Part 1

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"We should start looking for a new nanny soon sweetheart" Ali smiled.

"We've got plenty of time" Dec smiled "Rachel isn't leaving for another two months"

"I know" Ali nodded "but it's good to plan ahead and be organised right?"

"Yeah,I guess so" Dec replied casually.

"And it might take a while to find someone we like and who is suitable" Ali pointed out.

"It's such a shame Rachel is leaving" Dec sighed "she's been so great"

"Yeah" Ali agreed "we'll all miss her,especially Isla,but she's starting her own family now and I'm really happy for her,she's going to be an amazing mother"

"She is" Dec smiled "so I guess we go through an agency again?"

"Yeah" Ali replied "same one I think,they were pretty good and found Rachel for us,I'll get the ball rolling,I've got time now I'm on maternity leave"

"Ok" Dec smiled,looking down at his new son,sleeping soundly in his moses basket "and wouldn't it be great for Jack to develop a wonderful relationship with the new nanny like Isla has with Rachel?"

"Definitely" Ali grinned "but we'll have to be careful not to compare her with Rachel,that wouldn't be fair"

"True" Dec agreed.

They soon got organised with finding their new nanny,using the same agency as before who had been amazing,although Dec and Ali expected nothing less for the extortionate fee they charged.

So,just a few days later,they started the process of interviewing potential nannies.

They knew they didn't want the hassle of interviewing loads of people,so narrowed it down to five candidates who seemed most suitable from their CV's and dedicated one day to meeting with them,inviting them to their home to meet the kids and see where they would be living.

"That was exhausting" Ali sighed after the last girl had left.

"Yeah" Dec nodded "but at least we've got an idea now of who would fit in with us the best"

"Who was your favourite?" Ali enquired.

"I liked Laura and Andrea best I think" Dec replied.

"Yeah,me too" Ali smiled "but I think Andrea comes out on top"

"Really?" Dec enquired "how come?"

"Well" Ali continued "they're both pretty similar in the amount of experience they've got and the age group they've worked with,but Andrea has worked for a celebrity before,so she won't be dazzled by the lifestyle or be boastful about working for us or living with you and the fact she wouldn't tell us who the celebrity was,shows that she's discreet"

"Yeah,good point" Dec mused "do you want to offer her the job then?"

"Yeah,I do" Ali smiled "once we've checked out her references"

"Great" Dec beamed and kissed his wife on the cheek "she was good,I liked the way she got down on the floor to play with Isla"

"And offered to take Jack when he cried" Ali pointed out.

"Let's just hope she's as perfect as she seems" Dec replied.

"Well,no one is perfect" Ali pointed out "but I think she'll be pretty damn great"

"Hope so" Dec smiled.

"Bernadette was pretty starstruck" Ali laughed.

"Which one was she?" Dec asked.

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