Part 8

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Andrea checked on the kids briefly,Isla was glued to the television,probably too exhausted to move and Jack was happily gurgling away on the playmat,making contented baby noises.

So,Andrea took the blade,bent down and stuck the point firmly into one of the front tyres of the buggy.

Once she was sure it had pierced all the way through,she twisted the knife a little bit,leaning on it firmly for a few seconds.

"There" she stated triumphantly as she felt the now soft tyre "should have done that on day one"

Pleased with her actions,she placed the knife back in the kitchen drawer,then went back into the living room and picked Jack up,then sat down heavily next to Isla.

"Hi gorgeous boy" she said loudly for Isla to hear "you're my favourite,you know that?"

Isla was either too tired or too engrossed in her programme to care about what Andrea had said,but as soon as a key was heard in the door,Andrea quickly turned the TV off.

"You be good now" she hissed at the little girl.

"Hi" Ali called out.

"MUMMY" Isla replied delighted and ran into her mother's safe arms.

"Hi sweetheart" Ali replied happily "I missed you,how was school?"

"Fine" Isla replied,while clinging to her mother's side.

"Isla,just let me say hello to Jack" Ali laughed "then you can tell me all about your day"

Isla still continued to cling to her mother,but Ali just found it to be sweet,so didn't worry too much as she picked Jack up.

"Bad news I'm afraid" Andrea frowned.

"Oh no" Ali replied cautiously "what's wrong?"

"Oh,nothing serious" Andrea smiled "so don't worry,it just seems the buggy has got a puncture or something,one of the tyres is flat"

"Really?" Ali replied "well,that's annoying,brand new buggy as well,I guess we should be able to replace the tyre"

"Yeah,probably" Andrea nodded,but inside she was seething.

'You'd better fucking not'

But they did and just a couple of days later,the buggy was in full use again.

"When are you going to start walking all the time?" Andrea snapped at Isla on the way to school.

"I am walking" Isla pointed out.

"Not when your parents are around you're not" Andrea seethed.

Isla didn't reply,but eagerly ran into school,without a glance back or a goodbye to Andrea.

"Rude little madam" Andrea muttered.

That evening Dec and Ali invited her to have dinner with them so they could talk after the kids were in bed.

"Something wrong?" Andrea asked cautiously.

"Not at all" Dec smiled,as he placed a plate full of spaghetti bolognese in front of her "we just thought we'd better talk to you about the trip to Australia,it's not too far away now and as we'll be there for a whole month,we just wanted to check in with you,you're still up for it right?"

"Yes,of course" Andrea smiled "it will be an experience,even if I am working"

"Well,as we said before" Ali replied "we'll make sure you get plenty of time off"

"I guarantee you'll love it" Dec beamed "Rachel said it wasn't like being at work"

'Ugh,fucking Rachel' Andrea thought to herself 'so sick of hearing about her'

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