|| Chapter 14 ||

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Once you had finished your turn in the shower, you got dressed in another one of your Nirvana t-shirts and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. You walked out of the bathroom, towel drying your damp hair. You saw Gerard putting on his own t-shirt. His skin was so beautiful, so smooth and pale. 'Hey...' You said, Gerard turned around and smiled at you 'Hey, how was your shower?' he asked. 'Bit boring without you' you giggled as he picked up your t-shirt off the floor and threw it at you. 'Hey! I don't like you anymore...' You turned away, still towel drying your hair, trying to hold back a smile. 'Oh no...' Gerard walked over to you and hugged you from behind. 'My princess doesn't like me anymore? Well maybe after dinner, I'll force my Baby Doll to love me instead...' You could feel his smirk against your ear and you broke out a smile when he quickly kissed your cheek then walked to the bedroom door.

You finished drying your hair and re applied your make up in record time. Once you and Gerard had finished getting ready and made out a little bit, you started to head downstairs. Donna and Mikey were in the kitchen, Mikey sitting at the table and Donna literally serving the food. 'Just in time guys, how was the movie?'. You and Gerard looked at eachother, both of you trying to hold in a laugh. 'It was really good, (y/n) screamed when the hot dude died' Gerard laughed. 'I did not!' You shouted back, nudging Gerard abit. 'Yeah, so that's what that scream was, I thought you two were up to something' Donna laughed at her joke. Little did she know.

You and Gerard sat down and waited for dinner to be served. You, Gerard and Mikey talked about nothing as you ate the beautiful dinner Gerard's mom had cooked you. You remembered how your own mom didn't cook, neither did your dad. Youd just order something from the Chinese shop round the corner. The Chinese was tasty! But you kinda wanted family meals too.

But oh well, stop thinking about the past, you have a whole new family here that care for you a lot more that your own did. You were the first to finish the meal. 'Did you enjoy that dear?' Donna asked you, finally sitting down to eat her own dinner as she served herself last. 'Yes Donna thank you, it was lovely, do you mind if I excuse myself to go to my room? I'm really tired' You asked Donna, half expecting her to say no and find you incredibly rude. 'Not at all dear, go get some sleep, you've had a hard couple of weeks on your shoulders, sleep well dear' Donna replied. You walked over to Mikey and fist bumped him before hugging Gerard from behind as he was eating. 'Goodnight babe' You whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek. He mumbled a goodnight as his mouth was filled with mash potato.

You walked up the stairs slowly, and strolled to your new room. Inside your room was quite messy as you hadn't properly packed away or anything. You were also in the middle of painting the plain white walls a crimson red. You had a single bed that currently had a sickly floral print on it, but that would soon be changed to a black and red stripy sheet. You stripped off your clothes to reveal yet another black lace set of underwear. Its all you own, because why not. You turned off your light and got under the covers. You loved the feeling of sheets against your skin. It just felt so cool and soft and comfy.

It had been hours, and you still couldn't sleep. You had tried reading a few comics, drawing and even staring at the moon. But nothing seemed to make you tired. Everyone had already gone to bed and the house was so quiet. Well atleast you didn't have to get up early in the morning for the next 6 weeks. But then its on to college. Life was moving too fast for you to register, it seemed like yesterday you were running around the garden playing pretend with your mom. You used to wear pretty pink dresses and tiaras. Oh how the tables have turned.

You decided to go to Gerards room. You got out of bed and tip-toed to your door, opening it quietly. You softly walked down the corridor to Gerards door and knocked silently. After a few seconds Gerard opened the door in nothing but his underwear. His hair was messy and his eyes sleepy. Gosh he was so cute like this. 'Oh, hey, you okay?' He mumbled, rubbing the back of his head, he was still half asleep, aw. 'Yeah, I just couldn't sleep, do you mind if I slept with you tonight?' You asked sheepishly, looking down at the floor. 'Of coarse I don't mind, come in' Gerard stepped aside, letting you into his dark room. You crawled under his covers as Gerard closed the door and joined you. He sleepily pulled you close and snuggled his chin into the crook of your neck while his bare chest touched your bare back. You had forgotten you were only in your underwear while walking to Gerards room, and you were surprised Gerard didn't make a comment about it.

You felt Gerards heart beat and breathing make a soothing rhythm and eventually you fell asleep.

(A:N)~ HEY GUYS! Sorry I havnt updated in AGES, ive been busy reading fanfiction xD but yeah, love yas! ~ Kayla Way

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