|| Chapter 15 ||

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You woke up in Gerards arms. His steady breathing was deep, indicating he was still asleep. You squirmed around so you were facing him. He was so cute. His mouth was open slightly and his hair was everywhere. A soft snore escaped his soft lips occasionally. Gerard snuggled into you in his sleep, tightly embracing you in his arms. You giggled slightly. Gerard sleepily said, 'Whats so funny?' a tired smile. 'Oh' you laughed more, 'I didn't know you were awake, its just your so cute when your sleeping'. Gerard looked at you a confused look upon his face but still smiling. 'Not as cute as you are 24/7' he said, planting kisses all over your face. You caught his face in your arms, about to lean in for a kiss. When your phone rang.


(( You)) ((Frank))

Hello (y/n)?

Yes hello Frankie, how are you?

Im great thanks, sorry to call you so early, but me and Tabitha were wondering if you and Gee wanted to come swimming with us?

Oh erm, ill ask him now one second



You pulled the phone away from your ear and turned back to Gerard. 'Frankie wants to know if we can all go swimming today?' You asked him, giving him a look that told him to hurry on a decision. 'uh, yeah, sure babe. Can me and you go get breakfast together first though?' Gerard asked, poking your back with a cute pout. 'Of coarse' You said, giving him a bright smile. Turning back around you put the phone back to your ear/


Yeah, sure we'll come swimming

~ You looked at the clock seeing it was 11:25am~

But we will meet you there at around 1pm?

Yeah! sounds great (y/n), see ya at the pool at 1pm sharp! buh bye!


With that you put down the phone on the bedside table and rolled over to face Gerard again. 'Right, so uhm...where are we getting breakfast?' You asked him, while pulling the covers further up your slowly chilling skin. 'Its a surprise' Is all he said in return, giving you a sly look. Gerard whipped the cover off both of you and began to climb out of bed. 'Hey!' you said, 'I was using that!' You began to climb after him as he turned around saying, 'Hush, sweet cheeks, get a shower, ill make you a cup of coffee, and we can head to this special place, hm?' Gerard said soothingly, running his hands gently down your sides and pulling you into a soft hug. Kissing the top of your head, he picked you up and walked out the bedroom, over to the corridor and put you down outside the bathroom door. 'Now get a shower you, ill ask mom to give us some money for breakfast...' He planted another kiss on your forehead and descended down the stairs.

You smiled, turned towards the door and entered the bathroom. As you got into the shower, and the warm water spilled down your skin, you began to wonder. Since you turn 16 in around a week, you should totally move out with Gerard and get a mini apartment together... Donna said before she would pay our first few months of rent until we get ourselves fixed with jobs each. So why not. You washed your hair and scrubbed your body, then just sat down in the shower for a while.

~Time skip~

You had already gotten changed and were walking down the stairs as you heard Gerard talking to his mom and making possibly a second batch of coffee. 'Good mornin' people' You said as you descended the last step. Walking over to Gerard and Donna you grabbed a mug and made yourself a coffee. 'But (y/n), i thought i was going to make you a coffee?' Gerard whined, making his cute little pouty face again. 'Sorry...' You chuckled, sipping at your coffee.

After about 10 minuted of morning chatter, you and Gerard decided to get ready for breakfast. You both went upstairs, and went to your own bedrooms. Once you were in your room, you closed the door and set on finding your swimming costume. After a few minutes of rummaging through boxes and suitcases, you found it. A black swimming costume that had a purple galaxy pattern all over it. You were a big fan of purple,  you loved space and galaxies, you thought they were so pretty. Throwing that, a black towel and some shampoo into a backpack, you tied your shoes and left your room.

Walking towards Gerards room, you adjusted the strap of your bag, then knocked on his door. 'Babe, are you ready? we have around 1 hour for breakfast then straight to the pool' You said, waiting for a reply. 'Hold on a sec...' You heard Gerard call from the other side if the wooden door. After a few second, the door handle turned and Gerard emerged from his bedroom, backpack in hand. 'Okay, lets go' He said, grabbing your hand and walking down the steps. You decided to walk to the special breakfast place as it wasnt too far, plus you had so much time to get there. Waving your goodbyes to Donna and Mikey (Who seems to have actually woken up before 3pm) you left and headed for the breakfast surprise.

(A/N): HEY HEY HEY GUESS WHO GOT BORED AND RETURNED? Me of coarse. Hey xD so guys i decided to come back as i didnt get as MUCH revision and homework i expected. But please dont expect me to update as often as i used to as i like sleep. But yeah, im back, and heres a short chapter to kind of announce my return! ~ Kayla Way

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