|| Chapter 21 ||

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Jessica's eyes shifted to land on someone behind you, to your right. You turn to look and there's a boy, on the taller side and obviously the type to work out, standing closer than you'd like. 

"Jessica, I thought you were sick? Who's your friend?" Cody's dark eyes moved over to yours. His stare so intense it makes you freeze.

"This is uh...(y/n)" Jessica fidgeted in her seat, "To be honest I was just about to walk her home so uhm, I'll meet with you later if that's okay." She moved to stand but Cody instantly came over, and swiftly shoved her back down with a hand on the shoulder.

"No one's going anywhere" Cody growled, "You lied to me Jessica, you're not 'dying in bed' at all," he used his fingers to make quotation marks, "and you and your friend are planning some way of getting rid of me?" His eyes glinted in the low light. You stand.

"Okay, how on earth do you think it's okay to talk to her like that?" You keep a serious, cool tone, placing one hand on your hip. "Do you really think you can be a dick and get away with it?"

Cody smirked. He took one step forward.
Jessica stands and took one step back. He didn't look happy at all, as if nobody had ever stood up to him before. The air felt thick with tension, an eerie silence smothered the park, like it was in its own little bubble. Seperate from the world outside.

"You got some spice to you don't ya?" He chuckled, "Well bitches get stitches so you might wanna watch your back." Cody turned and started walking away.
"Only joking, of course" he calls back, and then disappears behind a corner. You don't believe him.

Jessica sighed with relief, unclenching her hands she turns to you, but stays silent.
"What the actual fuck?" You say, eyes wide with shock, "He's such a cunt! Why on earth are you with him? You need to leave him ASAP" you slump back on the bench, elbows on knees.

"He wasn't like this at the start but..." Jessica sits next to you, "I guess it was too late. Since I got with him it's like he owns me, and I'm too scared to retaliate against him, he's done some not very good things" her hands fidgeting with the edge of her coat. "I've been with him close to a year now and he's just gotten more and more possessive"

You sit back. This guy is such a fucking dickbag. Contemplating for a moment, you finally speak, "Okay, I'm not gunna ask about the bad things he's done, I don't wanna know, I'll just believe you,"
Jessica nods her head.
"but... If you ever need a place to stay, to get away or what ever, I'll make sure my place is open. Another thing, " you look Jessica dead in the eye, to ensure she knows you're serious, "you have to be the one to get out of this relationship, like I've said my place will be open, so dump him over text and come over or something yeah?"

Jessica smiles, "Thank you"


Hey guys! It's the original creator here :)
Been a while huh? Well, out of pure boredom, I've decided to pick this back up, hopefully there are people out there that will enjoy it.

I might not update often because I'm an adult now and work full time, but I will give it my best <3


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