|| Chapter 7 ||

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You wake up in the morning, neither Gerard nor Mikey are there. You sit up, and realised what happened last night. Gerard likes you. He told you. And you told him you liked him back. And you fell asleep cuddling. You smile at how happy that memory of last night made you feel.

Mikey walks into the living room from upstairs and said 'oh hey (y/n)'. You replied with a wave, you couldn't speak while smiling this much. 'She's awake!' Mikey shouted upstairs. A few seconds later, Gerard came downstairs, and practically ran and jumped on the couch to sit next to you, 'Hey...' He said, with a large smile on his face. 'Hey...' you replied returning the smile. Mikey slowly back out of the room, you heard him call from upstairs 'I'll leave you two alone'. You and Gerard smile at eachother. 'So..' you say. Gerard smiles, 'So seeing as I like you...and you like me...' Gerard's smile got bigger, 'Yeah...?' you asked, butterflies were at war in your stomach. 'Maybe, just maybe, you would like to be my girlfriend?' Gerard asked, he blushed a deep red and looked down into his lap. You was shocked. You was happy. All these different emotions just flooded your body.

You cupped Gerards face in your hands, lifting his head up so you could look into his eyes. 'Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, only if you are my boyfriend' you say, 'will isn't that how it works?' Gerard laughed. His smile dropped, he had that same look in his eye. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips and back again. This time there was no suspense. His soft lips crashed into yours, in a sweet, lustful kiss. You both pulled back and grinned. But you craved more. You lent in again, but this time the kiss was more passionate. Gerards hand was placed on your waist and you moved your hand to the back of his head, deepening the kiss. His tongue stroked your bottom lip, pleading for entrance. You parted your lips and his warm tongue slipped into your mouth. You had never been kissed before, You worried if you was doing it wrong. But then its like it all fell together. Your tongues were tangling and you were both getting breathless. Gerard still clutched your waist, and you still held the back of his neck. You parted for air, you were both flushed red and were breathing quite heavily. Smiling at eachother, you went in for a tight hug. Mikey came down the stairs again, he seemed very calm, as if there was nothing he should of been walking away from.

'So...' Mikey said, turning to Gerard, he raised his eyebrows in question. Gerard nodded a yes. 'Nice!' Mikey punched the air and high fived Gerard. Mikey whispered into Gerards ear. But you didn't know what he said. Gerard turned to you and said, 'Shall me and you meet up with Frank today?' you nodded and replied, 'I'd like to tell him what a brilliant day ive had so far' You smiled and got up, 'Wheres your bathroom...? oh and I'll need to go home to get some clothes' Gerard nodded and said 'Me and Mikey will walk you to your house, you can get changed then Mikeys wants to go meet one of his friends and we can go meet Frank'. You nod in relpy, and start putting on your shoes to walk to your house.

Once you left Gerard house with him and Mikey, you realised your own house was only a few streets away. Once you got to your house, you said goodbye to Mikey, who walked off to meet his friend, and then told Gerard to wait outside. You ran to your room and changed into another set of clothing. You left the house, trying your best to not draw your parents attention to yourself. Once you were back outside, Gerard was twiddling his thumbs, waiting for you. You smiled, you love knowing someone cares about you. 'So, where are we meeting Frankie?' You asked Gerard, 'We're meeting outside Starbucks, then we're going to the cinema, if that's ok?' He asked, you nodded and started to walk towards Starbucks. Gerard cleared his throat, asking for your attention, you turned back to look at him, raising your eyebrows and smiling. He took a step next to you and intertwined his fingers with yours. He was holding your hand, and this simple thing felt so amazing, you loved it.

Both of you started walking towards Starbucks, holding hands. It felt cute, and it felt right. You and Gerard arrived at Starbucks to see Frank waiting outside. With a girl. They were also holding hands, smiling, and chatting amongst themselves. 'Hey!' Gerard shouted over to them, Frank looked over, and waved at us, his gaze dropping down to yours and Gerard's locked hands. 'So, I'm guessing you two ARE a thing now?' Frank asked. You smiled and Gerard answered with 'Yeah we are' Gerard looked down to you, you both locked eyes and you could feel yourself blushing. 'So, Frank, you never told me you had a girl...?' Gerard playfully nudged Franks arm, 'You gonna introduce her to us?'. You and the girl locked eyes. She was quite awkward, and her style went with her aura, her clothes seemed to be a weird mix of grunge and vintage. It looked good on her though. She smiled at you. You smiled back. 'Guys' Frank said, 'This is my girlfriend Tabitha'. Tabitha nodded a hello, a small smile settled on her face.  'Hey...' you said to her, she waved and said 'hey' in return.

Gerard and Frank walked in front of you and Tabitha. She was a nice girl, and she was a lot less awkward around you. You both had a laugh and you could tell you were going to be good friends. You found out she liked the same bands, T.V shows and movies as you. 'So, hows it going with Frank? how long have you two been together?' you asked her, she just smiled and said, 'Oh my jeez, its going pretty rad, we've been together for like a month now', you laughed at her choice of words, 'awesome! me and Gee got together today...' you said, smiling, and looking down at the floor. 'Aw that's so cute!' Tabitha said. 'Uhm, Tabitha?' You asked. 'yeah? oh and call me Tabby', she replied. 'Okay, Tabby? where di you get that Nirvana t-shirt coz me want it' you laughed. She laughed with you and said 'My mom gave it to me'. You smiled.

'Okay we're here' Gerard said. Gerard held your hand again, Frank and Tabby did the same as you all walked into the cinema. You all stood infront of the Movie list, deciding what to watch. You and Tabitha wanted to watch Bride of Chucky, so the boys just agreed. You all bought your tickets and snacks, and into the screening room, sat down and waited for the film to start. The order went like this, Gerard, You, Tabby then Frank.

The lights dimmed, and the movie started. About half an hour into the movie, you looked over to Frank and Tabby. Oh, okay. They were eating each others faces. You turned to Gerard and pointed over to Frank and Tabby. Gerard raised his eyebrows and laughed a little. 'You jealous?' He asked you, you nodded your head, 'maybe a little bit' you replied. Gerard leaned in closer to you, you faced him and smiled a little. His lips met yours softly, both your lips were parting slowly, and his tongue clashed with yours. As one of his hands cradled your face, the other rested on your thigh, rubbing small circles and slowly getting higher up your leg. You stopped kissing him, pulled back and said, 'Hey, you've got something in your eye...' Gerard smiled, and leaned in to kiss you again, but you poked him in the eye. 'OW!' Gerard shouted, whispers came from around the room to quieten us, 'why did you do that?' he placed his hand over his eye and frowned, but he was still smiling. 'Love hurts, huh?' you said, giggling as Gerard tickles you. 'If love hurts, then just give me all that pain' he stops tickling you and you stop giggling. Both of you smile at each other. A sweet smile.

You turned back to face the screen, but quickly looked back over to Frank and Tabby, they weren't kissing anymore, but Tabby had fell asleep on Frank. Frank rubbed Tabby's arm in comfort as she snoozed lightly with her head on his shoulder. It stayed this way for the rest of the film. Once the film finished, Tabby has been woken, and you were all heading out of the cinema. Ugh school tomorrow, you thought to yourself. But atleast the weekend has been fabulous. You and Gerard said goodbye to Frank and Tabby as they walked in their own direction. Gerard turned to you, held both of your hands and said 'Do you want me to walk you home?' his hazel eyes filled with lust and worry, colliding together like cars in a road accident. You shook your head, 'no, I think I'll be fine, see you tomorrow at school?' Gerard kissed you, 'Yes, see you at school...' he kissed you again, and turned to go home, you were about to shout 'I love you' after him, but since he didn't say it, maybe its too soon. You turned away and whispered to yourself 'I love you', if you cant say it to him now, you might as well tell him without him hearing. You headed off home, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

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