"Hmm." He said as he stroked his imaginary chin. "Do you like arcade games?"

A smile grew on my face, "Who doesn't?"

He took my hand in his and said; "Run with me."

We ran about three blocks before we finally made it into the city. We got to the arcade and played for hours. By the time we decided to leave, I couldn't watch another barrel being thrown or Pacman eat anything more. We decided to grab ice cream because the day turned hot really quickly. This time, we decided to walk back to Jack's house.

"So Alex says you have a band called All Time Low." I started.

"Of course he did, he knows girls are into singers." He said.

"What do you play?" I asked.

"Lead guitar."

"Do you think you could teach me to play guitar? I've always wanted to, I do have a guitar, and it would help if a rockstar taught me all he knows."

"Okay Blue, we'll start tomorrow maybe. So how are you liking the rocky road?"

"It's not the best ice cream I've ever had, but it's good. How's your cookies and cream?" I asked.

"I've had better things in my mouth." I laughed, hitting his arm. "But no, it's good."

"So what do you do on a typical Sunday night?"

"I usually spend the night in with my family."

"Got any brothers or sisters?"

"Older brother, Joe, and older sister, May. What about you? Any other Blues?"

"My baby brother isn't due for another three weeks, my mom plans on naming him Elijah." I stated.

"Wow, how do you feel about that?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, I haven't exactly been asked my opinion until you. I mean my mom made a mistake with my stepdad for marrying him and I feel bad because Elijah won't be able to grow up with a father. And to be honest, my mom's no saint. So to sum it all up, I don't like that this is all happening, but when I see him for the first time, everything will change. Thanks for asking, by the way."

"Where's your dad? If you don't mind me asking?"

"He lives in New York with his fiancée, Claire, and her daughter, Jill. I was a high school mistake. So it was decided that I'd live with my mom and then visit my dad for a month every year on the month of my choice. Which subsequently always is December."

"Why December?" He asked.

"The gigantic tree at the Rockefeller centre and the New Years countdown, how could I not?"

"That does sound pretty great."

"You can visit, if you want. My dad thinks I have no friends so it'd really help if I brought one to New Years."

"Maybe if me and the boys aren't too busy. But I'm gonna warn you now, I'm not good with fathers." 

"Neither am I." I said.

"Listen, it's been a long day, how bout I just walk you home?" He asked and I nodded.

Something was genuinely different about Jack today. It's as if he changed his personality over night. Or perhaps there is more than meets the eye. Maybe he puts on a mask, even around his closest friends and chooses to show his true self with a select few. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm over analyzing this whole day. But as far as a Sunday afternoon goes, this one was the best.

I closed her notebook for the day, knowing that her first summer in Baltimore wasn't too bad. I decided to take her notebook home with me because I don't want anyone else to get their hands on it. I could rest easy tonight without her haunting my every thought. Haunting, I make it sound as if she were dead. Quite the opposite really, I've never seen her so alive... and so far away. I drove her there, and reading this journal is the only chance I have in getting her back.

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