|| Chapter 19 ||

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*The next day*

You and Gerard walk down the street, hand in hand, passing by many different shops and restaurants. You had decided to go to the city centre initially for just a wander, but kindly enough, Donna, Gerards mom, gave you both £40 each to buy some things and get food.

"Lucky its such a good day" You mumble, you look up, shielding your eyes from the sun, to see a clear blue sky with the occasional bird. The tall and short mix and match buildings around you give a certain personality to each specific area you look.
"Yeah-Hey! Lets check out this place." Gerard pulls you into a store so quickly you couldnt get a glimpse at the store name.

But ofcourse. You walk into a comic shop. Its quite large, with shelves if board games, display cases of anime and comic figures and rows and rows of comic books and mangas.
"Ive always wanted to come in this shop but Moms never gave me enough money to get something from here" He stands with his hands on his hips, looking over the comics as if he was a superhero himself. "well, not without having to save up anyway" Gerard smiles at you, then runs like a child into the maze of nerd.

"Hey, wait up" You say, powerwalking in the direction you saw him. This is quite a cramped comic store, so as the space between the shelves got smaller, you slowed down.
"Gerard?" You whisper loudly, "Babe", you raise your voice slightly. No answer. You continue to walk through the labrynth of comics. As you turn a corner, you see a boy and a girl just barely through an aligned gap with another bookcase. Now that you think about it, you remember this girl from English class. Thats right, her names Jessica.

The boy is holding Jessica by the cheeks with one hand, holding her up against a wall. He is up close in her face and whispering furiously. You creep closer, keeping close to the bookcase as to hide yourself. You get close enough that you can peek around the corner, luckily, the boys back is towards you, so he wont see you. But Jessica does. She widens her eyes at you as if begging for help. The boy notices this and starts to turn in your direction, you quickly wip behind the bookcase.

You turn away and start seriously looking for Gerard. Storming blindly through the bookcases, you can only really see right infront of you because of the panic, so you dont notice a figure looming behind one of the aisles you pass. Suddenly someone grabs you tightly.
"Hey-" You tried to shout but the person covered your mouth with their hand. A hot breath comes close to your ear.

"Hey, dont panic its only me" You hear Gerard say. He turns you around in his arms and plants a solid kiss onto your lips, you indulge in it for only a second. And then you knee him in the stomach half-heartedly.
"What is your problem!" You said, shouting and whispering at the same time, "You scared the living shit outta me. Youre playing these stupid games when theres a girl being harrassed by a boy over there!" You angrily point back in the direction you came.

"Wait, girl? being harrassed? take me there now" Gerard puts his hands on your shoulders, "I cant let a girl be hurt, the boy needs to be taught a lesson". He nods at you. You nod back, take his hand and almost jog back to where you saw it. But as you expected, the boy noticed someone saw, so he took the girl and left. They werent there when you got there.

"They mustve left" You say, "Sorry to cause panic." You look briefly towards the exit, to see if they were just leaving, but no luck.
"Its okay, i wouldnt expect you to go against a dude thats capable of hurting a girl" Gerard puts his arm over your shoulder."I-I recognised the girl..." You whisper, " Shes in my English class".
"Maybe try talk to her about it?" Gerard asks, turning to look at you.
"Maybe" You reply.

You leave the comic store, Gerard has only one bag, but its full of various comics. Just comics. You ended up finding a cute keyring of a (insert whatever you find cute).
"Hey lets go to the Mall" You grab Gerards hand, pointing in the general  direction of the Mall.

You arrive at the Mall, a large white building seemingly made of more glass than brick, and walk into the main floor. Dozens of shops lay before you, all of different colours, styles and purposes.

Gerard takes a quick look around, and then starts walking in a direction.
"Hey, where we going first?" You ask, beginning to follow, a smile on your face.
"Lets go get a drink, how about bubble tea?" He grabs your hand and continues walking, not even waiting for you to answer.

As you pull up to the bubble tea stand, you see they do other drinks too, such as coffee and milkshake. You stand in line a while, chatting with Gerard about what drink youre going to get.
You finally get to the counter.
"Hiya, what can I get you?" The boy at the counter asked. You looked at his nametag, his names Jacob.
"Uh, yeah can i get a strawberry fruit bubble tea, no tea, cold, with mango popping bubbles please?" Gerard explaining what drink he wanted was almost a whole speech.
"Sure, and you miss?" Jacob asked, turning to you. "Oh yeah can i have uhmm..." You order the best looking drink to you on the menu, and as you pull out your wallet, Gerard puts his hand ontop of yours,
"Nah its okay, ill pay for it" He says, pushing your hand back to put your wallet away.
"Aw, okay thanks" You smile, holding his arm as you walk to the side and wait for your drinks.

The rest of the day was amazing, Gerard had bought you a cute little plushie of your fave animal, and you both had a meal before coming home. But as you both walked through the front door you remembered about Jessica and that boy in the comic store.
"Right, you find us a movie to watch on the TV, and im just going to see if i can get in contact with Jessica." You say to Gerard as you pull out your phone and run upstairs.
"Uh, yeah sure" you hear him reply from downstairs.

You sit on yours and Gerards bed on your phone, and open up messenger. Youre pretty sure you added Jessica before on here....ah, yes there she is. You click on Jessicas name and say:

Hey Jessica, i dont want to be nosy but you didnt seem okay at the comic store earlier, is everything alright?

you wait impatiently for a reply, about 5 mintues later you get one.

Please help, meet me in park by school tomorrow 6pm

The Light Behind Your Eyes (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now