Part 3

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Dec arrived home a few hours later,kissing his wife and scooping his daughter into his arms,making her squeal with delight as he threw her into the air.

"Again Daddy" she demanded.

"No more" Dec smiled "I need to say hello to your brother too"

With that,he gently picked Jack up from his playmat and laid him on his lap,facing towards him.

"And how's my best boy?" Dec smiled,while blowing a raspberry on the sole of Jack's bare foot,causing him to giggle slightly.

"You're so cute" Dec beamed,so proud of the fact he now had a son to complete his family.

"Takes after you" Ali grinned.

"Ooh,Mammy's feeling flirty Jack" Dec laughed "what do you think of that?"

"You wish" Ali smiled "after the day I've had,all I want to do is curl up in a ball and die"

"It couldn't have been that bad" Dec frowned.

"Couldn't it?" Ali snapped,feeling slightly offended.

She then proceeded to inform Dec of everything that had happened that day,everything that had been said and done and the fact she thought they'd have to let Andrea go.

"But it's only been one day" Dec frowned "you want to throw in the towel already?"

"Declan" Ali sighed "it may have only been one day,but it's been one bloody awful day,she actually reduced me to tears"

"I just can't believe she would behave like that" Dec replied "she seemed so sweet and friendly"

"I guess it was all an act then" Ali shrugged.

"But why?" Dec frowned "why would she do that?"

"I don't know" Ali said "to live in our lovely house maybe?to be in this area?to get close to you?"

"What?" Dec asked surprised "don't be so ridiculous,you seriously think she's some crazed fan who's just trying to get close to me?'

"You never know" Ali pointed out.

"Well,what about her references?" Dec mused "they were brilliant and her ex employers backed them up"

"Could have been fake" Ali suggested.

"What?" Dec asked shocked "who does that?"

"People like her do that" Ali stated.

"What about her first aid certificate and DBS check then?" Dec pondered "they're all above board"

"Are they?" Ali asked.

"Oh,come on sweetheart" Dec couldn't really believe what Ali was insinuating "that's a lot of hassle to go through"

"Anything can be faked on the internet these days" Ali continued.

"Ok,I think we should just calm down and think a bit more rationally" Dec smiled "your imagination is running away with you,it's been one day where you've clashed a little,it doesn't mean she's some psycho nanny from hell,I tell you what,I'll go up and talk to her,see if I can sort things out and it is very possible that she was genuinely feeling ill"

"Unlikely" Ali mumbled to herself,which Dec pretended not to hear.

"Andrea?" Dec knocked on the door quietly "it's Dec"

The door was opened immediately and Dec was greeted with a warm smile.

"Oh,hello Dec" Andrea said "how are you?how was your day?"

"Er...yeah,good thanks" Dec replied "the advert is wrapped up now"

"That's great" Andrea nodded,sitting down on her bed and patting the space beside her,indicating for Dec to join her,which he didn't feel too comfortable about,but didn't want to offend her,so perched himself on the end of the bed,making sure he wasn't too close to his nanny.

The nanny from hellWhere stories live. Discover now