| Chapter 9. |

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Rodrick taps his finger on the steering wheel cover (one that y/n had picked out) loud rock music playing over the radio.

Rodricks right hand laying on y/n's upper thigh. He fidgets lightly with the white fishnets on her legs, pulling at the thin string. "Next year I'm picking the costume, and I'm gonna force you too where a maid dress or something. This is humiliating." Y/n says softly, Rodrick laughs loudly.

"As long as I get to look at you wearing, what your wearing right now...I don't care what I'm wearing next year princess." Rodrick says back, he doesn't glance at the girl. Just continues looking forward.

"Sometimes you're unbearable." Y/n mutters, Rodrick side eyes the girl with a smirk.

"Wish I could say the same thing about you princess."

Flashing lights are seen through the window of a big house. The outside decorated perfectly for Halloween. Y/n opens the door of the van, and starts walking towards the party. Rodrick runs to catch up with the girl. "Ditches get stitches." Rodrick spits out to the girl.

"I don't think that's how the saying goes." She laughs, grabbing the boys hand.

"We gotta stay together, so our costumes make sense. Also so you don't get abducted by an Alien or something." Rodrick says, he waves at one of the guys standing outside the front door. Y/n smiles at the guy as well, though she doesn't know who he is.

The two walk through the door, almost completely getting ignored. The two never have been popular, only with the people who acted like them. The two walk towards a table with a bowl of red punch, they glance at each other, and run towards the bowl.

The two grab red solo cups from the stack sitting next to the bowl, dipping their cups into the deep, black, glass bowl. They sip from their cups, faces cringing at the taste. Someone had spiked the punch with tequila. "Fuck yes." Y/n dances to herself excitedly, taking another unbearable sip of the red liquid.

Rodrick glances at the girl with a laugh, "I'm not drinking, so drink all you want." He speaks softly, petting her pigtailed hair.

"Don't have to tell me twice." She speaks, sipping the cup once more. 'Sour' by Poolhouse (please listen <3) begins blasting over the speakers. Y/n stares at Rodrick, and grabs his larger hand. She tugs him to the dance floor, shaking her hips sloppily. Rodrick looks at the girl, not dancing. She stares at him, attempting to grab his hands.

"Mmm, now way." Rodrick crosses his arms over his chest, shaking his head.

"C'monnnn." Y/n slurs, making him shake his head once more. Y/n gets interrupted by two hands sliding around her waist.

"I'll dance with you Princess." The girl stares behind her at a tall blonde boy, her eyebrows furrow and her eyes widen. 'Only Rodrick can call me that.' She thinks to herself.

She shakes her head "um, no thanks." She gives the guy a tight lipped smile, and takes a step closer to Rodrick who  examines the guy closely, jaw clenched.

"C'mon baby, it'll be fun." Rodrick steps forward and pushes the guy backwards.

"She said no Jackass." Rodrick says loudly, "now do all of us a favor and get your ass outta here." He speaks sternly.

"Who do you think you are man." The blonde laughs, "are you jealous." The boy mocks.

Rodrick turns his back and begins walking away.

"Oh...I get it now." The blonde pauses, "she's your little slut." Rodrick pauses in his track, jaw clenched. He slowly turns to look at the boy again.

"What'd you just say Prick." Rodrick speaks, jaw still clenched.

"I said, she's your slut. Isn't she?" He speaks once more. Rodrick looks at the ground with a angry smile.

"You have three seconds." He speaks, glancing up at the guy again. Rodricks tongue sits in his cheek. "Three seconds before I beat the shit outta you, and you can decide on two options." Rodrick rubs his Ching with his fingers, bringing one finger up, "you can, one. Take getting your ass kicked like a big boy." He puts up a second finger, "or, two. You can run and hide." Rodricks eyes never leave the guy in front of him.

"Like a Little Twig like you could take me down." The blonde speaks cockily, y/n stands in a corner. The drinks getting to her head, though her eyes stay on the two, watching from afar.

"That's your answer then." Rodrick sighs, he takes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it in his mouth. He shoves the lighter back into his pocket, and breathes in the smoke. "One..." he pauses, blowing out the grey smoke. "Two..." the guy in front of him doesn't move an inch, "Three..." Rodrick calmly walks towards the guy in front of him, before throwing a rough punch at the guys face.

A loud crack rings through the room.

'His nose' y/n thinks to herself, the guy cry's in pain and holds his bleeding nose.

"Next time you treat a girl like that, you'll get a lot worse than a lousy broken nose." Y/n grabs Rodricks arm, pulling him hastily out the front door before he could get into any more trouble.

The two get into the car in silence, Rodrick seething in his seat. "You just fucking let him touch you like that." He speaks, clearly frustrated.

"Rodrick, I'm fine." He shakes his head in frustration.

"Are you? Are you really?" He says, a little bit louder.

"Yes!" Silence echos through the van after the loud yell.

It's broken by Rodricks voice, "I'm sorry I over reacted." He rubs his eye with his right hand, before placing it on the girls thigh.

"I just got angry, your my girl. You know?" Y/n laughs to herself.

"Yup, I am your girl Rodrick." The boy nods to himself, his face fully serious. He keeps his eyes on the road in front of him.

"I'm sorry too." Y/n speaks up, she shakes her head. "I shouldn't let people treat me like that." Rodrick nods in agreement.

"No, you shouldn't."


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