|| Chapter 6 ||

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You walked out of the bathroom, sighing in relief at the major save of the day that Frank did. You only saw Gerard and Mikey at the table, walking over you asked them, 'Where are the others?'. Gerard and Mikey looked up from their conversation and Gerard replied with, 'They said they all had to go home, well they all left within 5 minutes of the last person, bit weird I think'. You nodded your head in agreement and mumbled an 'oh okay'.

You sat opposite Gerard, next to Mikey. 'Oh and erm...' you got out Franks eyeliner from your jean pocket, 'could you give this back to Frank when you next see him?', Gerard nodded and took the eyeliner out of your hand, shoving it into his own jean pocket. After he done so, you looked up to see him gazing at you once again. 'What? Do I still have eyeliner everywhere?' you asked covering your face in embarrassment. Gerard didn't reply so you removed your hands from your face to see if he was ok. He was still staring. But not like any other type of stare. More like a 'what is that' type of stare. You were interrupted by Mikey leaning across and slapping Gerard clean across the face. 'OW!!' Gerard shouted, 'what was that for dude?', he placed a hand to his cheek, cradling the pain. It looked and sounded like it mustve hurt. 'Sorry bro' is all Mikey replied with, you all laughed.

After around half an hour more of jokes and laughter, it started to grow dark outside. Well atleast there wasn't school tomorrow seeming as itll be Sunday. Gerard looked outside, sighed and said, 'well I guess me and Mikey will be heading home now, which direction do you live (y/n)?'. Your smile dropped, you didn't wanna go home, when you left in the morning, you saw a couple of beer cans in the kitchen, assuming that your Dad was going to drink tonight, you wanted to stay here until you knew he would be asleep. 'Oh, erm, I might stay here a little longer...' You said, picking up your empty coffee cup, 'I'm going to get another coffee'. You stood up and started to walk towards the counter, but was stopped when Gerard grabbed your arm, '(y/n), I can tell somethings up, I most definitely havnt known you for very long, but I care about you and I can tell somethings wrong, please tell me?' Gerard's hazel eyes bore into yours, his expression filled with worry. His cheeks slightly stained with a baby pink blush as he realised his hand had slipped from your arm and you were now holding hands. Both of you pulled your hands away and looked down. you could see Mikey smirking in the corner of your eye.

You sat back down, Gerard sat next to you, this time Mikey was opposite. Both of them listened intensely as you described what has been happening at home, all of the beatings from you Dad to you and your Mother, all the verbal abuse and physical abuse. Gerard's brow furrowed and he looked down into his lap. Mikey was breathing quite heavily, you thought he must be quite angry at what you just told them. 'That's it' Gerard said, 'Youre staying at ours tonight'.

You stare at Gerard. 'You...want me...to stay at your house tonight?' You asked him slowly, as if even he didn't know what he was on about. 'Well, yeah' Gerard replied, face as solid as stone, 'I'm not letting you get treated like that, I may not be able to stop it forever, but I can get you away from it tonight'. Mikey was bouncing in his seat, 'Oooh, a sleepover! Please say yes (y/n)!', You looked over at Mikey, his face set to an actual smile, you've never seen him smile like this before. You looked back over at Gerard, who had a supportive smile on his porcelain face. You smiled and said, 'Fine, I'll stay, if it makes you two happier I mean...'.

'Awesome!' Gerard said, 'My parents are out on a business trip in Russia, so they wont be beack til this time next week, although my Grandma, Elena comes to check on us sometimes, but I don't think she will tonight coz she checked on us yesterday'. You smile again, raising one eyebrow as you pull out your phone to text your Mom.

You: Hi mom, I'm staying at a friends house tonight

Your Mom: Okay honey, told you you'll make friends, message me in the morning, love you xx

You: Okay, love you too xx

As you put away your phone, Gerard and Mikey stood up, 'Everything sorted?' Gerard asked you, you nodded in reply, 'Alright then, lets go' Gerard and Mikey headed for the door, you followed swiftly.

You all walked down a dimly lit street, buzzing conversation about movies, music and fave food. 'Oh my God, we have to watch Dawn of the Dead tonight!' Gerard said, Mikey shook his head and waved his hands, 'No way are we watching that again' You stopped dead in your tracks, Gerard and Mikey looked back at you, 'What wrong with Dawn of the Dead, its like the best movie ever!' You said, folding your arms and death staring Mikey. Mikey held up his hands in silent surrender and elbows Gerard in the arm, wiggling his eyebrows. And Gerard just blushed and said 'whatever man'.

You come to a house of a large scale and headed to the door. Gerard pulled out a set of keys and let you all in. As you settled onto the sofa with Mikey, Gerard said 'who wants some popcorn?!' both you and Mikey sang a 'MEEEE' in reply. Gerard went into the kitchen, and returned with some popcorn. He then got all of the pillows off the sofa and piled them onto the floor, Gerard also then ran upstairs. You wondered why he just disappeared like that. Mikey checked to see Gerard was fully out of the room and leant over to you, quietly he said to you, 'He likes you, you know' You turned to him, 'What?' you said, shocked. Mikey just shook his had and said 'Gerard, he really likes you, ive never seen him so happy around anyone before, not even me! Plus the other night, all he was talking about was how he bumped into a really cute girl on the sidewalk, and then how she was the one he sat next to in art class, your all he talks about!' You was about to reply but was hushed by Mikey as you both heard Gerard coming back down the stairs. He was carrying a large pile of cushions, pillows, duvets and blankets. Turns out he was making a comfy nest for us all to chill in while watching movies.

Once we all got comfy, and Gerard had put the Dawn of the Dead disc into the DVD player, nearly all the popcorn was gone. The film was awesome, but half way through the movie, you realised both Gerard and Mikey were asleep. Mikeys glasses were slightly falling off his face, you laughed and pushed them back up the bridge of his nose. Gerards hair had fell over his face, you were about to move it out of the way but flinched back in embarrassment. Turning off the T.V you lay down on the couch and tried to go to sleep. After a half hour that felt like 3 days, you still couldn't sleep, Gerard was stirring in his sleep, but Mikey seemed okay. Gerard woke up, and looked over to where you were sitting before. '(y/n)?' he said, 'Over here' you replied, Gerard looked up onto the sofa and whispered 'Oh okay'. Getting up, Gerard joined you on the couch, leaving Mikey sleeping in the nest of pillows. 'Couldn't you sleep?' Gerard whispered, 'Nah, but I can never sleep anyway so don't worry about it' you replied, 'how about you?. Gerard smiled slightly and shook his head, 'Nightmares' Is all he replied with. You both decided to drop the subject.

'So anyway...' Gerard scooched closer to you, 'So...?' you replied. Gerard's smile faultered and he whispered, 'I got something serious to tell you...' He looked down into his lap, '(y/n), I know we only met a couple of days ago but, I really like you, and I know you probably don't like me back, but I just needed to express my feelings to you, so uhm yeah...'. You are speechless , who knew the guy you had a crush on, also had a crush on you. You couldn't help it. I gigantic smile spread across you face. 'uhm, (y/n), I know I'm a joke but you don't have to laugh at me' He smiled at his joke, hes trying so hard to not make this situation awkward. 'No, no no no' you stammered. You looked up at Gerard still smiling. 'I also have a confession to make...I also, kinda, like you, alot', a blush burned in your cheeks, you could tell your turning a deep crimson, Gerard's face bore a smile that seemed bigger than yours.

Without hesistation, you leaned over and grabbed Gerard in a hug. He slightly pushed you away so he could see your face. His hazel eyes kept flickering from your eyes to your lips, silently asking permission to connect his mouth with yours, you lean in 45% of the way, and as Gerard's smooth lips are about to collide with yours, you hear the snap of Mikey taking a picture. You and Gerard pull away in embarrassment, and Mikey is rolling on the floor laughing. All Mikey says is, 'Well I know whats going on social media tonight' Gerard grabs the phone off Mikey and deletes the photo. You just sit there blushing like crazy, placing a pillow over your face, you lay back onto the sofa and just burst out laughing. Gerard removes the pillow and asks 'Whats up with you...?'. you just smile and say, 'can we all sleep now...im tired'.

Mikey stays on the nest of pillows, and is the first one to sleep. You are curled up on one side of the sofa, allowing Gerard to have the rest. But Gerard comes over to you and hugs you, and you both fall asleep, with you cuddled up in his arms.

The Light Behind Your Eyes (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now