|| Chapter 16 ||

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You and Gerard, hand in hand, walked down the road to this surprise breakfast place. You turned a corner, and another, until you were in the heart of the city. "Okay, 3 more minutes and we should be there" Gerard smiled at you. "Be where?" you asked, curious to see. "Babe, stop, youll see" He chuckled, guiding you around town. You came to a stop infront of this vintage looking cafe and walked inside. The smell of coffee and breakfast hit you hard as you walked inside to see a 60's style cafe, that consisted of rainbow wall rugs and a few candles with wordless music. You took a seat as Gerard went up and ordered you both a full English Breakfast.

Minutes later he came back and sat opposite you, an exotic candle glowing up his face. "They said itll be done in about 15 minutes, then theyll bring it our for us" He said, a proud smile spread across his face. "Okay" You replied. You and Gerard had your usual conversation about nothing and everything when the breakfast came out.

Having eaten the breakfast (which was lovely by the way) You and Gerard decided to head to the pool.

When you got there, you checked your phone and realised it was exactly 12:57pm. 3 more minutes was the meet up time. Gerard tapped you on the shoulder, and after catching your attention, pointed over the room to see Frank and Tabitha sitting down and talking amongst themselves. You both walked over, greeted by Frank and Tabby standing and giving you each a hug. "So? Whos ready to go swimming!?" Frank said enthusiastically, pumping a fist into the air. "Lets go!" You returned, pulling Tabby by the hand to the female changing rooms.

~Time Skip~

You and Tabitha had both gotten dressed and where just putting your stuff into a shared locker. Once that had been done, you both left the changing rooms and left to stand by the pool. Frank and Gerard were already there waiting. "jeez, what took you guys so long?" Gerard asked. "Well, we are ladies, we have decency to take a look at ourselves to see if we look ok" You shot back, and playful smirk tugging at your lips. Tabby giggled and your response, along with a snigger from Frank. Gerard returned your playful smirk with his own. "Thats it, this means war" He quietly said, sure to know Frank nor Tabby heard. You gave him a small nod in agreement. This will be dealt with later.

You, Tabby and Frank got into the pool. You turned to see Gerard looking uneasily into the clear waters. "Gerard? Babe? You ok?" You asked him, swimming to the edge of the pool to look into his slightly terror struck eyes. "Uhm" He stuttered. "I cant swim" He said, a rose blush bleeding into his cheeks. Oh wow. Embarrassing and kinda sweet. "Okay, come over to the shallow end, ill guide you in" You swam off to the shallow end, waiting for Gerard to walk over. He got into the water, but once it was thigh height, he stopped. "Okay, give me your hands, and walk with me, im going to show you how deep this pool goes". You guided him down, the water went up his stomach, over his chest, and stopped steadily upon his shoulders. "There, this is how deep it goes, see? you can just walk around, no need to swim, its ok" You started to remove your hands from his, but realised you couldnt because his hands were still gripping tighlty to yours. You decided youd just hold one of his hands and walk over to Frank and Tabby.

Swimming over, you noticed Frank and Tabby were splashing eachother and laughing hysterically, and decided to stop Gerard were you both were now. Leaning in slowly, you gave him a small kiss on the lips and smiled. "Its ok" You giggled, "Its only water, just dont go under it if youre scared". Gerard gave you a stern look, "Im not scared!" and afterwards he mumbled, "i just dont have experience". You now gave him a slight flirtatious look. "That didnt stop you in the bedroom, when i didnt have experience..."  You raised an eyebrow at him, the waves pushing you closer together, until skin was upon skin. "hm, well thats a different situation" Gerard said to you, low and quiet.

"And is that a situation that will be occurring again?" You asked him, still getting closer. He smirked at you, his raven hair dropping over his eyes. "We'll see" Is all he replied. Oh the tension. Shaking off the somewhat sexual feeling, you pulled Gerard over to Frank and Tabitha, and the rest of the trip was pretty much what anyone would do at a pool. 

(A/N): YES THIS WAS A FILLER CHAPTER!!!! SHUSH. Okay, i realised i havnt updated this in a while and its the only story ive written that get this much attention, i shal update my other stories at a later date. And for those who were wondering, no my second name is not Way, its Breccini, im of Italian heritage. And for those that were not wondering that, thank you for staying loyal to my story, i love you all <3 ~ Kayla Way

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