Part 2

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Dec kissed Ali goodbye the next morning as she lay in bed nursing Jack.

He had a very early start as he and Ant were filming a new Santander advert and yawned as he glanced at the bedside clock.

"I'll see you later" he smiled "and you too little man"

He leant down to kiss Jack's forehead "give Isla a big kiss from me too when she wakes up"

"I will" Ali smiled.

"Hope Andrea's first day goes well" he said.

"I'm sure it will" Ali beamed "I've told her to start at 9 o'clock,no point in us both being up so early,there'll be enough early starts once I'm back at work and I want to ease her into this madhouse gently"

"Fair enough" Dec laughed as he heard a car horn outside "that'll be Ant,I'll talk to you later,love you"

"Love you too" Ali replied affectionately "have a good day"

Dec was soon sat in the back seat of his and Ant's driver's car.

"Morning" Ant smiled "how are ya?"

"Good,you?" Dec asked.

"Yeah" Ant nodded "so the new nanny starts today doesn't she?you nervous about it?"

"Not at all" Dec smiled "she moved in yesterday and we took her out for lunch,she's just amazing,she's great with the kids and seems like a really nice girl,we couldn't be happier"

"Brilliant" Ant grinned.

Meanwhile,back at home,9am had come and gone and there was still no sign of Andrea making an appearance downstairs.

Ali decided to give it till 9.30,then go and knock on Andrea's door to see what was going on and if she was alright.

"Andrea?" She said quietly "are you ok?"

Ali glanced down at her now wide awake daughter stood next to her,who was also wondering what was going on,but only silence greeted them.

"ANDREA?" Ali called and knocked louder "it's 9.30,are you coming down?"

Finally,shuffling sounds started coming from the bedroom and the door was opened by a very sleepy looking Andrea.

"Are you ok?" Ali asked "I was just a bit concerned when you didn't come down at nine"

"No,not really" Andrea replied "sorry,but I feel awful,I've been throwing up all night"

"Oh no" Ali replied sympathetically "sorry to hear that"

"Think it's food poisoning from that restaurant yesterday" Andrea frowned.

"Really?" Ali asked surprised "we've been going there for years and it's always been amazing"

"Doesn't mean it can't happen" Andrea snapped and Ali was slightly taken aback by her abruptness,but put it down to how awful she must be feeling "shouldn't have had the prawns"

"I guess" Ali nodded "I tell you what,you go..."

"Back to bed?" Andrea interrupted "yeah,I intend to"

"Well,um..." Ali said "hopefully you'll feel a little bit better later and you can spend some time getting to know the kids?Isla is really looking forward to showing you her toys"

Andrea peered down at the little girl without even a slight hint of a smile.

"That can wait" she stated and shut the door,leaving Ali feeling extremely uncomfortable on the landing,not quite sure what had just happened and luckily being unable to see the smirk that had spread across Andrea's face on the other side of the door.

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