|| Chapter 3 ||

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'OMG, (y/n) IS BLUSHING!' The whole class burst into laughter.

You stood up from your chair, knocking onto the floor. 'No I'm not!' you shouted back and looked down at Gerard, who just looked back up at you, wide-eyed and blushing his own shade of pink. The classroom all chanted together, even the teacher, '(y/n) and Gerard, sitting in the tree...'

You stormed out of the class before the class even begun to spell out K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Running to the girls toilets, you locked yourself in a cubicle, putting your back against the door and sliding to sit on the floor. Hot tears were streaming down your face, god knows what patterns your eyeliner had created on your cheeks. You sat crying in the cubicle until you heard the bell for lunchtime.

You sat alone at your usual table in the canteen, you had managed to clean up what was left of your eyeliner, but there were still some dark streaks under your eyes. A lot of people walked past you, staring at you an laughing, teasing you by saying, 'wheres your boyfriend, Gerard?'. You looked in your lap as many others walked past you, calling you names such as freak, emo, fat, whore and the worst one of all, attention-seeker. You hated being called that, you weren't seeking attention or sympathy from everyone else, you kept to yourself.

You looked into your lap, avoiding eye contact with anyone. You didn't have anything to eat. You didn't want anything, you always starved yourself like this. But hey, new record. You havnt eaten anything since last night and you don't plan to eat anytime soon. You heard someone sit at your table,' Go away' you said harshly. But the person didn't move. You looked up, brows furrowed in anger, 'I said go aw-oh'. Gerard sat infront of you, his face hard as stone, and pale as snow. 'Erm, sorry, do you want me to go...?' Gerard said, standing up. 'no!' you shouted 'erm, I mean, no, please don't leave' you said in a quieter tone.

With that, Gerard sat back down, with an amused smirk on his face. 'I would never leave you...' he said, almost with emotion,' that sounded less soppy in my head...' You laugh at Gerard and he smiles in return. People from your art class walked past, sniggering, you looked at them harshly, causing them to snigger more. You start to get up, boy you wanted to smack them one, but Gerard pulled on your sleeve, causing you to sit back in your seat. 'woah woah, (y/n) calm down, theyre only teasing about what happened...in...erm...art...' he trailed off and scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment, 'uhm yeah, about that, are you ok? I got kinda worried when you ran out the classroom like that' Gerard asked. You looked up into his eyes and blinked. 'uh anyway' he said 'youre never going to make friends if you tell every one to go away like that' Gerard grinned. Gosh he was gorgeous.

The bell rang the end of lunch and you and Gerard walked back to Art, together.

(A/N): omg I hope youre enjoying this coz I actually am XD

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