|| Chapter 5 ||

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You woke up to your alarm. 10:00am. Getting out of bed, you walked to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, hair and did your make up. You then did your eyeliner, leaving the pencil in the bathroom you returned to your bedroom.

You searched for an outfit to wear. Rummaging through your drawers of black and grey jeans, you pulled out a faded grey pair with holes all the way down, you sighed and shook your head, you didn't want anyone seeing your scars. Instead you settled with a plain black pair. Pulling them on, you attached your trouser chain and studded belt. Your then searched for a top. Without hesitation you pulled out an oversized, old Nirvana t-shirt, pulling it carefully over your head not to ruin your make up. You then tied up your converse and left the house with one last check in the mirror, pocketing your phone. It was around 11:30am when you left for Starbucks.

As you walked into a somewhat deserted Starbucks, you saw that Gerard and his friends weren't there yet. Good. You didn't like to get here after the others, knowing they might've waited a long time for you. Plus its just awkward. You walked towards the counter and ordered a coffee. Taking your coffee back to a booth in the corner, you was startled to see Gerard jump infront of you. 'Hey (y/n)!' He said, a grin covering his face. 'Oh, hey Gerard' you said smiling slightly. Gerard stepped aside, revealing his friends, a weird group of awkwardness by the looks of it. Gerard started to introduce everyone, 'Meet Frank' a small pale dude with short black hair waved and smiled, 'Mikey' a taller guy, with choppy hair and glasses, 'he my brother' you nodded,  Gerard turned back to you with a smile, 'so, introduce yourself?' he asked you, your social anxiety suddenly pulsed through your body, leaving your face blank and you looking at Gerard, pleading for him to introduce you instead. He took your hint and laughed a little. 'Guys, this is (y/n)'.

Everyone smiled and waved, all in unison greeting you with a, 'hi (y/n)'. Gerard looked down at your coffee cup, as if he forgot what type of building he was in. 'um, guys?' Gerard asked the boys, '(y/n) has what we came here for...and that is?' Gerard raised his eyebrows at the gang, clearly gesturing towards the coffee you was cradling close to your chest. Clearly Frank didn't think he was pointing to your coffee. 'Boobs?' Frank said, looking quite serious about his answer. 'DEAR GOD NO!' Gerard laughed, 'she has coffee!' he then turned around and practically ran to the counter, everyone else following suit. You proceeded towards the booth in the corner, sitting down directly in the 90 degree angled corner, so you could see everything. When you looked over to the boys at the counter, you were surprised to see Gerard and Frank talking. Looking directly at you. They then realised you saw them and turned around sharply, Frank nudging Gerard with his elbow.

The boys finally came to join you at the table, coffees in hands. Gerard sat next to you, Mikey opposite. Frank sat next to Mikey. 'So...' you muttered. 'So are you and Gerard like, dating?' Frank asked casually. Both you and Gerard looked up at Frank, shocked, speechless. Until you said 'No, we're just friends...' you looked down at your coffee cup, taking a sip to make it seem you didn't feel highly embarrassed. 'Oh' is all Frank said in reply. 'Anywayy...' Mikey said, breaking the silence, 'I like coffee' he said, staring down at his half empty coffee cup. 'Damn Mikey, whered it all go?' Gerard said, 'I like coffee more than all of you and you all have drank more than me!'. You stared down at your long been empty coffee cup, smiling to yourself. You loved coffee. You couldn't go a single day with atleast 3 cups of the stuff. 'I love coffee, I literally cant live without it, plus it helps for when I stay up late writing songs and drawing...' you said, laughing at how bad it sounded, Frank said 'You write songs? And draw? Awesome!', even Frank actually showed some interest in the situation. You could see out the corner of your eye someone was staring at you.

You turned to see Gerard was the one staring at you. He looked half zoned out and half amazed. 'Gosh, Gee, you havnt fallen in love with her already' Frank laughed, nudging Gerard's arm. Your whole face literally burned crimson, so you awkwardly said that you were going to the toilet. Gerard, after a while of Frank poking his arm, finally moved out of your way so you could go to the bathroom.

You opened the door to the girls toilets and walked in, letting the door shut behind you. As you stared into the mirror, you didn't realise how red you actually were. God damn your pale skin being so red so easily. You decided to splash your face with some cold water. When you looked back up to the mirror you realised. Bad idea.

Your eyeliner was absolutely everywhere! Oh and another thing, you left your damn eyeliner at home. You opened the bathroom door and looked over to the boys, still chatting in the corner. Gerard seeming a bit awkward. Frank looked over towards you and realised you probably needed help. He probably gave the rest of the gang a lame reason that he needed the toilet too now. He walked over, each step he took, his face twisting with amusement as he realised what has happened to your face. 'What the actual fuck has happened to your eyeliner?' Frank asked, standing by the door, but not too close incase of a worker telling him to stop being a perv. 'Well basically, my face was red, so I thought cool water would get my skin back to its normal colour?' you replied, shuffling on your feet at how stupid you sounded. 'Oh' he laughed, 'I thought red was your natural skin colour seeming as that's the only colour ive seen your face go today'. You wacked him softly in the arm, he rubbed his arm complaining about a fake pain. 'Do you have any eyeliner with you' You pointed to his face, 'I can see youre wearing some'. Frank dug into his pocket and pulled out a well used eyeliner pencil. You said your thanks, taking the eyeliner and disappearing back infront of the mirror. You spent a solid 3 minutes perfecting your eyeliner again.

(A/N): Geezuz this was long xD don't worry, in the next chapter your still in Starbucks...I only reluctantly do time skips, they annoy me when I read fanfic, I'm like 'NO I NEED ALLLL THEEE DETAAIILSS' so yeah :3 ~ Kayla Way

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