|| Chapter 10 ||

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You woke up, still in the hospital bed and still cuddled in Gerard's arms. His heavy breathing moved your hair slightly. You felt safe in his embrace as he snuggled closer to you in his sleep. Gosh he was so cute. You wanted this moment to last forever, to stay in his arms. But then theres that bitch Lindsey. Her retched face disgusted you, how her wicked smile cracked her already broken face. You wished she just didn't exist. A few minutes later, you heard Gerard moan as he slowly woke up, 'Baby...?' He said, checking if you were awake too, 'I'm up Gee...' you said in reply, he just exhaled deeply and snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, where he kissed you lightly. 'When do we have school?' You asked him, 'Were in the 6 week holiday now babe...' He said sleepily. What? But you had another week until the holiday? Did you sleep all through it? No, couldn't of.

'What are you on about babe?' you asked Gerard, turning over to face him. He looked terrible. Tears stained his face and his hair was a mess. His eyes were puffy from a lack of sleep and his cheeks were pale. 'You were in a week long coma (y/n)' Gerard said, closing his eyes in tiredness. What. You was in a coma for a WHOLE week. 'Those pills...' you said quietly to yourself, but apparently loud enough for Gerard to hear. 'What pills?' He asked, his eyes were now open, awake and glaring right at you. The doctors must've not told him about the attempted overdose. ' (y/n) what pills? Please don't tell me...that you tried to...overdose?' Tears were welling up in his eyes as he held you closer. Gerard shook in your arms as he cried, he let it all out right infront of you.

The nurse came in and told Gerard he had to leave because of some made up medical needs. He left, giving you one last kiss until the next time you see him, and you asked the nurse, 'How much longer do I have to stay here?' The nurse gave you a sympathetic look, 'Youre staying here for another night, tomorrow you will be taken to the local Mental Institution.' With that she walked out the room, closing the door behind her. They think your crazy, just because you tried to commit suicide. For the rest of the day you lay there, fluids pumping into your body and seconds ticking by.

((Timeskip to next morning))

You woke up in a bed that wasn't in the hospital. The duvets had some sickly floral pattern in beige and pink, the walls as pale as your own skin. Beside you there was a bedside table, ontop was set a lamp, and a full breakfast. Sitting up you could see there was a note on the tray, it read:

' Dear (y/n),

                     First of all I would like to say welcome, to the Thredson Mental Institution. This will be your room for you stay here, breakfast will be on your bedside table for when you wake up. We set sleep times for you by giving you sleeping pills at 10pm, allowing you to wake up at 7am. Due to your condition, you will be staying here until the end of the year. Visitors can come once a week, but only one person at a time.

Kind Regards,

Dr Thredson, Manager of the Thredson Institution. '

You placed the note back down. And stared at the breakfast set out for you. With anger, you threw the food all over the floor, beans trailed across the wooden planks, followed by bacon, egg and toast. The cup of coffee you couldn't refuse though, its the only thing in this room you enjoy. They are going to keep you here until the end of this year. Which is like, 5 months! You sat back down in your bed, sipping at the coffee. You needed to talk to Gerard. Getting up and getting changed in the little of the clothes that were in your closet (the workers had retrieved some of your clothes, but the rest were plain white shirts and black jeans). You opened the door and walked out into a long, white corridor. Doors like your own dotted neatly along the hallway. You walked out to you left, and continued walking until you found a worker. 'Miss, youre not supposed to be out of your room unless told to do so' the woman sighed, 'I will get you back to your room'. The woman worker tried to shuffle you back towards your room, but you refused to move. 'I want to talk to someone, do you have a phone?' you asked the woman, who looked at you like you were stupid. 'Youre not allowed to call anyone outside of the institute...' she replied, still trying to nudge you toward your room.

'When will I get visitors?' you asked, finally giving up and strolled towards your room, 'A young boy called Frank I think is coming to see you at noon...' she looked at you questioningly, as if asking if you actually knew a boy called Frank. 'Oh okay, yay, I get to see Frankie' you smiled. The woman escorted you into your room, and you heard her lock the door after, leaving you alone in a homely prison cell. But hey, atleast Frank was coming to see you. And Gerard should be coming too! The woman said they were coming at noon and it was currently 10:35. couple more hours. You decided to take a nap before they came, as you had nothing better to do.

You woke up to a knock on the door, bleary eyed, you saw the Woman from before had let a boy into your room, and was closing the door after him. The breakfast on the floor was cleaned. You sat up slowly, realising it was Frank that had just entered the room. 'Where's Gerard?' You said sleepily, Frank sat down on the bed and hugged you, 'That's exactly what I came here to talk to you about, but first, how are you?' He asked. Curiosity and worry flooded through your body, all you wanted to know was how Gerard was, but not to disappoint Frank, you answered his question, 'I'm fine...' You say, 'Just want the rest of the year to pass so I can get out of this hellhole'. Frank laughed at your words. 'And about Gerard, hes doing fine, but he said he doesn't want to visit you yet, he wants to let you get used to here, but he said hell come next week' Frank smiled, you returned the smile weakly.

'Oh, and you know that Lindsey girl that was hitting on Gerard before the um...thing?' Frank grabbed your attention with this sentence, 'Yeah...?' you said, asking him to proceed.

'Shes dead' Frank replied.

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